Letter of Intent_Acquisition of Business Template

Business-in-a-Box's Letter of Intent_Acquisition of Business Template

Document content

This letter of intent_acquisition of business template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our letter of intent_acquisition of business template:

[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: LETTER OF INTENT-ACQUISITION OF BUSINESS Dear [CONTACT NAME]: This letter ("Letter of Intent") sets forth the basic preliminary terms between the Buyer or his nominee and yourselves regarding the purchase of the [SPECIFY] business (the "Business") carried on by yourselves. Except as specifically set forth herein, this Letter of Intent shall not constitute an agreement between the parties and no agreement shall be deemed to exist until execution of a definitive purchase agreement. It is proposed that Buyer will acquire certain assets of the Business which Buyer believes to be necessary to the future of the Business, including the warehouse in [CITY/STATE] in which [COMPANY NAME] the Company has invested [AMOUNT] in cash and which has been financed by a mortgage loan of approximately [AMOUNT] granted by the [SPECIFY COMPANY] [CITY/STATE]. Buyer understands that the said warehouse has no other charges or liabilities affecting it other than the said mortgage loan. Buyer may either purchase the warehouse outright or enter into a lease-purchase or instalment transfer of ownership which is satisfactory to both parties. The gross purchase price for the said warehouse will be [AMOUNT]. Buyer may purchase or lease barrels and other equipment currently owned by the Company which are necessary to operate the Business, on a cash or instalment basis agreeable to both parties. The specific assets to be purchased and the amounts to be paid by Buyer in connection with this transaction remain to be negotiated by the parties. This Letter of Intent also evidences the intentions of the parties with respect to the following agreements: Buyer will enter into a [NUMBER]-year employment agreement with [COMPANY NAME], providing for the Company will be responsible for the purchase of [SPECIFY] for Buyer. The agreement will contain the customary terms and conditions found in employment agreements in similar transactions and will provide for the usual non-competition and non-solicitation covenants to be entered into by the Company in favour of Buyer. It is expressly understood that if the contemplated transaction is consummated, the aggregate amount of commission paid or payable to yourselves (net of reasonable expenses acceptable to Buyer) in respect of all purchases of [SPECIFY] made through you from the date of this Letter of Intent to the date of closing, with the exception of commissions earned on the [NUMBER] truckloads of [SPECIFY] to be delivered to Buyer during the week of [DATE] to [DATE], will be applied against remuneration payable to the Company in the first year of his employment agreement. If the contemplated transaction is not consummated, all such commissions paid or payable will be treated as commissions. Buyer will enter into a [NUMBER]-year employment agreement with [EMPLOYEE NAME], providing for the payment of a gross base salary of [ANNUAL SALARY] per year, to be paid weekly, subject to annual review. [EMPLOYEE NAME] will be President of the Business and the employment agreement will provide for health benefits, automobile, expenses and bonus arrangements

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Document content

This letter of intent_acquisition of business template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our letter of intent_acquisition of business template:

[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: LETTER OF INTENT-ACQUISITION OF BUSINESS Dear [CONTACT NAME]: This letter ("Letter of Intent") sets forth the basic preliminary terms between the Buyer or his nominee and yourselves regarding the purchase of the [SPECIFY] business (the "Business") carried on by yourselves. Except as specifically set forth herein, this Letter of Intent shall not constitute an agreement between the parties and no agreement shall be deemed to exist until execution of a definitive purchase agreement. It is proposed that Buyer will acquire certain assets of the Business which Buyer believes to be necessary to the future of the Business, including the warehouse in [CITY/STATE] in which [COMPANY NAME] the Company has invested [AMOUNT] in cash and which has been financed by a mortgage loan of approximately [AMOUNT] granted by the [SPECIFY COMPANY] [CITY/STATE]. Buyer understands that the said warehouse has no other charges or liabilities affecting it other than the said mortgage loan. Buyer may either purchase the warehouse outright or enter into a lease-purchase or instalment transfer of ownership which is satisfactory to both parties. The gross purchase price for the said warehouse will be [AMOUNT]. Buyer may purchase or lease barrels and other equipment currently owned by the Company which are necessary to operate the Business, on a cash or instalment basis agreeable to both parties. The specific assets to be purchased and the amounts to be paid by Buyer in connection with this transaction remain to be negotiated by the parties. This Letter of Intent also evidences the intentions of the parties with respect to the following agreements: Buyer will enter into a [NUMBER]-year employment agreement with [COMPANY NAME], providing for the Company will be responsible for the purchase of [SPECIFY] for Buyer. The agreement will contain the customary terms and conditions found in employment agreements in similar transactions and will provide for the usual non-competition and non-solicitation covenants to be entered into by the Company in favour of Buyer. It is expressly understood that if the contemplated transaction is consummated, the aggregate amount of commission paid or payable to yourselves (net of reasonable expenses acceptable to Buyer) in respect of all purchases of [SPECIFY] made through you from the date of this Letter of Intent to the date of closing, with the exception of commissions earned on the [NUMBER] truckloads of [SPECIFY] to be delivered to Buyer during the week of [DATE] to [DATE], will be applied against remuneration payable to the Company in the first year of his employment agreement. If the contemplated transaction is not consummated, all such commissions paid or payable will be treated as commissions. Buyer will enter into a [NUMBER]-year employment agreement with [EMPLOYEE NAME], providing for the payment of a gross base salary of [ANNUAL SALARY] per year, to be paid weekly, subject to annual review. [EMPLOYEE NAME] will be President of the Business and the employment agreement will provide for health benefits, automobile, expenses and bonus arrangements

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