This it equipment email and internet usage policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
IT EQUIPMENT, EMAIL & INTERNET USAGE POLICY OVERVIEW The internet is to be used to further the Company's mission of providing the highest quality service to the Company's customers and employees, and to support other direct job-related purposes. Supervisors should work with employees to determine the appropriateness of using the Company's internet/intranet access. Limited personal use of internet resources is a special exception to the general prohibition against the personal use of computer equipment and software. Employees are individually liable for any and all damages incurred as a result of violating company security policy, copyright and licensing agreements. For these reasons, internet access will be granted only to users to support business activities and only according to their needs in the exercise of their professional functions and roles. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate uses of the internet by [COMPANY NAME] employees and affiliates. APPLICABILITY This policy applies to all employees and the use of the term "employees" should be read broadly to include permanent full-time and part-time employees, contract workers, temporary workers, business partners and suppliers who have access to the internet through computer or networking resources. In addition, this policy also covers and applies to employees using social media for work purposes and to the personal use of social media when away from work when the employee's employment is identified, known, or presumed. The company's internet users are required to familiarize themselves with and comply with this policy, as well as to use common sense and judgment in the use of internet services. POLICY Access to the internet Internet access will only be granted if reasonable operational needs are identified. In addition, internet services will only be provided in accordance with the employee's current responsibilities. If an employee changes business unit or job, a new internet access request must be submitted within [SPECIFY] business days. Finally, user internet access requirements will be reviewed periodically by the company's departments to ensure that needs are ongoing. Allowed Usage The use of the internet is granted only to support commercial activities necessary for the performance of professional duties. All users must follow the company's principles concerning the use of resources and exercise good judgment in the use of the internet. If you have any questions, please contact the IT department. Acceptable use of the internet to perform the duties of a position includes: Communication between employees and non-employees for commercial purposes; IT technical support downloading software updates and patches; Review of potential suppliers' websites for product information; Reference regulatory or technical information. Research Personal Usage The use of the company's IT resources to access the internet for personal use, without the approval of the user's manager and IT department, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. All internet users should be aware that the company's network creates an audit log that reflects service requests, both for incoming and outgoing addresses and that it is constantly reviewed. Users who choose to store or transmit personal information such as private keys, credit card numbers or certificates or who use internet "wallets" do so at their own risk. [COMPANY NAME] is not responsible for any loss of information, such as information stored in the portfolio, or any resulting loss of personal property. Prohibited Usage The acquisition, storage and dissemination of illegal, pornographic or racially, gender- or belief-denigrating data is expressly prohibited. The company also prohibits the conduct of a commercial enterprise, political activities, any form of information gathering at its facilities, and fraudulent activities or the knowing dissemination of false and defamatory material. Other activities that are strictly prohibited include, but are not limited to: Using the facilities and equipment in conflict with our objectives, such as to operate a personal business or to seek alternate employment; Broadcasting personal points of view such as commentaries on social or political issues; Participating in internet chat groups, online contest or promotion; Using the facilities and equipment to buy or sell items; Using the facilities and equipment to participate in any kind of on-line games, including gambling; Access company information that is not part of their work. This includes unauthorized reading of client account information, unauthorized access to personnel file information and access to information that is not necessary for the appropriate performance of the duties of the employee's position; Misuse, unauthorized disclosure or modification of customer or staff information. This includes unauthorized modification of a personal file or sharing of electronic data on clients or staff with unauthorized personnel; Any conduct that would constitute or encourage a criminal offense, lead to civil liability, or otherwise violate any regulations, local, state, national or international law; The use, transmission, duplication or voluntary receipt of material that violates the copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or patent rights of any person or organization. Assume that all material on the internet is protected by copyright or patents, unless specifically stated otherwise;
This it equipment email and internet usage policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
IT EQUIPMENT, EMAIL & INTERNET USAGE POLICY OVERVIEW The internet is to be used to further the Company's mission of providing the highest quality service to the Company's customers and employees, and to support other direct job-related purposes. Supervisors should work with employees to determine the appropriateness of using the Company's internet/intranet access. Limited personal use of internet resources is a special exception to the general prohibition against the personal use of computer equipment and software. Employees are individually liable for any and all damages incurred as a result of violating company security policy, copyright and licensing agreements. For these reasons, internet access will be granted only to users to support business activities and only according to their needs in the exercise of their professional functions and roles. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate uses of the internet by [COMPANY NAME] employees and affiliates. APPLICABILITY This policy applies to all employees and the use of the term "employees" should be read broadly to include permanent full-time and part-time employees, contract workers, temporary workers, business partners and suppliers who have access to the internet through computer or networking resources. In addition, this policy also covers and applies to employees using social media for work purposes and to the personal use of social media when away from work when the employee's employment is identified, known, or presumed. The company's internet users are required to familiarize themselves with and comply with this policy, as well as to use common sense and judgment in the use of internet services. POLICY Access to the internet Internet access will only be granted if reasonable operational needs are identified. In addition, internet services will only be provided in accordance with the employee's current responsibilities. If an employee changes business unit or job, a new internet access request must be submitted within [SPECIFY] business days. Finally, user internet access requirements will be reviewed periodically by the company's departments to ensure that needs are ongoing. Allowed Usage The use of the internet is granted only to support commercial activities necessary for the performance of professional duties. All users must follow the company's principles concerning the use of resources and exercise good judgment in the use of the internet. If you have any questions, please contact the IT department. Acceptable use of the internet to perform the duties of a position includes: Communication between employees and non-employees for commercial purposes; IT technical support downloading software updates and patches; Review of potential suppliers' websites for product information; Reference regulatory or technical information. Research Personal Usage The use of the company's IT resources to access the internet for personal use, without the approval of the user's manager and IT department, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. All internet users should be aware that the company's network creates an audit log that reflects service requests, both for incoming and outgoing addresses and that it is constantly reviewed. Users who choose to store or transmit personal information such as private keys, credit card numbers or certificates or who use internet "wallets" do so at their own risk. [COMPANY NAME] is not responsible for any loss of information, such as information stored in the portfolio, or any resulting loss of personal property. Prohibited Usage The acquisition, storage and dissemination of illegal, pornographic or racially, gender- or belief-denigrating data is expressly prohibited. The company also prohibits the conduct of a commercial enterprise, political activities, any form of information gathering at its facilities, and fraudulent activities or the knowing dissemination of false and defamatory material. Other activities that are strictly prohibited include, but are not limited to: Using the facilities and equipment in conflict with our objectives, such as to operate a personal business or to seek alternate employment; Broadcasting personal points of view such as commentaries on social or political issues; Participating in internet chat groups, online contest or promotion; Using the facilities and equipment to buy or sell items; Using the facilities and equipment to participate in any kind of on-line games, including gambling; Access company information that is not part of their work. This includes unauthorized reading of client account information, unauthorized access to personnel file information and access to information that is not necessary for the appropriate performance of the duties of the employee's position; Misuse, unauthorized disclosure or modification of customer or staff information. This includes unauthorized modification of a personal file or sharing of electronic data on clients or staff with unauthorized personnel; Any conduct that would constitute or encourage a criminal offense, lead to civil liability, or otherwise violate any regulations, local, state, national or international law; The use, transmission, duplication or voluntary receipt of material that violates the copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or patent rights of any person or organization. Assume that all material on the internet is protected by copyright or patents, unless specifically stated otherwise;
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