This the productive entrepreneur how to overcome distractions template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
THE PRODUCTIVE ENTREPRENEUR: HOW TO OVERCOME DISTRACTIONS Below are the most common distractions that can keep you from being productive. Along with each distraction is a suggested set of solutions to help you overcome the distractions and be more productive. Distraction: Social Media Solutions: Use an app like "Rescue Time" to physically limit how much you can be on social media. Delete social media apps from your phone. Turn off all social media notifications. Set a social media schedule and only allow yourself to use social media during the allotted times. Distraction: Email Solutions: Avoid responding to email first thing in the morning. Only open your inbox at specified times of the day. Turn off all email notifications on your phone and computer. Create an auto-response that tells others you're only able to respond to email on particular days of the week and then stick to that schedule.
This the productive entrepreneur how to overcome distractions template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
THE PRODUCTIVE ENTREPRENEUR: HOW TO OVERCOME DISTRACTIONS Below are the most common distractions that can keep you from being productive. Along with each distraction is a suggested set of solutions to help you overcome the distractions and be more productive. Distraction: Social Media Solutions: Use an app like "Rescue Time" to physically limit how much you can be on social media. Delete social media apps from your phone. Turn off all social media notifications. Set a social media schedule and only allow yourself to use social media during the allotted times. Distraction: Email Solutions: Avoid responding to email first thing in the morning. Only open your inbox at specified times of the day. Turn off all email notifications on your phone and computer. Create an auto-response that tells others you're only able to respond to email on particular days of the week and then stick to that schedule.
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