Musician Contract Template

Business-in-a-Box's Musician Contract Template

Document content

This musician contract template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our consultant & contractors documents.

Sample of our musician contract template:

MUSICIAN CONTRACT This contract ("Contract") constitutes a binding contract for the services and/or products of the musicians. By signing this Contract, the clients, identified on page three of this Contract (collectively referred to hereinafter as "Client/) agree to pay [COMPANY NAME] for the services and/or products provided by [COMPANY NAME] at the price indicated on the first page of this Contract. The following terms and conditions apply to the Client's commitment to [COMPANY NAME]: SCOPE OF WORK This contract is for services and products related to a music performance (hereafter "performance") to take place at the following time and place. [COMPANY NAME] and Client are to arrive for the performance at [SPECIFY TIME] at [SPECIFY PLACE]. [COMPANY NAME] agrees to provide no fewer than [SPECIFY] music recordings for Client to listen to after the performance and is not required to provide more than this number of recordings. [COMPANY NAME] will perform basic audio editing services on these music recordings where artistically necessary. EXCLUSIVITY [COMPANY NAME] shall be the only musician service provider retained by the Client for the event identified on page there of this Contract (referred to below as the "Event". Family and friends of Client shall be permitted to photograph the event, for non-commercial purposes, provided that such person or persons do not interfere with the musician's duties. If, in the opinion of the assigned musician, such person or persons are inhibiting the musician from performing his or her duties, Client shall require the person interfering with the musician to stop all further performances. fees In consideration for the musician service provided by [COMPANY NAME], Client agrees to pay the sum of [SPECIFY]. The client undertakes to pay the musician a refundable deposit totaling 50% (fifty percent) of the total price of the music services at the time of signing this contract. The initial payment reserves the musician's time and it's considered as a retainer or deposit. [COMPANY NAME] undertakes not to announce the availability of this same time slot to other potential customers. If Client cancels the performance for any reason, the initial payment will be returned to Client if it is at least 2 weeks before the scheduled time of the music performance. The balance of the payment for musician services must be paid in full no later than 7 days after the music performance detailed in section 1: Scope of Work. If the customer is required to purchase music separately after the music performance, payment for those music recording is due immediately upon delivery of music recordings to the customer. work product [COMPANY NAME] will deliver proofs of music recordings to Client no more than [SPECIFY] days after the date of the performance. Client understands and agrees that proofs are the exclusive property of [COMPANY NAME] and Client has no right to these music recordings except for a license to review them, but not store the proofs. All music recordings delivered to Client are licensed for Client's personal use only. Musician [COMPANY NAME] shall assign a musician from its staff exclusively for Client's Event. If necessary, assistants to such musician shall attend the Event. [COMPANY NAME] reserves the right to change any initial assignment and substitute another staff musician at any time due to illness

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Document content

This musician contract template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our consultant & contractors documents.

Sample of our musician contract template:

MUSICIAN CONTRACT This contract ("Contract") constitutes a binding contract for the services and/or products of the musicians. By signing this Contract, the clients, identified on page three of this Contract (collectively referred to hereinafter as "Client/) agree to pay [COMPANY NAME] for the services and/or products provided by [COMPANY NAME] at the price indicated on the first page of this Contract. The following terms and conditions apply to the Client's commitment to [COMPANY NAME]: SCOPE OF WORK This contract is for services and products related to a music performance (hereafter "performance") to take place at the following time and place. [COMPANY NAME] and Client are to arrive for the performance at [SPECIFY TIME] at [SPECIFY PLACE]. [COMPANY NAME] agrees to provide no fewer than [SPECIFY] music recordings for Client to listen to after the performance and is not required to provide more than this number of recordings. [COMPANY NAME] will perform basic audio editing services on these music recordings where artistically necessary. EXCLUSIVITY [COMPANY NAME] shall be the only musician service provider retained by the Client for the event identified on page there of this Contract (referred to below as the "Event". Family and friends of Client shall be permitted to photograph the event, for non-commercial purposes, provided that such person or persons do not interfere with the musician's duties. If, in the opinion of the assigned musician, such person or persons are inhibiting the musician from performing his or her duties, Client shall require the person interfering with the musician to stop all further performances. fees In consideration for the musician service provided by [COMPANY NAME], Client agrees to pay the sum of [SPECIFY]. The client undertakes to pay the musician a refundable deposit totaling 50% (fifty percent) of the total price of the music services at the time of signing this contract. The initial payment reserves the musician's time and it's considered as a retainer or deposit. [COMPANY NAME] undertakes not to announce the availability of this same time slot to other potential customers. If Client cancels the performance for any reason, the initial payment will be returned to Client if it is at least 2 weeks before the scheduled time of the music performance. The balance of the payment for musician services must be paid in full no later than 7 days after the music performance detailed in section 1: Scope of Work. If the customer is required to purchase music separately after the music performance, payment for those music recording is due immediately upon delivery of music recordings to the customer. work product [COMPANY NAME] will deliver proofs of music recordings to Client no more than [SPECIFY] days after the date of the performance. Client understands and agrees that proofs are the exclusive property of [COMPANY NAME] and Client has no right to these music recordings except for a license to review them, but not store the proofs. All music recordings delivered to Client are licensed for Client's personal use only. Musician [COMPANY NAME] shall assign a musician from its staff exclusively for Client's Event. If necessary, assistants to such musician shall attend the Event. [COMPANY NAME] reserves the right to change any initial assignment and substitute another staff musician at any time due to illness

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