Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Template

Document content

This workplace violence prevention policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our workplace violence prevention policy template:

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy Zero tolerance This company has a policy of zero tolerance for violence. If you engage in any violence in the workplace, or threaten violence in the workplace, your employment will be terminated immediately for cause. No talk of violence or joking about violence will be tolerated. "Violence" includes physically harming another, shoving, pushing, harassing, intimidating, coercing, brandishing weapons, and threatening or talking of engaging in those activities. It is the intent of this policy to ensure that everyone associated with this business, including employees and customers, never feels threatened by any employee's actions or conduct. Workplace security measures In an effort to fulfill this commitment to a safe work environment for employees, customers, and visitors, a few simple rules have been created. These are: Access to the company's property is limited to those with a legitimate business interest. All employees and employee vehicles entering the property must display company identification. All visitors and visitor vehicles must register and display identification while on the property. All weapons banned The company specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any employee while on company property. This ban includes keeping or transporting a weapon in a vehicle in a parking area, whether public or private. Employees are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while performing services off the company's business premises. Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, and other items with the potential to inflict harm. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy. Inspections Desks, telephones, and computers are the property of the business. We reserve the right to enter or inspect your work area including, but not limited to, desks and computer storage disks, with or without notice. The fax, copier, and mail systems, including email, are intended for business use. Personal business should not be conducted through these systems. Under conditions approved by management, telephone conversations may be monitored and voice mail messages may be retrieved in the process of monitoring customer service. Any private conversations overheard during such monitoring, or private messages retrieved, that constitute threats against other individuals can and will be used as the basis for termination for cause. Reporting violence It is everyone's business to prevent violence in the workplace. You can help by reporting what you see in the workplace that could indicate that a co-worker is in trouble. You are in a better position than management to know what is happening with those you work with. You are encouraged to report any incident that may involve a violation of any of the company's policies that are designed to provide a comfortable workplace environment. Concerns may be presented to your supervisor. All reports will be investigated and information will be kept confidential.

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Document content

This workplace violence prevention policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our workplace violence prevention policy template:

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy Zero tolerance This company has a policy of zero tolerance for violence. If you engage in any violence in the workplace, or threaten violence in the workplace, your employment will be terminated immediately for cause. No talk of violence or joking about violence will be tolerated. "Violence" includes physically harming another, shoving, pushing, harassing, intimidating, coercing, brandishing weapons, and threatening or talking of engaging in those activities. It is the intent of this policy to ensure that everyone associated with this business, including employees and customers, never feels threatened by any employee's actions or conduct. Workplace security measures In an effort to fulfill this commitment to a safe work environment for employees, customers, and visitors, a few simple rules have been created. These are: Access to the company's property is limited to those with a legitimate business interest. All employees and employee vehicles entering the property must display company identification. All visitors and visitor vehicles must register and display identification while on the property. All weapons banned The company specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any employee while on company property. This ban includes keeping or transporting a weapon in a vehicle in a parking area, whether public or private. Employees are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while performing services off the company's business premises. Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, and other items with the potential to inflict harm. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy. Inspections Desks, telephones, and computers are the property of the business. We reserve the right to enter or inspect your work area including, but not limited to, desks and computer storage disks, with or without notice. The fax, copier, and mail systems, including email, are intended for business use. Personal business should not be conducted through these systems. Under conditions approved by management, telephone conversations may be monitored and voice mail messages may be retrieved in the process of monitoring customer service. Any private conversations overheard during such monitoring, or private messages retrieved, that constitute threats against other individuals can and will be used as the basis for termination for cause. Reporting violence It is everyone's business to prevent violence in the workplace. You can help by reporting what you see in the workplace that could indicate that a co-worker is in trouble. You are in a better position than management to know what is happening with those you work with. You are encouraged to report any incident that may involve a violation of any of the company's policies that are designed to provide a comfortable workplace environment. Concerns may be presented to your supervisor. All reports will be investigated and information will be kept confidential.

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