Online Subscription Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Online Subscription Agreement Template

Document content

This online subscription agreement template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our online subscription agreement template:

ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT Introduction Welcome to [name of company/service]! We start every new subscriber relationship with a contract. The following contract spells out what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you. If you agree to what you read below, you should click "Yes" at the end of the contract to acknowledge that you have agreed. We intend this to be the legal equivalent of your signature on a written contract, and equally binding. Only by clicking "Yes" will you be able to access and use the services available on this Website. Access and Services Your access to the various services available on this system depends on the level of access you select. You may change or discontinue your account at any time. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or terminate access to the service on our system at any time for any reason without notice or refund, including the right to require you to change your login identification code or password. We also reserve the right to delete all program and data files associated with your account and/or other information you have on our system. Fees and Payment We will charge you a standard monthly fee for using our system as well as additional fees depending on the type of service you have selected. You should review the complete and current price list before signing up for any services. [Insert price list]. You will be given the opportunity to pay by credit card or by check when you sign up. You can cancel your account at any time, but you will remain liable for all charges accrued up to that time, including full monthly charges for the month for which you discontinued service. We reserve the right to change our fees at any time for any reason, but, whenever possible, we will give you at least one month's advance notice of such change. System Rules You agree to be bound by certain rules that are important for the proper use of this service. Your failure to follow these rules, whether listed below in the contract or in bulletins posted at various points in the system, may result in termination of your service. First, do not tell others your password or let your account be used by anyone except yourself. Second, do not attempt to log in more than once at the same time on any given account without specific permission of one of our operators. Third, while you should feel free to express yourself, you should respect other users of the system and not do anything to attack or injure others. Fourth, do not use our system to commit a crime, or to plan, encourage or help others commit a crime, including crimes relating to computers. Privacy Considerations Your communications on this system are, in most cases, viewed only by you and anyone to whom you address your message. However, as system operators, we may need to review or monitor your electronic mail and other communications from time to time. In addition, we reserve the right to copy and distribute to third parties any information associated with your activities on the system. Therefore, you should not expect to have a right to privacy in any of your communications. Proprietary Rights By posting messages, uploading files, inputting data, or engaging in any form of communication on our system, you are hereby granting to the public an unrestricted license to use, copy, modify, adapt or document in any form any communications, information or any underlying work in which you may possess proprietary rights, including but not limited to copyright rights

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Document content

This online subscription agreement template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our online subscription agreement template:

ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT Introduction Welcome to [name of company/service]! We start every new subscriber relationship with a contract. The following contract spells out what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you. If you agree to what you read below, you should click "Yes" at the end of the contract to acknowledge that you have agreed. We intend this to be the legal equivalent of your signature on a written contract, and equally binding. Only by clicking "Yes" will you be able to access and use the services available on this Website. Access and Services Your access to the various services available on this system depends on the level of access you select. You may change or discontinue your account at any time. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or terminate access to the service on our system at any time for any reason without notice or refund, including the right to require you to change your login identification code or password. We also reserve the right to delete all program and data files associated with your account and/or other information you have on our system. Fees and Payment We will charge you a standard monthly fee for using our system as well as additional fees depending on the type of service you have selected. You should review the complete and current price list before signing up for any services. [Insert price list]. You will be given the opportunity to pay by credit card or by check when you sign up. You can cancel your account at any time, but you will remain liable for all charges accrued up to that time, including full monthly charges for the month for which you discontinued service. We reserve the right to change our fees at any time for any reason, but, whenever possible, we will give you at least one month's advance notice of such change. System Rules You agree to be bound by certain rules that are important for the proper use of this service. Your failure to follow these rules, whether listed below in the contract or in bulletins posted at various points in the system, may result in termination of your service. First, do not tell others your password or let your account be used by anyone except yourself. Second, do not attempt to log in more than once at the same time on any given account without specific permission of one of our operators. Third, while you should feel free to express yourself, you should respect other users of the system and not do anything to attack or injure others. Fourth, do not use our system to commit a crime, or to plan, encourage or help others commit a crime, including crimes relating to computers. Privacy Considerations Your communications on this system are, in most cases, viewed only by you and anyone to whom you address your message. However, as system operators, we may need to review or monitor your electronic mail and other communications from time to time. In addition, we reserve the right to copy and distribute to third parties any information associated with your activities on the system. Therefore, you should not expect to have a right to privacy in any of your communications. Proprietary Rights By posting messages, uploading files, inputting data, or engaging in any form of communication on our system, you are hereby granting to the public an unrestricted license to use, copy, modify, adapt or document in any form any communications, information or any underlying work in which you may possess proprietary rights, including but not limited to copyright rights

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