This password policy template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
PASSWORD POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: [DATE] PURPOSE The purpose of this Password Policy is to establish guidelines for creating strong, secure passwords and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of [COMPANY NAME]'s information systems and data. SCOPE This Policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and third-party entities granted access to [COMPANY NAME]'s information systems, networks, applications, and data. PASSWORD CREATION Complexity: Passwords must meet the following complexity requirements: Minimum length of [NUMBER] characters. Use of a combination of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid Common Words: Passwords must not include easily guessable information such as names, birthdates, words found in dictionaries, or simple sequences (e.g., "123456" or "qwerty"). PASSWORD SECURITY Uniqueness: Each account must have a unique password. Password reuse across multiple systems or accounts is not allowed. Frequency of Change: Passwords must be changed at least every [NUMBER] days. Avoid Sharing: Passwords must not be shared with others, including colleagues, friends, or family members. No Writing Down: Passwords must not be written down or stored in plain text form. MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION (MFA)
This password policy template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
PASSWORD POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: [DATE] PURPOSE The purpose of this Password Policy is to establish guidelines for creating strong, secure passwords and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of [COMPANY NAME]'s information systems and data. SCOPE This Policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, and third-party entities granted access to [COMPANY NAME]'s information systems, networks, applications, and data. PASSWORD CREATION Complexity: Passwords must meet the following complexity requirements: Minimum length of [NUMBER] characters. Use of a combination of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid Common Words: Passwords must not include easily guessable information such as names, birthdates, words found in dictionaries, or simple sequences (e.g., "123456" or "qwerty"). PASSWORD SECURITY Uniqueness: Each account must have a unique password. Password reuse across multiple systems or accounts is not allowed. Frequency of Change: Passwords must be changed at least every [NUMBER] days. Avoid Sharing: Passwords must not be shared with others, including colleagues, friends, or family members. No Writing Down: Passwords must not be written down or stored in plain text form. MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION (MFA)
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