Software Maintenance Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Software Maintenance Agreement Template

Document content

This software maintenance agreement template has 8 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our software maintenance agreement template:

SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Software Maintenance Agreement (the Agreement") is effective as of [DATE] (the "Effective Date"). BETWEEN: [Service Provider NAME] (the "Service Provider"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [CLIENT NAME] (the "Client"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] RECITALS This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Service Provider will provide Client with certain maintenance services on specified Service Provider premises (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider Network Location(s)" and identified in Exhibit A). The Client and Service Provider will hereinafter be referred to cumulatively as the "Parties" and singularly as the "Party". WHEREAS, Service Provider has created and implemented for Client certain software [SOFTWARE NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Covered Software" and identified in Exhibit B) pursuant to an agreement dated [DATE]; and WHEREAS, Service Provider has provided to Client certain software [SOFTWARE NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Covered Software" and identified in Exhibit B) pursuant to a software license agreement between the parties (the "License Agreement"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: TERM AND TERMINATION The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the [DATE], shall continue for a period of [NUMBER] years, and then shall terminate on [DATE]. This Agreement is binding when executed by Client and subsequently accepted by Service Provider and once accepted by Service Provider, the rates and charges provided in this Agreement will be effective from the first day of the next billing cycle following Client's signature date (the "Effective Date"). Either Party may terminate this Agreement following the giving of [NUMBER] calendar days prior written notice of termination to the other Party. If Client terminates this Agreement prior to the expiration of the initial [NUMBER] year term, Client will pay Service Provider, in addition to all other charges due, per Service Provider Network Location, which amount shall represent liquidated damages that Client agrees are reasonable. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS [TIME AND MATERIALS AGREEMENT] Service Provider shall be compensated at the rate of [RATE] per hour [OR "day," "week," "month"] for maintenance services outlined in this agreement. Payment will be made within [NUMBER OF DAYS] days of Developer's submission of an invoice for work completed. [OPTIONAL: "Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by Customer, Customer's maximum liability for all services performed during the term of this Agreement shall not exceed [MAXIMUM AMOUNT]."] OR [FIXED PRICE AGREEMENT] The total contract price shall be set forth in the Maintenance Plan. Customer shall pay the Developer the sum of [INITIAL AMOUNT] upon execution of this Agreement and the sum of [AMOUNT IF PLAN APPROVED] upon Customer's approval of the Maintenance Plan. The remainder of the contract price shall be payable in installments according to the payment schedule to be included in the Maintenance Plan. DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES A. Support Services During the term of this Agreement, Service Provider will provide the services described herein so as to maintain the Covered Software in good working order, keeping it free from material defects so that the Covered Software shall function properly and in accordance with the accepted level of performance as set forth in the License Agreement. (1) Service Response. Service Provider will make available to Client a telephone number [NUMBER] for Client to call requesting service of the Covered Software. The Support Center HOTLINE operates during business hours, [BUSINESS HOURS], Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. Extended coverage is available for an additional fee. The HOTLINE can also be used to notify Service Provider of problems associated with the Covered Software and related documentation. B. Remedial Support Upon receipt by Service Provider of notice from Client through the Support Center HOTLINE of an error, defect, malfunction or nonconformity in the Covered Software, Service Provider shall respond as provided below: Severity 1: Produces an emergency situation in which the Covered Software is inoperable, produces incorrect results, or fails catastrophically. RESPONSE: Service Provider will provide a response by a qualified member of its staff to begin to diagnose and to correct a Severity 1 problem as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event a response via telephone will be provided within one [X] hour(s). Service Provider will continue to provide best efforts to resolve Severity 1 problems in less than forty-eight (48) hours. The resolution will be delivered to Client as a work-around or as an emergency software fix. If Service Provider delivers an acceptable work-around, the severity classification will drop to a Severity 2. Severity 2: Produces a detrimental situation in which performance (throughput or response) of the Covered Software degrades substantially under reasonable loads, such that there is a severe impact on use; the Covered Software is usable, but materially incomplete; one or more mainline functions or commands is inoperable; or the use is otherwise significantly impacted. RESPONSE: Service Provider will provide a response by a qualified member of its staff to begin to diagnose and to correct a Severity 2 problem as soon as reasonable possible, but in any event a response via telephone will be provided within four (4) hours. Service Provider will exercise best efforts to resolve Severity 2 problems within five (5) days. The resolution will be delivered to Client in the same format as Severity 1 problems. If Service Provider delivers an acceptable work-around for a Severity 2 problem, the severity classification will drop to a Severity 3. Severity 3: Produces an inconvenient situation in which the Covered Software is usable, but does not provide a function in the most convenient or expeditious manner, and the user suffers little or no significant impact. RESPONSE: Service Provider will exercise best efforts to resolve Severity 3 problems in the next maintenance release. Severity 4: Produces a noticeable situation in which the use is affected in some way which is reasonably correctable by a documentation change or by a future, regular release from Service Provider. RESPONSE: Service Provider will provide, as agreed by the parties, a fix or fixes for Severity 4 problems in future maintenance releases. C. Maintenance Services During the term of this Agreement, Service Provider will maintain the Covered Software by providing software updates and enhancements to Client as the same are offered by Service Provider to its licensees of the Covered Software under maintenance generally ("Updates"). All software updates and enhancements provided to Client by Service Provider pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement between the parties. Updates will be provided on an as-available basis and include the items listed below: (1) Bug fixes; (2) Enhancements to market data service software provided by Service Provider to keep current with changes in market data services or as Service Provider makes enhancements;

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Document content

This software maintenance agreement template has 8 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our software maintenance agreement template:

SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Software Maintenance Agreement (the Agreement") is effective as of [DATE] (the "Effective Date"). BETWEEN: [Service Provider NAME] (the "Service Provider"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [CLIENT NAME] (the "Client"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] RECITALS This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Service Provider will provide Client with certain maintenance services on specified Service Provider premises (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider Network Location(s)" and identified in Exhibit A). The Client and Service Provider will hereinafter be referred to cumulatively as the "Parties" and singularly as the "Party". WHEREAS, Service Provider has created and implemented for Client certain software [SOFTWARE NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Covered Software" and identified in Exhibit B) pursuant to an agreement dated [DATE]; and WHEREAS, Service Provider has provided to Client certain software [SOFTWARE NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Covered Software" and identified in Exhibit B) pursuant to a software license agreement between the parties (the "License Agreement"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: TERM AND TERMINATION The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the [DATE], shall continue for a period of [NUMBER] years, and then shall terminate on [DATE]. This Agreement is binding when executed by Client and subsequently accepted by Service Provider and once accepted by Service Provider, the rates and charges provided in this Agreement will be effective from the first day of the next billing cycle following Client's signature date (the "Effective Date"). Either Party may terminate this Agreement following the giving of [NUMBER] calendar days prior written notice of termination to the other Party. If Client terminates this Agreement prior to the expiration of the initial [NUMBER] year term, Client will pay Service Provider, in addition to all other charges due, per Service Provider Network Location, which amount shall represent liquidated damages that Client agrees are reasonable. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS [TIME AND MATERIALS AGREEMENT] Service Provider shall be compensated at the rate of [RATE] per hour [OR "day," "week," "month"] for maintenance services outlined in this agreement. Payment will be made within [NUMBER OF DAYS] days of Developer's submission of an invoice for work completed. [OPTIONAL: "Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by Customer, Customer's maximum liability for all services performed during the term of this Agreement shall not exceed [MAXIMUM AMOUNT]."] OR [FIXED PRICE AGREEMENT] The total contract price shall be set forth in the Maintenance Plan. Customer shall pay the Developer the sum of [INITIAL AMOUNT] upon execution of this Agreement and the sum of [AMOUNT IF PLAN APPROVED] upon Customer's approval of the Maintenance Plan. The remainder of the contract price shall be payable in installments according to the payment schedule to be included in the Maintenance Plan. DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES A. Support Services During the term of this Agreement, Service Provider will provide the services described herein so as to maintain the Covered Software in good working order, keeping it free from material defects so that the Covered Software shall function properly and in accordance with the accepted level of performance as set forth in the License Agreement. (1) Service Response. Service Provider will make available to Client a telephone number [NUMBER] for Client to call requesting service of the Covered Software. The Support Center HOTLINE operates during business hours, [BUSINESS HOURS], Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. Extended coverage is available for an additional fee. The HOTLINE can also be used to notify Service Provider of problems associated with the Covered Software and related documentation. B. Remedial Support Upon receipt by Service Provider of notice from Client through the Support Center HOTLINE of an error, defect, malfunction or nonconformity in the Covered Software, Service Provider shall respond as provided below: Severity 1: Produces an emergency situation in which the Covered Software is inoperable, produces incorrect results, or fails catastrophically. RESPONSE: Service Provider will provide a response by a qualified member of its staff to begin to diagnose and to correct a Severity 1 problem as soon as reasonably possible, but in any event a response via telephone will be provided within one [X] hour(s). Service Provider will continue to provide best efforts to resolve Severity 1 problems in less than forty-eight (48) hours. The resolution will be delivered to Client as a work-around or as an emergency software fix. If Service Provider delivers an acceptable work-around, the severity classification will drop to a Severity 2. Severity 2: Produces a detrimental situation in which performance (throughput or response) of the Covered Software degrades substantially under reasonable loads, such that there is a severe impact on use; the Covered Software is usable, but materially incomplete; one or more mainline functions or commands is inoperable; or the use is otherwise significantly impacted. RESPONSE: Service Provider will provide a response by a qualified member of its staff to begin to diagnose and to correct a Severity 2 problem as soon as reasonable possible, but in any event a response via telephone will be provided within four (4) hours. Service Provider will exercise best efforts to resolve Severity 2 problems within five (5) days. The resolution will be delivered to Client in the same format as Severity 1 problems. If Service Provider delivers an acceptable work-around for a Severity 2 problem, the severity classification will drop to a Severity 3. Severity 3: Produces an inconvenient situation in which the Covered Software is usable, but does not provide a function in the most convenient or expeditious manner, and the user suffers little or no significant impact. RESPONSE: Service Provider will exercise best efforts to resolve Severity 3 problems in the next maintenance release. Severity 4: Produces a noticeable situation in which the use is affected in some way which is reasonably correctable by a documentation change or by a future, regular release from Service Provider. RESPONSE: Service Provider will provide, as agreed by the parties, a fix or fixes for Severity 4 problems in future maintenance releases. C. Maintenance Services During the term of this Agreement, Service Provider will maintain the Covered Software by providing software updates and enhancements to Client as the same are offered by Service Provider to its licensees of the Covered Software under maintenance generally ("Updates"). All software updates and enhancements provided to Client by Service Provider pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement between the parties. Updates will be provided on an as-available basis and include the items listed below: (1) Bug fixes; (2) Enhancements to market data service software provided by Service Provider to keep current with changes in market data services or as Service Provider makes enhancements;

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