This leading with vision writing excercise template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
LEADING WITH VISION WRITING EXCERCISE While a mission statement focuses on what your company is doing now, your vision is what you want to create for the future. It's important to engage your employees, so that they understand and align with your hopes and dreams. Your vision becomes a reality when it's reflected in beliefs, actions, and goals at each level of your organization. Use the following writing exercise to start developing a compelling and inspiring vision. Dream big so you'll achieve more. What is the relationship between your personal vision and your corporate vision? (Example: I value integrity and generosity. It's important for me to live by my principles and help others in both my personal and professional life.) Why is imagination important? (Example: Regardless of where my company is today, I can develop its potential. Aiming high excites me.) How can you encourage your employees to participate in your corporate vision?
This leading with vision writing excercise template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
LEADING WITH VISION WRITING EXCERCISE While a mission statement focuses on what your company is doing now, your vision is what you want to create for the future. It's important to engage your employees, so that they understand and align with your hopes and dreams. Your vision becomes a reality when it's reflected in beliefs, actions, and goals at each level of your organization. Use the following writing exercise to start developing a compelling and inspiring vision. Dream big so you'll achieve more. What is the relationship between your personal vision and your corporate vision? (Example: I value integrity and generosity. It's important for me to live by my principles and help others in both my personal and professional life.) Why is imagination important? (Example: Regardless of where my company is today, I can develop its potential. Aiming high excites me.) How can you encourage your employees to participate in your corporate vision?
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