Month To Month Lease Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Month To Month Lease Agreement Template

Document content

This month to month lease agreement template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our month to month lease agreement template:

MONTH-TO-MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement ("Lease") is entered by and between ______________________ ("Owner") and ______________________ ("Tenant") on _______ (Date). Owner and Tenant may collectively be referred to as the "Parties." This Lease creates joint and several liabilities in the case of multiple Tenants. The Parties agree as follows: PREMISES: Owner hereby leases the premises located at _____________________ _________________________________ in the City of _________________, State of ________________, (the "Premises") to Tenant. LEASE TERM: The Lease will start on _____________________ and will continue as a month-to-month tenancy. In accordance with the State Statutes to terminate tenancy the Owner or Tenant must give the other party a written one (1) months' notice of Lease non-renewal. The Tenant may only terminate their Lease on the last day of any month and the Owner must receive a written notification of non-renewal at least ____ days prior to the last day of that month. If the Tenant plans to leave on or after the first of any month, they are responsible for that month's full rent. If the Tenant does not provide the Owner with a written ____ days' notice, they shall forfeit their full deposit amount. LEASE PAYMENTS: Tenant(s) agree to rent this dwelling on a month-to-month basis for $ _______ per month, payable in advance on the ______ day of the calendar month for which Owner(s) will give Tenant(s) a rebate/discount of $ _____________. SECURITY/CLEANING DEPOSIT: The security/cleaning deposit on this dwelling is $ _________. It is refundable if Tenant(s) leave the dwelling reasonably clean and undamaged. OCCUPANT(S): Only the following ____ persons and ____ pets are to live in this dwelling described as ____________________________________________________________________. Without Owners' prior permission written permission, no other persons may live there and no other pets may stay there, even temporarily, nor may the dwelling be sublet or used for business purposes. UTILITIES ANDS SERVICES: Charge for ☐ electricity, ☐ telephone service, ☐ cable television, ☐ heat, ☐ hot water, ☐ water, ☐ garbage pick-up, ☐ snow-removal and ☐ lawn maintenance are services/utilities provided to the apartment are included as a part of this Lease and shall be borne by the Owner in addition to the following: __________________________________________. Remarks (if any): ______________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE: Landlord and Tenant shall each be responsible to maintain appropriate insurance for their respective interests in the Premises and property located on the Premises. Tenant understands that Landlord will not provide any insurance coverage for Tenant's property. Landlord will not be responsible for any loss of Tenant's property, whether by theft, fire, riots, strikes, acts of God or otherwise. Landlord encourages Tenant to obtain renter's insurance or other similar coverage to protect against risk of loss. LATE CHARGES: Rent is due on the 1st of each month. If any or all of the rent is not received by the ____ of the month, $____ per day will be charged as late fees until full rental payment is received

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Document content

This month to month lease agreement template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our month to month lease agreement template:

MONTH-TO-MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement ("Lease") is entered by and between ______________________ ("Owner") and ______________________ ("Tenant") on _______ (Date). Owner and Tenant may collectively be referred to as the "Parties." This Lease creates joint and several liabilities in the case of multiple Tenants. The Parties agree as follows: PREMISES: Owner hereby leases the premises located at _____________________ _________________________________ in the City of _________________, State of ________________, (the "Premises") to Tenant. LEASE TERM: The Lease will start on _____________________ and will continue as a month-to-month tenancy. In accordance with the State Statutes to terminate tenancy the Owner or Tenant must give the other party a written one (1) months' notice of Lease non-renewal. The Tenant may only terminate their Lease on the last day of any month and the Owner must receive a written notification of non-renewal at least ____ days prior to the last day of that month. If the Tenant plans to leave on or after the first of any month, they are responsible for that month's full rent. If the Tenant does not provide the Owner with a written ____ days' notice, they shall forfeit their full deposit amount. LEASE PAYMENTS: Tenant(s) agree to rent this dwelling on a month-to-month basis for $ _______ per month, payable in advance on the ______ day of the calendar month for which Owner(s) will give Tenant(s) a rebate/discount of $ _____________. SECURITY/CLEANING DEPOSIT: The security/cleaning deposit on this dwelling is $ _________. It is refundable if Tenant(s) leave the dwelling reasonably clean and undamaged. OCCUPANT(S): Only the following ____ persons and ____ pets are to live in this dwelling described as ____________________________________________________________________. Without Owners' prior permission written permission, no other persons may live there and no other pets may stay there, even temporarily, nor may the dwelling be sublet or used for business purposes. UTILITIES ANDS SERVICES: Charge for ☐ electricity, ☐ telephone service, ☐ cable television, ☐ heat, ☐ hot water, ☐ water, ☐ garbage pick-up, ☐ snow-removal and ☐ lawn maintenance are services/utilities provided to the apartment are included as a part of this Lease and shall be borne by the Owner in addition to the following: __________________________________________. Remarks (if any): ______________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE: Landlord and Tenant shall each be responsible to maintain appropriate insurance for their respective interests in the Premises and property located on the Premises. Tenant understands that Landlord will not provide any insurance coverage for Tenant's property. Landlord will not be responsible for any loss of Tenant's property, whether by theft, fire, riots, strikes, acts of God or otherwise. Landlord encourages Tenant to obtain renter's insurance or other similar coverage to protect against risk of loss. LATE CHARGES: Rent is due on the 1st of each month. If any or all of the rent is not received by the ____ of the month, $____ per day will be charged as late fees until full rental payment is received

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