Team Building Guide

Business-in-a-Box's Team Building Guide Template

Document content

This team building guide template has 9 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our team building guide template:

A Brief Guide to Team Building An Informative Guidebook to Help You Successfully Conduct Team Building Table of Contents Understanding Team Building 3 The Importance and Benefits of Team Building 3 Different Forms of Team Building 4 Active Team Building 4 Passive Team Building 4 Stages of Team Development 5 Steps Involved in Building a Successful Team 6 Step 1: Pre-Evaluation of Members 6 Step 2: Defining Realistic and Achievable Objectives 6 Step 3: Evaluation of Current Conditions and Make-Up of the Team 6 Step 4: Strategy Planning 7 Step 5: Getting the Team Together 7 Step 6: Monitoring Team Efforts 8 Step 7: Checking the Progress towards the Objective 8 Things to Avoid 8 Final Thoughts 9 Understanding Team Building Team building is the strategic process that refers to the actions and tactics that management of a business considers transforming a group of people into a professional, skilled and cohesive team. Effective teams enhance the overall growth and productivity of a firm. Team-building activities enable management to develop a viable relationship with employees and creates stronger bonds among the individuals present in a group. This ultimately motivates them to work collaboratively to achieve common organizational goals. Organizational leaders that focus on effective team building are more likely to achieve successful completion of projects, better performance and improved morale of their employees. The Importance and Benefits of Team Building Teamwork or team building enables a company to create a friendly and collaborative environment, encourage flexibility and enhance the problem-solving skills of employees. This is because when professional minds work together, they learn from each other's experiences. Successful and effective team building can: Increase the knowledge and expertise of the members Produce collective efficient results which cannot be delivered by a single employee Sustain confidence and motivation among peers Allow collaborative teams to develop innovative ideas that solve problems Break unhealthy competition and communication barriers amongst peers Enhance the level of both collective and individual empowerment Reduce the probability of errors Different Forms of Team Building The types of team building can be divided into two main types, namely, active team building and passive team building. Active team building is focused on strengthening the relationship of the workforce, while the development of team culture is focused on passive team building. Examples of both types have been summarized below. Active Team Building Formal sessions on team building, requiring the participant to work collaboratively to complete the assigned task Events and team development games on an annual and quarterly basis Learning from the personalities and experiences of others Passive Team Building Common goal, vision and culture Peer-to-peer coaching Team practices (one-to-one meetings, project kickoffs and daily standups) The utilization of project management tools that help the team organize and complete tasks Stages of Team Development Team building enables companies to work efficiently, however, the group has to go through several phases in order to become an effective team. Multiple stages in the development process improve team members on both personal and professional levels. The stages are: Forming: Getting to know new team members and colleagues. In this stage, members prefer to work independently and are conflict-averse. Individuals familiarize other team members with their background and skills. Storming: In this stage, the team can feel more stressed, as every member has a different working style and way of thinking. It may be difficult to reach agreement and follow a similar working approach, due to everyone's differences. The team leaders in this stage play a crucial role in facilitating communication among team members and ensuring that the team-building project is going in the right direction. Norming: Shared goals are understood by the members, leading employees to begin feeling comfortable with each other. With competitive barriers broken down, the team now focuses on collaborative working. Since there is no longer any competition against one another, team members begin sharing innovative ideas and feedback with one another through open dialogue. Performing: In this stage, productivity, trust, cohesion, and morale among members tend to be at their highest. Collective efforts become result-oriented so that the expected targets can be achieved. Steps Involved in Building a Successful Team In order to conduct team building, you have to have a strong team of employees in place. Assembling a group of people at random to work together does not make a high-performing talented team, and team-building activities certainly won't make it better. That's why we have compiled a list of steps involved in creating a successful team in the first place. Step 1: Pre-Evaluation of Members The management team needs to evaluate the professional skills of existing employees. This helps the management in determining whether the company has the required skills, knowledge and resources to formulate the team and direct it to achieve the shared goals. If the existing employees lack expertise, then management needs to hire new employees with the required skills. Step 2: Defining Realistic and Achievable Objectives

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Document content

This team building guide template has 9 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our team building guide template:

A Brief Guide to Team Building An Informative Guidebook to Help You Successfully Conduct Team Building Table of Contents Understanding Team Building 3 The Importance and Benefits of Team Building 3 Different Forms of Team Building 4 Active Team Building 4 Passive Team Building 4 Stages of Team Development 5 Steps Involved in Building a Successful Team 6 Step 1: Pre-Evaluation of Members 6 Step 2: Defining Realistic and Achievable Objectives 6 Step 3: Evaluation of Current Conditions and Make-Up of the Team 6 Step 4: Strategy Planning 7 Step 5: Getting the Team Together 7 Step 6: Monitoring Team Efforts 8 Step 7: Checking the Progress towards the Objective 8 Things to Avoid 8 Final Thoughts 9 Understanding Team Building Team building is the strategic process that refers to the actions and tactics that management of a business considers transforming a group of people into a professional, skilled and cohesive team. Effective teams enhance the overall growth and productivity of a firm. Team-building activities enable management to develop a viable relationship with employees and creates stronger bonds among the individuals present in a group. This ultimately motivates them to work collaboratively to achieve common organizational goals. Organizational leaders that focus on effective team building are more likely to achieve successful completion of projects, better performance and improved morale of their employees. The Importance and Benefits of Team Building Teamwork or team building enables a company to create a friendly and collaborative environment, encourage flexibility and enhance the problem-solving skills of employees. This is because when professional minds work together, they learn from each other's experiences. Successful and effective team building can: Increase the knowledge and expertise of the members Produce collective efficient results which cannot be delivered by a single employee Sustain confidence and motivation among peers Allow collaborative teams to develop innovative ideas that solve problems Break unhealthy competition and communication barriers amongst peers Enhance the level of both collective and individual empowerment Reduce the probability of errors Different Forms of Team Building The types of team building can be divided into two main types, namely, active team building and passive team building. Active team building is focused on strengthening the relationship of the workforce, while the development of team culture is focused on passive team building. Examples of both types have been summarized below. Active Team Building Formal sessions on team building, requiring the participant to work collaboratively to complete the assigned task Events and team development games on an annual and quarterly basis Learning from the personalities and experiences of others Passive Team Building Common goal, vision and culture Peer-to-peer coaching Team practices (one-to-one meetings, project kickoffs and daily standups) The utilization of project management tools that help the team organize and complete tasks Stages of Team Development Team building enables companies to work efficiently, however, the group has to go through several phases in order to become an effective team. Multiple stages in the development process improve team members on both personal and professional levels. The stages are: Forming: Getting to know new team members and colleagues. In this stage, members prefer to work independently and are conflict-averse. Individuals familiarize other team members with their background and skills. Storming: In this stage, the team can feel more stressed, as every member has a different working style and way of thinking. It may be difficult to reach agreement and follow a similar working approach, due to everyone's differences. The team leaders in this stage play a crucial role in facilitating communication among team members and ensuring that the team-building project is going in the right direction. Norming: Shared goals are understood by the members, leading employees to begin feeling comfortable with each other. With competitive barriers broken down, the team now focuses on collaborative working. Since there is no longer any competition against one another, team members begin sharing innovative ideas and feedback with one another through open dialogue. Performing: In this stage, productivity, trust, cohesion, and morale among members tend to be at their highest. Collective efforts become result-oriented so that the expected targets can be achieved. Steps Involved in Building a Successful Team In order to conduct team building, you have to have a strong team of employees in place. Assembling a group of people at random to work together does not make a high-performing talented team, and team-building activities certainly won't make it better. That's why we have compiled a list of steps involved in creating a successful team in the first place. Step 1: Pre-Evaluation of Members The management team needs to evaluate the professional skills of existing employees. This helps the management in determining whether the company has the required skills, knowledge and resources to formulate the team and direct it to achieve the shared goals. If the existing employees lack expertise, then management needs to hire new employees with the required skills. Step 2: Defining Realistic and Achievable Objectives

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