Offer to Purchase Real Estate Property_Short Form Template

Business-in-a-Box's Offer to Purchase Real Estate Property_Short Form Template

Document content

This offer to purchase real estate property_short form template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our real estate documents.

Sample of our offer to purchase real estate property_short form template:

OFFER TO PURCHASE This Offer to Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BEWTEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME] (the "Purchaser"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME] (the "Vendor"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at OR an individual with his principal place of living located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] PREAMBLE We, [YOUR COMPANY NAME], hereby offer to purchase from you, the Vendor, upon and subject to the terms and conditions herein, the following immoveable property: [DESCRIBE PROPERTY] (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Property"), as the said Property now subsists, including all equipment, furniture, tools and supplies used in the daily operation and administration of the Property, except to the extent not owned by Vendor. PURCHASE PRICE The total purchase price for the Property (the "Purchase Price") shall be the sum of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] Dollars ([AMOUNT]) allocated as to [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] Dollars ([AMOUNT]) for the Land and [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) for the buildings, and payable as follows: The amount of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) shall be paid by certified check or bank draft at Closing to Vendor's [ATTORNEY/NOTARY/LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE] in trust, to be released to Vendor upon registration of the deed of sale without adverse entries; The amount of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) shall be paid by the assumption by the Purchaser of the obligations of the Vendor pursuant to the deed of loan and hypothec between the Vendor and the [LENDER NAME] signed on [DATE], and registered at the registry office for the registration division of [MUNICIPALITY], to the complete exoneration of the Vendor; The amount of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) shall be paid by the delivery by the Purchaser to the Vendor of a promissory note in such amount. CLOSING Subject as herein provided, a Deed of Sale giving effect hereto and containing the standard clauses, representations and warranties and hypothec securing the balance of price, shall be executed before Vendor's [ATTORNEY/NOTARY/LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE] at his or her offices and the payment referred to above will be made (the "Closing") on [NUMBER] day following the date of delivery by the Purchaser to the Vendor of the Certificate of Location contemplated hereof (the "Closing Date") at [TIME], or at such other time and place as may be mutually agreed upon between us. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING This Offer is made subject to the following conditions, each of which is of the essence hereof: There are no leases, offers to lease, sub-leases or other similar agreements relating to the Property which are currently in force or may come into force prior to the Closing; There are no hypothecs, charges or other encumbrances on the Property other than the hypothec referred to in subsection (b) hereinabove; All service contracts, insurance policies, and other agreements relating to the Property which are currently in force or may come into force prior to the Closing may be cancelled on not more [NUMBER] days' notice without penalty; Within [NUMBER] days of Vendor's acceptance hereof, Vendor will, at its expense, furnish Purchaser with copies of (i) an up-to-date Certificate of Location; (ii) all service contracts, insurance policies, and other agreements relating to the Property which are then in force or may come into force prior to the Closing; (iii) all correspondence, litigation, notices or other documents from any municipal or governmental authority in connection with the Property or work to be done thereon. Purchaser agrees to keep all such information confidential in the event the Closing does not take place. Purchaser and its agents may, at any time prior to Closing, inspect or survey the Property and Vendor shall grant access to Purchaser and its agents for such purpose; Purchaser's legal counsel shall have [NUMBER] days from the date of delivery of the Certificate of Location to review same and to complete their search of title to the Property and to report to Purchaser thereon. If they or Purchaser are not satisfied with the results of such review and/or searches, Purchaser shall have the option to have any title defects so discovered corrected to its satisfaction and that of its counsel, at Vendor's cost and expense, and deduct such cost from the payment of the purchase price hereof, or to cancel the transaction as set out below. In the event that Purchaser is not satisfied with (i) its inspection of the Property, or (ii) its examination of the foregoing documents, or (iii) the results of the title searches, or (iv) if Purchaser should determine for any other reason not to proceed with the transaction contemplated herein, Purchaser shall give Vendor written notice to such effect at any time prior to Closing. Upon delivery of such notice, the deposit referred to in Section (a) above shall be returned to Purchaser with all interest earned thereon, the agreement resulting from Vendor's acceptance hereof shall be terminated and, subject to the obligations of Purchaser concerning confidentiality set forth above, neither party shall be further obligated hereunder.

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Document content

This offer to purchase real estate property_short form template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our real estate documents.

Sample of our offer to purchase real estate property_short form template:

OFFER TO PURCHASE This Offer to Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BEWTEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME] (the "Purchaser"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL NAME] (the "Vendor"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at OR an individual with his principal place of living located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] PREAMBLE We, [YOUR COMPANY NAME], hereby offer to purchase from you, the Vendor, upon and subject to the terms and conditions herein, the following immoveable property: [DESCRIBE PROPERTY] (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Property"), as the said Property now subsists, including all equipment, furniture, tools and supplies used in the daily operation and administration of the Property, except to the extent not owned by Vendor. PURCHASE PRICE The total purchase price for the Property (the "Purchase Price") shall be the sum of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] Dollars ([AMOUNT]) allocated as to [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] Dollars ([AMOUNT]) for the Land and [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) for the buildings, and payable as follows: The amount of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) shall be paid by certified check or bank draft at Closing to Vendor's [ATTORNEY/NOTARY/LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE] in trust, to be released to Vendor upon registration of the deed of sale without adverse entries; The amount of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) shall be paid by the assumption by the Purchaser of the obligations of the Vendor pursuant to the deed of loan and hypothec between the Vendor and the [LENDER NAME] signed on [DATE], and registered at the registry office for the registration division of [MUNICIPALITY], to the complete exoneration of the Vendor; The amount of [AMOUNT IN LETTERS] ([AMOUNT]) shall be paid by the delivery by the Purchaser to the Vendor of a promissory note in such amount. CLOSING Subject as herein provided, a Deed of Sale giving effect hereto and containing the standard clauses, representations and warranties and hypothec securing the balance of price, shall be executed before Vendor's [ATTORNEY/NOTARY/LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE] at his or her offices and the payment referred to above will be made (the "Closing") on [NUMBER] day following the date of delivery by the Purchaser to the Vendor of the Certificate of Location contemplated hereof (the "Closing Date") at [TIME], or at such other time and place as may be mutually agreed upon between us. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING This Offer is made subject to the following conditions, each of which is of the essence hereof: There are no leases, offers to lease, sub-leases or other similar agreements relating to the Property which are currently in force or may come into force prior to the Closing; There are no hypothecs, charges or other encumbrances on the Property other than the hypothec referred to in subsection (b) hereinabove; All service contracts, insurance policies, and other agreements relating to the Property which are currently in force or may come into force prior to the Closing may be cancelled on not more [NUMBER] days' notice without penalty; Within [NUMBER] days of Vendor's acceptance hereof, Vendor will, at its expense, furnish Purchaser with copies of (i) an up-to-date Certificate of Location; (ii) all service contracts, insurance policies, and other agreements relating to the Property which are then in force or may come into force prior to the Closing; (iii) all correspondence, litigation, notices or other documents from any municipal or governmental authority in connection with the Property or work to be done thereon. Purchaser agrees to keep all such information confidential in the event the Closing does not take place. Purchaser and its agents may, at any time prior to Closing, inspect or survey the Property and Vendor shall grant access to Purchaser and its agents for such purpose; Purchaser's legal counsel shall have [NUMBER] days from the date of delivery of the Certificate of Location to review same and to complete their search of title to the Property and to report to Purchaser thereon. If they or Purchaser are not satisfied with the results of such review and/or searches, Purchaser shall have the option to have any title defects so discovered corrected to its satisfaction and that of its counsel, at Vendor's cost and expense, and deduct such cost from the payment of the purchase price hereof, or to cancel the transaction as set out below. In the event that Purchaser is not satisfied with (i) its inspection of the Property, or (ii) its examination of the foregoing documents, or (iii) the results of the title searches, or (iv) if Purchaser should determine for any other reason not to proceed with the transaction contemplated herein, Purchaser shall give Vendor written notice to such effect at any time prior to Closing. Upon delivery of such notice, the deposit referred to in Section (a) above shall be returned to Purchaser with all interest earned thereon, the agreement resulting from Vendor's acceptance hereof shall be terminated and, subject to the obligations of Purchaser concerning confidentiality set forth above, neither party shall be further obligated hereunder.

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