This motivation survey template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
Motivation Survey 1. How knowledgeable are you about computers? Very Slightly Somewhat Not at all 2. Which of the following are important to you when evaluating a computer equipment purchase? After-sales support Best price for features Easy to use Lowest price available Newest technology available Reputation of vendor Warranty Attractive product Brand name Hardware compatibility Most features/functions Product quality Compact size Other: ______________ (please specify) 3. Which of the following sources of information do you use to make decisions about computer or software purchases? (Please check all that apply.) Business publications Colleagues In-store displays PC Publications Radio Trade shows Other: ______________ (please specify) Catalogs Consultants Manufacturer's reps Personal experience/knowledge Television Newspaper 4
This motivation survey template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
Motivation Survey 1. How knowledgeable are you about computers? Very Slightly Somewhat Not at all 2. Which of the following are important to you when evaluating a computer equipment purchase? After-sales support Best price for features Easy to use Lowest price available Newest technology available Reputation of vendor Warranty Attractive product Brand name Hardware compatibility Most features/functions Product quality Compact size Other: ______________ (please specify) 3. Which of the following sources of information do you use to make decisions about computer or software purchases? (Please check all that apply.) Business publications Colleagues In-store displays PC Publications Radio Trade shows Other: ______________ (please specify) Catalogs Consultants Manufacturer's reps Personal experience/knowledge Television Newspaper 4
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