This smoking policy template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
[YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s Smoking Policy Written Policy The employee will receive a copy of this policy in the employee's orientation packet. In addition, copies of the policy are posted in various locations throughout this facility including [Name locations; e.g., the break room]. Additional copies are available upon request. Smoking in the Workplace Because [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a private building not open to the general public, smoking at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is not governed by state law or local ordinance. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] allows employees who have private offices to smoke in their offices. Employees who share offices must refrain from smoking in the office if any employee in that office objects
This smoking policy template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
[YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s Smoking Policy Written Policy The employee will receive a copy of this policy in the employee's orientation packet. In addition, copies of the policy are posted in various locations throughout this facility including [Name locations; e.g., the break room]. Additional copies are available upon request. Smoking in the Workplace Because [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is a private building not open to the general public, smoking at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is not governed by state law or local ordinance. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] allows employees who have private offices to smoke in their offices. Employees who share offices must refrain from smoking in the office if any employee in that office objects
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