This letter of reference_long template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION To Whom it May Concern: OR Dear [CONTACT NAME], I would like to confirm that [Name] has been employed by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] for [Duration]. During this time, [HE/SHE] has displayed great leaderships skills and a unique ability to identify and solve problems. [HE/SHE] has been instrumental in streamlining our [SPECIFY DEPARTMENT OR PROCESS]. [HIS/HER] experience in [SPECIFY] has been a very valuable asset, one that can certainly be of great value to any company utilizing [HIS/HER] services. [Name] is loyal and always places the welfare of the company above all else. [HIS/HER] long hours and patience with employees under [HIM/HER] and with management, not to mention [HIS/HER] great customer relations skills, make [HIM/HER] an ideal employee. If available, [HE/SHE] can certainly count on re-employment with our firm, should the opportunity arise. Any company considering [Name] for employment has my most enthusiastic recommendation. As [HIS/HER] performance has indicated, [HE/SHE] is destined to achieve new heights in [HIS/HER] career and set new records for [HIS/HER] future employer, as [HE/SHE] did here. Sincerely,
This letter of reference_long template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION To Whom it May Concern: OR Dear [CONTACT NAME], I would like to confirm that [Name] has been employed by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] for [Duration]. During this time, [HE/SHE] has displayed great leaderships skills and a unique ability to identify and solve problems. [HE/SHE] has been instrumental in streamlining our [SPECIFY DEPARTMENT OR PROCESS]. [HIS/HER] experience in [SPECIFY] has been a very valuable asset, one that can certainly be of great value to any company utilizing [HIS/HER] services. [Name] is loyal and always places the welfare of the company above all else. [HIS/HER] long hours and patience with employees under [HIM/HER] and with management, not to mention [HIS/HER] great customer relations skills, make [HIM/HER] an ideal employee. If available, [HE/SHE] can certainly count on re-employment with our firm, should the opportunity arise. Any company considering [Name] for employment has my most enthusiastic recommendation. As [HIS/HER] performance has indicated, [HE/SHE] is destined to achieve new heights in [HIS/HER] career and set new records for [HIS/HER] future employer, as [HE/SHE] did here. Sincerely,
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