This test franchise feasibility template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
Franchise Feasibility Test Use this form to help you determine the feasibility of your business as a franchisable concept. Answer each question, assigning a rating of 1-5 for each question, with 5 being the strongest. Total each column after you've finished, then add all five columns together for a grand total. The higher the score, the more potential the concept has of becoming a successful franchise.
This test franchise feasibility template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
Franchise Feasibility Test Use this form to help you determine the feasibility of your business as a franchisable concept. Answer each question, assigning a rating of 1-5 for each question, with 5 being the strongest. Total each column after you've finished, then add all five columns together for a grand total. The higher the score, the more potential the concept has of becoming a successful franchise.
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