License Agreement Short Form Template

Business-in-a-Box's License Agreement Short Form Template

Document content

This license agreement short form template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our license agreement short form template:

LICENSE AGREEMENT This License Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "First Party"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [COMPANY NAME] (the "Second Party"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [MEMBER NAME] (the "Member"), an individual with his main address located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] DEFINITIONS Except where otherwise set out, the following terms and expressions shall be as defined in this section: "Copyrightable Technology" means, collectively, those works described in Exhibit A hereof; "Enhancement" shall include any modification, change or addition to the Technology made during the period of exclusivity provided for in paragraph [NUMBER] herein. "Intellectual Property Rights" includes patents, trademarks, service marks, registered designs, integrated circuit topography, including applications for any of the foregoing, as well as copyright, design rights, know-how, confidential information, trade secrets and any other similar rights in any country; "Know-how" means any know-how developed or owned by [SPECIFY] regarding the [DESCRIBE] methodology or its applications. "Technology" shall mean, collectively, the Copyrightable Technology and the Know-how. LICENSE Subject to Article [NUMBER], [MEMBER NAME] hereby grants to [YOUR COMPANY NAME], which accepts, a worldwide license with respect to all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Technology; For more certainty, [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. shall be entitled to use the Technology as is, make derivative works from it, publish it, combine it with other materials and works owned by [COMPANY NAME] or others, teach it to others for their use, grant non-exclusive licenses to third parties for the use of the Technology with or without compensation and assign its rights under the license granted to [COMPANY NAME] hereunder, sub-license such rights or otherwise make use of the Technology and any products incorporating the Technology without accounting to [MEMBER NAME] PROVIDED that [COMPANY NAME] may not thereby pass title or in any way assign, in whole or in part, any Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Technology, which rights shall remain solely with [MEMBER NAME]; [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall not have the right to assign, license or otherwise grant any right to a third party which would deprive [MEMBER NAME] of any residual rights listed in paragraph [NUMBER] hereinafter [for example by granting an exclusivity beyond the scope of the exclusivity granted to Claremont hereunder]. EXCLUSIVITY The rights granted to [YOUR COMPANY NAME] hereunder with respect to the Know-how are non-exclusive provided that no [MEMBER NAME] shall use the Know-how for any non [COMPANY NAME] client without [COMPANY NAME]'s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, while that [MEMBER NAME] is employed by [COMPANY NAME] or is seconded to a [COMPANY NAME] client on terms contemplating a return to [COMPANY NAME]. While [INDIVIDUAL NAME] remains employed by [COMPANY NAME] or a [COMPANY NAME] subsidiary, or is seconded to any [COMPANY NAME]'s client under terms contemplating a return to [COMPANY NAME] or it's subsidiary, [COMPANY NAME]'s right described in paragraph 2.1 to exploit Copyrightable Technology are exclusive. Thereafter, [COMPANY NAME]'s rights will be non-exclusive and [MEMBER NAME] will be free to exploit the Copyrightable Technology, provided that that exploitation does not infringe on [COMPANY NAME]'s non-exclusive rights. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES [MEMBER NAME] represent and warrant that [to the best of their knowledge] one or more of them, individually or collectively, are the sole and exclusive owners of the Intellectual Property in the Technology hold all rights necessary to grant the license granted herein, and

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Document content

This license agreement short form template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our license agreement short form template:

LICENSE AGREEMENT This License Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "First Party"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [COMPANY NAME] (the "Second Party"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [MEMBER NAME] (the "Member"), an individual with his main address located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] DEFINITIONS Except where otherwise set out, the following terms and expressions shall be as defined in this section: "Copyrightable Technology" means, collectively, those works described in Exhibit A hereof; "Enhancement" shall include any modification, change or addition to the Technology made during the period of exclusivity provided for in paragraph [NUMBER] herein. "Intellectual Property Rights" includes patents, trademarks, service marks, registered designs, integrated circuit topography, including applications for any of the foregoing, as well as copyright, design rights, know-how, confidential information, trade secrets and any other similar rights in any country; "Know-how" means any know-how developed or owned by [SPECIFY] regarding the [DESCRIBE] methodology or its applications. "Technology" shall mean, collectively, the Copyrightable Technology and the Know-how. LICENSE Subject to Article [NUMBER], [MEMBER NAME] hereby grants to [YOUR COMPANY NAME], which accepts, a worldwide license with respect to all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Technology; For more certainty, [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. shall be entitled to use the Technology as is, make derivative works from it, publish it, combine it with other materials and works owned by [COMPANY NAME] or others, teach it to others for their use, grant non-exclusive licenses to third parties for the use of the Technology with or without compensation and assign its rights under the license granted to [COMPANY NAME] hereunder, sub-license such rights or otherwise make use of the Technology and any products incorporating the Technology without accounting to [MEMBER NAME] PROVIDED that [COMPANY NAME] may not thereby pass title or in any way assign, in whole or in part, any Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Technology, which rights shall remain solely with [MEMBER NAME]; [YOUR COMPANY NAME] shall not have the right to assign, license or otherwise grant any right to a third party which would deprive [MEMBER NAME] of any residual rights listed in paragraph [NUMBER] hereinafter [for example by granting an exclusivity beyond the scope of the exclusivity granted to Claremont hereunder]. EXCLUSIVITY The rights granted to [YOUR COMPANY NAME] hereunder with respect to the Know-how are non-exclusive provided that no [MEMBER NAME] shall use the Know-how for any non [COMPANY NAME] client without [COMPANY NAME]'s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, while that [MEMBER NAME] is employed by [COMPANY NAME] or is seconded to a [COMPANY NAME] client on terms contemplating a return to [COMPANY NAME]. While [INDIVIDUAL NAME] remains employed by [COMPANY NAME] or a [COMPANY NAME] subsidiary, or is seconded to any [COMPANY NAME]'s client under terms contemplating a return to [COMPANY NAME] or it's subsidiary, [COMPANY NAME]'s right described in paragraph 2.1 to exploit Copyrightable Technology are exclusive. Thereafter, [COMPANY NAME]'s rights will be non-exclusive and [MEMBER NAME] will be free to exploit the Copyrightable Technology, provided that that exploitation does not infringe on [COMPANY NAME]'s non-exclusive rights. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES [MEMBER NAME] represent and warrant that [to the best of their knowledge] one or more of them, individually or collectively, are the sole and exclusive owners of the Intellectual Property in the Technology hold all rights necessary to grant the license granted herein, and

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