Remote Work Security Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Remote Work Security Policy Template

Document content

This remote work security policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our remote work security policy template:

REMOTE WORK SECURITY POLICY PURPOSE This Policy defines the requirements for secure access to [NAME OF COMPANY] information, networks, and computing resources by authorized remote workers. This arrangement is also known as "remote working." SCOPE This Policy applies to all [NAME OF COMPANY] employees and independent contractors (the "Remote Workers") with remote access to information systems and networks. DEFINITIONS Confidential Information. Any Company information that is not publicly known and includes tangible and intangible information in all forms, such as information that is observed or orally delivered, or is in electronic form, or is written or in other tangible form. Confidential Information may include, but is not limited to, source code, product designs and plans, beta and benchmarking results, patent applications, production methods, product roadmaps, customer lists and information, prospect lists and information, promotional plans, competitive information, names, salaries, skills, positions, pre-public financial results, product costs, and pricing, and employee information and lists including organizational charts. Confidential Information also includes any confidential information received by the Company from a third party under a non-disclosure agreement. Information Asset. Any Company data in any form that is used while executing business. This includes, but is not limited to, corporate, customer, and third-party data. Information System. Any Company equipment, applications or systems used to manage, process, or store Company data. This includes, but is not limited to, information systems managed by third parties. APPROVAL FROM MANAGEMENT Remote Working Privileges. All employees or remote workers working at home or at alternative sites must be specifically granted this privilege by the employee's manager or the manager of the [NAME OF DEPARTMENT]. Remote Working Agreement. All Company employees or independent contractors who are approved to work from remote locations must first sign an agreement to abide by all Company employees remote work policies, procedures, and standards. The agreement shall be reviewed and signed annually. COMPLIANCE Software License Restrictions. Remote workers must follow software licensing restrictions and agreements on all software used to process Company information at alternative or remote work sites. Remote Working Information Security Policies. Remote workers must follow Company information security policies at remote work sites, including the Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use of Assets Policy. INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY Approved Remote Worker Equipment. Employees working on Company business at alternative or remote work sites must use Company provided computer and network equipment unless other devices have been approved by the Information Security Department. Personally Owned Information systems. Remote workers must not use their own mobile computing devices, computers, computer peripherals, or computer software for Company business without prior authorization from their supervisor. Malware Protection Software. All systems that access Company networks remotely must have an anti-malware (anti-virus) package approved by the Information Security Department continually running. Advanced Endpoint Protection. All systems that access Company networks remotely must have an endpoint protection software package installed that protects the system from advanced threats. Setting Date and Time

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Document content

This remote work security policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our remote work security policy template:

REMOTE WORK SECURITY POLICY PURPOSE This Policy defines the requirements for secure access to [NAME OF COMPANY] information, networks, and computing resources by authorized remote workers. This arrangement is also known as "remote working." SCOPE This Policy applies to all [NAME OF COMPANY] employees and independent contractors (the "Remote Workers") with remote access to information systems and networks. DEFINITIONS Confidential Information. Any Company information that is not publicly known and includes tangible and intangible information in all forms, such as information that is observed or orally delivered, or is in electronic form, or is written or in other tangible form. Confidential Information may include, but is not limited to, source code, product designs and plans, beta and benchmarking results, patent applications, production methods, product roadmaps, customer lists and information, prospect lists and information, promotional plans, competitive information, names, salaries, skills, positions, pre-public financial results, product costs, and pricing, and employee information and lists including organizational charts. Confidential Information also includes any confidential information received by the Company from a third party under a non-disclosure agreement. Information Asset. Any Company data in any form that is used while executing business. This includes, but is not limited to, corporate, customer, and third-party data. Information System. Any Company equipment, applications or systems used to manage, process, or store Company data. This includes, but is not limited to, information systems managed by third parties. APPROVAL FROM MANAGEMENT Remote Working Privileges. All employees or remote workers working at home or at alternative sites must be specifically granted this privilege by the employee's manager or the manager of the [NAME OF DEPARTMENT]. Remote Working Agreement. All Company employees or independent contractors who are approved to work from remote locations must first sign an agreement to abide by all Company employees remote work policies, procedures, and standards. The agreement shall be reviewed and signed annually. COMPLIANCE Software License Restrictions. Remote workers must follow software licensing restrictions and agreements on all software used to process Company information at alternative or remote work sites. Remote Working Information Security Policies. Remote workers must follow Company information security policies at remote work sites, including the Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use of Assets Policy. INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY Approved Remote Worker Equipment. Employees working on Company business at alternative or remote work sites must use Company provided computer and network equipment unless other devices have been approved by the Information Security Department. Personally Owned Information systems. Remote workers must not use their own mobile computing devices, computers, computer peripherals, or computer software for Company business without prior authorization from their supervisor. Malware Protection Software. All systems that access Company networks remotely must have an anti-malware (anti-virus) package approved by the Information Security Department continually running. Advanced Endpoint Protection. All systems that access Company networks remotely must have an endpoint protection software package installed that protects the system from advanced threats. Setting Date and Time

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