Promotion Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Promotion Policy Template

Document content

This promotion policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our promotion policy template:

PROMOTION POLICY [COMPANY NAME] believes in providing opportunities for its employees to advance within the organization. Promotion opportunities to positions of higher responsibility for existing staff members will be limited only by the individual's ambition, attitude, and qualifications such as proven experience, education, and capabilities. DEFINITIONS "Promotion" is the movement of an employee to a higher grade level, either within the same department or to another department due to a change in duties and not due to a market adjustment in salary. Our company is committed to investing in our employees and rewarding good performance to encourage overall excellence. For this reason, promotion from within is a highly regarded practice in our company as a way of giving our employees the chance for career advancement. This Promotion Policy illustrates the guidelines and the process that managers must follow when effecting promotions. All employees should be aware of this Policy to avoid any confusion about who qualifies for promotion and when. ELIGIBILITY Any employee in good standing is eligible for promotion consideration, assuming he or she meets the minimum qualifications for the position. FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE PROMOTION Following are the factors which influence promotion: Performance Seniority Assessment of potential Time since the last promotion Merit and ability Training In accordance with our company policies, we will not tolerate promotions that are based on: Managers' subjective opinions unsupported by performance evaluations or metrics Discrimination Fraternization Favoritism Nepotism To avoid such incidents, managers must keep good records of their promotion evaluation process. PROMOTION WITHIN SAME DEPARTMENT All new vacant positions below the chief level are posted internally for [SPECIFY NUMBER OF DAYS] business days and are open to all eligible employees of [COMPANY NAME]. Department heads wishing to recommend a promotion for an employee because of a change in job duties being performed should review and revise the employee's job description in accordance with that employee's actual job duties, making note of major changes in responsibility that would warrant consideration of a promotion. The department head should submit the new job description, along with a completed salary authorization form, outlining recommended grade/salary/title changes, and a memorandum outlining the recommendation to the Director of Human Resources.

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Document content

This promotion policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our promotion policy template:

PROMOTION POLICY [COMPANY NAME] believes in providing opportunities for its employees to advance within the organization. Promotion opportunities to positions of higher responsibility for existing staff members will be limited only by the individual's ambition, attitude, and qualifications such as proven experience, education, and capabilities. DEFINITIONS "Promotion" is the movement of an employee to a higher grade level, either within the same department or to another department due to a change in duties and not due to a market adjustment in salary. Our company is committed to investing in our employees and rewarding good performance to encourage overall excellence. For this reason, promotion from within is a highly regarded practice in our company as a way of giving our employees the chance for career advancement. This Promotion Policy illustrates the guidelines and the process that managers must follow when effecting promotions. All employees should be aware of this Policy to avoid any confusion about who qualifies for promotion and when. ELIGIBILITY Any employee in good standing is eligible for promotion consideration, assuming he or she meets the minimum qualifications for the position. FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE PROMOTION Following are the factors which influence promotion: Performance Seniority Assessment of potential Time since the last promotion Merit and ability Training In accordance with our company policies, we will not tolerate promotions that are based on: Managers' subjective opinions unsupported by performance evaluations or metrics Discrimination Fraternization Favoritism Nepotism To avoid such incidents, managers must keep good records of their promotion evaluation process. PROMOTION WITHIN SAME DEPARTMENT All new vacant positions below the chief level are posted internally for [SPECIFY NUMBER OF DAYS] business days and are open to all eligible employees of [COMPANY NAME]. Department heads wishing to recommend a promotion for an employee because of a change in job duties being performed should review and revise the employee's job description in accordance with that employee's actual job duties, making note of major changes in responsibility that would warrant consideration of a promotion. The department head should submit the new job description, along with a completed salary authorization form, outlining recommended grade/salary/title changes, and a memorandum outlining the recommendation to the Director of Human Resources.

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