Late Appointment Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Late Appointment Policy Template

Document content

This late appointment policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our late appointment policy template:

LATE APPOINTMENT POLICY POLICY At [NAME OF CLINIC/INSTITUTION], we put our faith in you to keep your appointment and be on time. We know you put your faith in us to see you on time as well as take good care of you. When we schedule an appointment, a specific amount of time is reserved especially for you. We understand that sometimes unexpected circumstances arise that may cause you to be late for your appointment. However, to provide the best possible care to all our patients, we have implemented a Late Appointment Policy. The policy of the healthcare provider's practice is to monitor and manage appointment no-shows and late cancellations. If it is necessary for the patient to cancel an appointment, patients are required to call or leave a message to cancel it. Notification allows the practice to better utilize appointments for other patients in need of prompt medical care. PURPOSE The healthcare provider's purpose is to provide excellent care and proper treatment to each patient in a timely manner. The healthcare provider shall not discriminate among its patients and would not give preference unless for an emergency case. Then the healthcare provider has the complete authority to give preference to the patient in emergency need of help. The healthcare provider shall have complete authority to decide the provisions of emergency case. SCOPE This Policy applies to all patients and staff who work for or on behalf of [NAME OF CLINIC/INSTITUTION], regardless of their role or location. If you are late: When we reserve time for you, we require all of that time to provide you with the best quality care possible. When you are late, it decreases our ability to accomplish this. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment time, you may be rescheduled in order to meet the needs of those who are on time. Priority will be given to the patients who arrive on time. One or two late patients can cause the entire daily schedule to fall behind. This is an inconvenience to everyone. We strive to see every patient as close to their appointment time as possible. DEFINITION OF LATE ARRIVAL, NO-SHOW AND SAME DAY CANCELLATION "Late Arrival" shall mean any patient who arrives at the clinic 15 minutes after the expected arrival time for the scheduled appointment. "No-Show" shall mean any patient who fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment. "Same Day Cancellation" shall mean any patient who cancels an appointment less than 24 hours before their scheduled appointment. APPOINTMENT Patients are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled appointments. If a patient anticipates being late, they should call the healthcare provider's office as soon as possible to inform them of the delay. POLICY AND PROCEDURE OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDER A patient is notified of the appointment "No-Show, Late, & Cancellation Policy" at the time of scheduling. This Policy can and will be provided in writing to patients at their request. The following factors must be considered:

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Document content

This late appointment policy template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our late appointment policy template:

LATE APPOINTMENT POLICY POLICY At [NAME OF CLINIC/INSTITUTION], we put our faith in you to keep your appointment and be on time. We know you put your faith in us to see you on time as well as take good care of you. When we schedule an appointment, a specific amount of time is reserved especially for you. We understand that sometimes unexpected circumstances arise that may cause you to be late for your appointment. However, to provide the best possible care to all our patients, we have implemented a Late Appointment Policy. The policy of the healthcare provider's practice is to monitor and manage appointment no-shows and late cancellations. If it is necessary for the patient to cancel an appointment, patients are required to call or leave a message to cancel it. Notification allows the practice to better utilize appointments for other patients in need of prompt medical care. PURPOSE The healthcare provider's purpose is to provide excellent care and proper treatment to each patient in a timely manner. The healthcare provider shall not discriminate among its patients and would not give preference unless for an emergency case. Then the healthcare provider has the complete authority to give preference to the patient in emergency need of help. The healthcare provider shall have complete authority to decide the provisions of emergency case. SCOPE This Policy applies to all patients and staff who work for or on behalf of [NAME OF CLINIC/INSTITUTION], regardless of their role or location. If you are late: When we reserve time for you, we require all of that time to provide you with the best quality care possible. When you are late, it decreases our ability to accomplish this. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment time, you may be rescheduled in order to meet the needs of those who are on time. Priority will be given to the patients who arrive on time. One or two late patients can cause the entire daily schedule to fall behind. This is an inconvenience to everyone. We strive to see every patient as close to their appointment time as possible. DEFINITION OF LATE ARRIVAL, NO-SHOW AND SAME DAY CANCELLATION "Late Arrival" shall mean any patient who arrives at the clinic 15 minutes after the expected arrival time for the scheduled appointment. "No-Show" shall mean any patient who fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment. "Same Day Cancellation" shall mean any patient who cancels an appointment less than 24 hours before their scheduled appointment. APPOINTMENT Patients are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled appointments. If a patient anticipates being late, they should call the healthcare provider's office as soon as possible to inform them of the delay. POLICY AND PROCEDURE OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDER A patient is notified of the appointment "No-Show, Late, & Cancellation Policy" at the time of scheduling. This Policy can and will be provided in writing to patients at their request. The following factors must be considered:

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