This minutes of meeting of incorporators template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
MINUTES OF MEETING OF INCORPORATORS [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Opening: Minutes of a Meeting of the Incorporators of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] duly called and held on [DATE] at [ADDRESS], commencing at [TIME]. Present: [List of attendeeS] With the approval of the directors present, [Chairman name] acted as Chairman of the meeting and [Secretary name] recorded the minutes. Resolutions Passed:
This minutes of meeting of incorporators template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
MINUTES OF MEETING OF INCORPORATORS [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Opening: Minutes of a Meeting of the Incorporators of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] duly called and held on [DATE] at [ADDRESS], commencing at [TIME]. Present: [List of attendeeS] With the approval of the directors present, [Chairman name] acted as Chairman of the meeting and [Secretary name] recorded the minutes. Resolutions Passed:
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