Record Label Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Record Label Agreement Template

Document content

This record label agreement template has 6 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our record label agreement template:

RECORD LABEL AGREEMENT This Record Label Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement"), is made and effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] a Limited Liability Company (the "Record Label") organized and existing under the laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR NAME] an Artist (the "Artist") and existing under the Laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE]; located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WHEREAS the Artist is engaged in the field of music and music production and is known publicly as [ARTIST'S STAGE NAME]; WHEREAS the Company is in the business of producing Music Recordings, including the distribution and sale of such Music Recordings; WHEREAS Artist wishes to engage the Company to produce Music Recordings for Artist; WHEREAS, the Company wishes to produce such Music Recordings, as defined further below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contains, the parties hereto intending to be legally bound agree as follows: TERMS 1.1 This Agreement between the Artist and the Company shall commence upon [DATE] and shall continue in full force and effect until the Music Recordings produced for Artist are complete, including manufacturing, marketing, and distribution (including recording, the "Services"). This shall be referred to as the "Term" of the Agreement. 1.2 The Music Recordings for the Artist shall be defined as any original and previously unrecorded musical work, music video, song lyrics, or musical compositions that Artist provides for recording to the Company. The Work shall be defined as the final work offered for sale to the public based on the Music Recordings completed. AGREEMENT TO PRODUCE 2.1 During the Term of this contract, the Artist agrees to create the following audio and visual works: Number of Musical Recordings: ________ Number of Music Videos: ________ Minimum Number of Minutes Per Recording: ________ 2.2 The Music Recordings produced from the works submitted by the Artist are subject to final approval or rejection by the Company. The Artist agrees that these recordings will be original and previously unrecorded. The Artist and Company also agree that these recordings will be sold and reproduced under the Company's Official Record Label. 2.3 During the Term of this Agreement and using the Music Recordings that the Artist records with the Company, Company agrees to produce, distribute, promote, and sell a minimum of one musical album. This album will be released no later than [RELEASE DATE]. Company will be in charge of final approval of the quality of the Music Recordings, including ensuring that the Music Recordings are technically appropriate for commercial production and distribution. Artist agrees to re-record any audio works that the Company deems not fit for production. 2.4 Artist agrees to collaborate with the Company on all creative endeavors, musical works, titles, and designs, but the album title shall be subject to final approval by the Company. 2.5 Artist acknowledges and agrees that musical works the Artist is legally prohibited from recording will not be approved or considered completed Musical Works by the Company. STUDIO DETAILS 3.1 The Artist will record at the following studio: [STUDIO NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS] 3.2 The Artist will be permitted to record during the following dates and times: [RECORDING SCHEDULE] NO COMPETITION During the Term of this Agreement, Artist agrees not to perform under any other stage name besides the Record Label nor will the Artist record any Musical Recordings or utilize any Services by or under any other company or record label. Artist recognizes that their persona, stage name, and any associated branding with their stage persona is free to be marketed and sold in any way that the Company chooses. ASSIGNMENT & COPYRIGHT 5.1 The Artist will assign all right, title, and interest in and to the Music Recordings and the Work to the Company at the completion of each item, respectively, so that Company may distribute and commercially exploit the work. The Artist waives the benefits of any moral rights as against the Company but retains the right to be identified as the author of any Music Recordings included within the Work. 5.2 The Company shall have the right to apply for copyright protection in the Music Recordings and the Work. LICENSE Artist grants a perpetual license to the Company to use Artist's name and biographical information for the marketing of the Work as well as to manufacture and distribute Artist's Work in conjunction with the works of other artists. FEES AND COSTS 7.1 Recording and Artist Fees: The Company will pay for all costs that, by industry standards, relate to the recording and production of the Musical Works. These costs include, but are not limited to, background production and vocals, lodging, meals, transportation, studio time, promotional tours, artist's wardrobe, graphic design, additional musicians, etc. 7.2 Compensation: The Company will pay the Artist the following base amount in addition to the royalties' percentages as outlined below: ________ (________). 7.3 Royalties: The Company agrees to pay the Artist Royalties for each Work sold at the following percentage: ________% per Work. Mechanical royalties may also be payable as the Parties' will determine later. RELEASE 8.1 As noted above, the Work will be released by the following date: [RELEASE DATE] REPRESENTATIONS The Artist represents and warrants that there are no other encumbrances to the Music Recordings or the Work and that the Artist is currently the exclusive holder of any and all rights in and to the Work. Artist further warrants that no person or entity has any other ownership or interest in or to the Work and that no other person or entity has any legal documentation evidencing any such interest or ownership. Artist further warrants that Artist may legally grant all necessary rights to the Company for the release of the Work so that the Company will fully own the Work at the conclusion of the Parties' relationship. OPTION TO PURCHASE

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Document content

This record label agreement template has 6 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our record label agreement template:

RECORD LABEL AGREEMENT This Record Label Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement"), is made and effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] a Limited Liability Company (the "Record Label") organized and existing under the laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR NAME] an Artist (the "Artist") and existing under the Laws of the [STATE/PROVINCE]; located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WHEREAS the Artist is engaged in the field of music and music production and is known publicly as [ARTIST'S STAGE NAME]; WHEREAS the Company is in the business of producing Music Recordings, including the distribution and sale of such Music Recordings; WHEREAS Artist wishes to engage the Company to produce Music Recordings for Artist; WHEREAS, the Company wishes to produce such Music Recordings, as defined further below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contains, the parties hereto intending to be legally bound agree as follows: TERMS 1.1 This Agreement between the Artist and the Company shall commence upon [DATE] and shall continue in full force and effect until the Music Recordings produced for Artist are complete, including manufacturing, marketing, and distribution (including recording, the "Services"). This shall be referred to as the "Term" of the Agreement. 1.2 The Music Recordings for the Artist shall be defined as any original and previously unrecorded musical work, music video, song lyrics, or musical compositions that Artist provides for recording to the Company. The Work shall be defined as the final work offered for sale to the public based on the Music Recordings completed. AGREEMENT TO PRODUCE 2.1 During the Term of this contract, the Artist agrees to create the following audio and visual works: Number of Musical Recordings: ________ Number of Music Videos: ________ Minimum Number of Minutes Per Recording: ________ 2.2 The Music Recordings produced from the works submitted by the Artist are subject to final approval or rejection by the Company. The Artist agrees that these recordings will be original and previously unrecorded. The Artist and Company also agree that these recordings will be sold and reproduced under the Company's Official Record Label. 2.3 During the Term of this Agreement and using the Music Recordings that the Artist records with the Company, Company agrees to produce, distribute, promote, and sell a minimum of one musical album. This album will be released no later than [RELEASE DATE]. Company will be in charge of final approval of the quality of the Music Recordings, including ensuring that the Music Recordings are technically appropriate for commercial production and distribution. Artist agrees to re-record any audio works that the Company deems not fit for production. 2.4 Artist agrees to collaborate with the Company on all creative endeavors, musical works, titles, and designs, but the album title shall be subject to final approval by the Company. 2.5 Artist acknowledges and agrees that musical works the Artist is legally prohibited from recording will not be approved or considered completed Musical Works by the Company. STUDIO DETAILS 3.1 The Artist will record at the following studio: [STUDIO NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS] 3.2 The Artist will be permitted to record during the following dates and times: [RECORDING SCHEDULE] NO COMPETITION During the Term of this Agreement, Artist agrees not to perform under any other stage name besides the Record Label nor will the Artist record any Musical Recordings or utilize any Services by or under any other company or record label. Artist recognizes that their persona, stage name, and any associated branding with their stage persona is free to be marketed and sold in any way that the Company chooses. ASSIGNMENT & COPYRIGHT 5.1 The Artist will assign all right, title, and interest in and to the Music Recordings and the Work to the Company at the completion of each item, respectively, so that Company may distribute and commercially exploit the work. The Artist waives the benefits of any moral rights as against the Company but retains the right to be identified as the author of any Music Recordings included within the Work. 5.2 The Company shall have the right to apply for copyright protection in the Music Recordings and the Work. LICENSE Artist grants a perpetual license to the Company to use Artist's name and biographical information for the marketing of the Work as well as to manufacture and distribute Artist's Work in conjunction with the works of other artists. FEES AND COSTS 7.1 Recording and Artist Fees: The Company will pay for all costs that, by industry standards, relate to the recording and production of the Musical Works. These costs include, but are not limited to, background production and vocals, lodging, meals, transportation, studio time, promotional tours, artist's wardrobe, graphic design, additional musicians, etc. 7.2 Compensation: The Company will pay the Artist the following base amount in addition to the royalties' percentages as outlined below: ________ (________). 7.3 Royalties: The Company agrees to pay the Artist Royalties for each Work sold at the following percentage: ________% per Work. Mechanical royalties may also be payable as the Parties' will determine later. RELEASE 8.1 As noted above, the Work will be released by the following date: [RELEASE DATE] REPRESENTATIONS The Artist represents and warrants that there are no other encumbrances to the Music Recordings or the Work and that the Artist is currently the exclusive holder of any and all rights in and to the Work. Artist further warrants that no person or entity has any other ownership or interest in or to the Work and that no other person or entity has any legal documentation evidencing any such interest or ownership. Artist further warrants that Artist may legally grant all necessary rights to the Company for the release of the Work so that the Company will fully own the Work at the conclusion of the Parties' relationship. OPTION TO PURCHASE

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