This policy memo template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
POLICY MEMO TO: [RECIPIENT(S)] FROM: [YOUR NAME] DATE: [DATE] SUBJECT: [POLICY TOPIC] Executive Summary Briefly summarize the policy issue, key recommendations, and the reasons for the memo. Background Provide context for the policy issue, including any relevant historical information and data. Problem Statement Clearly state the problem or challenge the policy seeks to address. Analysis 4.1 Current Situation Describe the current state of affairs related to the problem. 4.2 Proposed Policy Present the policy or solution you are recommending. 4.3 Justification
This policy memo template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
POLICY MEMO TO: [RECIPIENT(S)] FROM: [YOUR NAME] DATE: [DATE] SUBJECT: [POLICY TOPIC] Executive Summary Briefly summarize the policy issue, key recommendations, and the reasons for the memo. Background Provide context for the policy issue, including any relevant historical information and data. Problem Statement Clearly state the problem or challenge the policy seeks to address. Analysis 4.1 Current Situation Describe the current state of affairs related to the problem. 4.2 Proposed Policy Present the policy or solution you are recommending. 4.3 Justification
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