Telemarketing Tips Template

Business-in-a-Box's Telemarketing Tips Template

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This telemarketing tips template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our telemarketing tips template:

Telemarketing Tips Nothing is more direct than a phone call. The problem is, no marketing means is more demanding for your employees (or yourself). Bottom line? Not everybody can be good at telemarketing. Effective telemarketing campaigns are targeted to customers and prospects who are most likely to respond. They broaden the names of your products, services, or company to the prospects you want to reach. The campaigns are also designed to trigger a favorable response. The question is, when putting together a telemarketing campaign, what type of program works best for you? There are generally two types of telemarketing programs: One that generates a sale or close One that generates a request for more information. Which one works for your company, of course, depends upon what type of product or service you are selling. It may be possible to sell your products or services right over the phone. Or it could require an additional appointment for a demonstration with a salesperson. The type of product or service, its complexity, and whether it is hard to sell or not, will also determine the type of telemarketing program you should develop. So when planning your campaign, keep in mind all these factors. Generally, if the product or service is relatively inexpensive and can be demonstrated easily, use the telemarketing campaign as a way of "selling" appointments or even, conclude the sale right over the phone! If the product or service is expensive, the people involved in its purchase generally require more information before they purchase it or even consent to a demonstration. In these cases, you may want to design a campaign that triggers a request for more information. You must also keep in mind that the more expensive the item you are selling, the higher up on the chain of command the decision-maker will be. That person could be the president of the company, the vice president, or the chief financial officer, etc. A telemarketing program designed to connect with these influencers could start with calls to determine who the proper decision-maker would be, and if they were willing to receive more information on the product or service you are providing. Then there is the simple telemarketing campaign ostensibly presented just as a method to update your prospect database. By just calling to verify addresses, you remind your customers of the firm, and they took it upon themselves to call in orders. No hard sell involved. This simple little campaign provide an additional bonus, too. By updating and paring down the prospect database, you are able to save hundreds of dollars in postage and production for your next direct mail or email campaign. Always leave a message! You are calling a prospect again to remind him or her of your services. You ended into a voice mail again, just like you were the last time you called. And the time before that. And the time before that. What should you do? Leave another message? Hang up and try again next week with the hopes of finally getting through to a real person? Leave a message. Pleasant persistence always wins. Leave a message on voice mail just often enough to remind your prospect of your services or product. But don't call so often that you actually are making a nuisance of yourself. Why Should You Leave A Message? For one thing, you are gaining recognition for your product or services. You may not get through to your prospect this time or next, but the information you leave will. For another, you are building rapport with your prospect even if you are not making direct contact. Your continued calling will convince your prospect that your are consistent, and persistent. Finally, you are being informative

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Document content

This telemarketing tips template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our telemarketing tips template:

Telemarketing Tips Nothing is more direct than a phone call. The problem is, no marketing means is more demanding for your employees (or yourself). Bottom line? Not everybody can be good at telemarketing. Effective telemarketing campaigns are targeted to customers and prospects who are most likely to respond. They broaden the names of your products, services, or company to the prospects you want to reach. The campaigns are also designed to trigger a favorable response. The question is, when putting together a telemarketing campaign, what type of program works best for you? There are generally two types of telemarketing programs: One that generates a sale or close One that generates a request for more information. Which one works for your company, of course, depends upon what type of product or service you are selling. It may be possible to sell your products or services right over the phone. Or it could require an additional appointment for a demonstration with a salesperson. The type of product or service, its complexity, and whether it is hard to sell or not, will also determine the type of telemarketing program you should develop. So when planning your campaign, keep in mind all these factors. Generally, if the product or service is relatively inexpensive and can be demonstrated easily, use the telemarketing campaign as a way of "selling" appointments or even, conclude the sale right over the phone! If the product or service is expensive, the people involved in its purchase generally require more information before they purchase it or even consent to a demonstration. In these cases, you may want to design a campaign that triggers a request for more information. You must also keep in mind that the more expensive the item you are selling, the higher up on the chain of command the decision-maker will be. That person could be the president of the company, the vice president, or the chief financial officer, etc. A telemarketing program designed to connect with these influencers could start with calls to determine who the proper decision-maker would be, and if they were willing to receive more information on the product or service you are providing. Then there is the simple telemarketing campaign ostensibly presented just as a method to update your prospect database. By just calling to verify addresses, you remind your customers of the firm, and they took it upon themselves to call in orders. No hard sell involved. This simple little campaign provide an additional bonus, too. By updating and paring down the prospect database, you are able to save hundreds of dollars in postage and production for your next direct mail or email campaign. Always leave a message! You are calling a prospect again to remind him or her of your services. You ended into a voice mail again, just like you were the last time you called. And the time before that. And the time before that. What should you do? Leave another message? Hang up and try again next week with the hopes of finally getting through to a real person? Leave a message. Pleasant persistence always wins. Leave a message on voice mail just often enough to remind your prospect of your services or product. But don't call so often that you actually are making a nuisance of yourself. Why Should You Leave A Message? For one thing, you are gaining recognition for your product or services. You may not get through to your prospect this time or next, but the information you leave will. For another, you are building rapport with your prospect even if you are not making direct contact. Your continued calling will convince your prospect that your are consistent, and persistent. Finally, you are being informative

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