This request for information in advance of purchase order template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our production & operations documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Request for information in advance of purchase order Dear [Contact name], Attached to this letter is an overview of those items and services which we anticipate ordering from your firm, providing your terms and conditions are favorable, and your prices competitive. Since this is only an informed guess as to our needs, it should not be considered as anything more than a rough idea of our requirements.
This request for information in advance of purchase order template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our production & operations documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Request for information in advance of purchase order Dear [Contact name], Attached to this letter is an overview of those items and services which we anticipate ordering from your firm, providing your terms and conditions are favorable, and your prices competitive. Since this is only an informed guess as to our needs, it should not be considered as anything more than a rough idea of our requirements.
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