Exclusive Sollicitation Sales Commission Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Exclusive Sollicitation Sales Commission Agreement Template

Document content

This exclusive sollicitation sales commission agreement template has 12 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our exclusive sollicitation sales commission agreement template:

EXCLUSIVE SOLICITATION/SALES COMMISSION AGREEMENT This Exclusive Solicitation/Sales Commission Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Company"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [COMPANY NAME] (the "Representative"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of the mutual convenience and undertakings hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. OBJECT The Company hereby grants to Representative the sole and exclusive right to solicit and collect orders for the purchase of such company products described in Schedule A attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as "Products") from the customers listed in Schedule B attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as "Customers") within the geographic area described in Schedule C attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Territory"). 2. TERM This Agreement covers a period beginning [DATE], and terminating on [DATE]. Upon the expiry of this term, it shall be renewed automatically for an additional period of [NUMBER] years and thence similarly from year to year thereafter unless one party has given written notice to the other at least one month before the renewal date of its intention to terminate this Agreement. This Agreement may also be terminated in accordance with Section 12 hereof. 3. BEST EFFORTS Representative agrees that its employee(s) will use his (their) best efforts to actively promote and increase the sale of the Products in the Territory and more specifically to reach the forecast listed in Schedule D hereto attached. 4. PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS The Company shall supply Representative, on request, copies of all materials describing or advertising the Products. Representative shall not distribute any other promotional materials than those furnished by the Company. 5. PRICES The Products shall be sold by the Representative at prices shown on a price list to be furnished by the Company to the Representative, which price list may be amended from time to time by the Company. 6. PRODUCTS OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS It is understood by the parties that Representative may continue to solicit orders for, sell, or otherwise distribute the products of other manufacturers subject to the following terms and conditions: Attached hereto as Schedule E, is a list and a description of the products presently promoted, sold or otherwise distributed by Representative. Representative shall not, without the Company's prior written consent, which may be withheld at the Company's entire discretion, promote, solicit orders, sell or otherwise distribute, directly or indirectly, a product not specified in Schedule E. 7. PURCHASE ORDERS 7.1 All purchase orders received by Representative shall be submitted to the Company forthwith. Purchase orders shall specify the particular products, the quantity thereof required and the date of required delivery thereof. 7.2 Any purchase order received by the Company may be refused or accepted by the Company. Upon acceptance of such order, the Company shall deliver the products directly to the customer at the location specified in the said order. The Customer shall be invoiced directly by the Company. 8. RENUMERATION 8.1 Subject to paragraph 8.4 hereof, Representative shall be entitled to receive from the Company a commission equal to a percentage of the net amount invoiced by the Company for the sale of the Products to Customers in the Territory as per Schedule F attached hereto. The "net amount invoice" shall be the amount of the invoice less discounts, taxes, or any other charges (such as embroidery and printing). It is understood that a commission will be owing to Representative for such invoice meeting the conditions herein, whether or not orders were submitted by Representative to the Company or received directly by the Company from the customer. 8.2 The Company agrees to submit to Representative on a regular basis, copies of all order confirmations processed by the Company, to be later followed by a copy of the corresponding invoices. 8.3 Any commission payable by the Company to Representative pursuant to this Agreement will be paid on the [NUMBER] day of the month following the date of the invoice. 8.4 Should an invoice remain unpaid for a period of [NUMBER] days from the due date, Representative undertakes to repay the commission relating to such sale to the Company, in the event that it has already been paid by the Company to a representative. Such an amount is owing as of the [NUMBER] day following the date of the notice to this effect sent by the Company to Representative. No liability shall be incurred by the Company for any loss of commission resulting from cancellation of an order (either by the Company or the customer) or resulting from an order not shipped complete for any reason whatsoever. 8.6 In the event of termination of this Agreement for whatever reason, the Company will honor all commissions owed to Representative for orders submitted by Representative to the Company or received directly by the Company from the customer prior to the termination of this Agreement, as per the following: Commissions will be paid for all nylon and technical orders "in-stock and/or booking" shipped and invoiced during a period of three months following the effective date of termination. 8.6.2 Commissions will be paid for all other seasonal products after the goods will have been shipped and invoiced. 9. PRODUCT SAMPLES 9.1 Representative shall purchase from the Company samples of the products at a discount of [%] of the price corresponding to such products shown on the current price list. All payment owing by Representative to the Company for the purchase of such samples shall be paid to the Company within [NUMBER] days of the date of the invoice issued by the Company. 9.2 Product samples are the property of the Representative and are not to be returned to the Company. It is understood that Representative may sell such samples for his own profit as he determines and he must assume all risks involved with the sale. 10. PROPRIETARY INTEREST Representative agrees that it will, at any time upon request of the Company, and, in any event, promptly upon termination of this Agreement, return to the Company all price lists, quotation guides, outstanding quotations, books, records, manuals and sales literature and paraphernalia, customer record cards, correspondence, contracts, orders and other papers and documents in its possession which pertain or relate to the Company's business whether furnished to Representative by the Company or compiled by Representative in the course of its services hereunder, it being understood that all such property, books, papers and the like are and remain the property of the Company, and that the Company shall not be required to pay to Representative any sums of money then due to Representative until this provision has been complied with. Representative further agrees not to retain any copies or reproductions of the documents or such property of the Company. 11. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND NON-COMPETITION

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Document content

This exclusive sollicitation sales commission agreement template has 12 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.

Sample of our exclusive sollicitation sales commission agreement template:

EXCLUSIVE SOLICITATION/SALES COMMISSION AGREEMENT This Exclusive Solicitation/Sales Commission Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Company"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [COMPANY NAME] (the "Representative"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of the mutual convenience and undertakings hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. OBJECT The Company hereby grants to Representative the sole and exclusive right to solicit and collect orders for the purchase of such company products described in Schedule A attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as "Products") from the customers listed in Schedule B attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as "Customers") within the geographic area described in Schedule C attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Territory"). 2. TERM This Agreement covers a period beginning [DATE], and terminating on [DATE]. Upon the expiry of this term, it shall be renewed automatically for an additional period of [NUMBER] years and thence similarly from year to year thereafter unless one party has given written notice to the other at least one month before the renewal date of its intention to terminate this Agreement. This Agreement may also be terminated in accordance with Section 12 hereof. 3. BEST EFFORTS Representative agrees that its employee(s) will use his (their) best efforts to actively promote and increase the sale of the Products in the Territory and more specifically to reach the forecast listed in Schedule D hereto attached. 4. PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS The Company shall supply Representative, on request, copies of all materials describing or advertising the Products. Representative shall not distribute any other promotional materials than those furnished by the Company. 5. PRICES The Products shall be sold by the Representative at prices shown on a price list to be furnished by the Company to the Representative, which price list may be amended from time to time by the Company. 6. PRODUCTS OF OTHER MANUFACTURERS It is understood by the parties that Representative may continue to solicit orders for, sell, or otherwise distribute the products of other manufacturers subject to the following terms and conditions: Attached hereto as Schedule E, is a list and a description of the products presently promoted, sold or otherwise distributed by Representative. Representative shall not, without the Company's prior written consent, which may be withheld at the Company's entire discretion, promote, solicit orders, sell or otherwise distribute, directly or indirectly, a product not specified in Schedule E. 7. PURCHASE ORDERS 7.1 All purchase orders received by Representative shall be submitted to the Company forthwith. Purchase orders shall specify the particular products, the quantity thereof required and the date of required delivery thereof. 7.2 Any purchase order received by the Company may be refused or accepted by the Company. Upon acceptance of such order, the Company shall deliver the products directly to the customer at the location specified in the said order. The Customer shall be invoiced directly by the Company. 8. RENUMERATION 8.1 Subject to paragraph 8.4 hereof, Representative shall be entitled to receive from the Company a commission equal to a percentage of the net amount invoiced by the Company for the sale of the Products to Customers in the Territory as per Schedule F attached hereto. The "net amount invoice" shall be the amount of the invoice less discounts, taxes, or any other charges (such as embroidery and printing). It is understood that a commission will be owing to Representative for such invoice meeting the conditions herein, whether or not orders were submitted by Representative to the Company or received directly by the Company from the customer. 8.2 The Company agrees to submit to Representative on a regular basis, copies of all order confirmations processed by the Company, to be later followed by a copy of the corresponding invoices. 8.3 Any commission payable by the Company to Representative pursuant to this Agreement will be paid on the [NUMBER] day of the month following the date of the invoice. 8.4 Should an invoice remain unpaid for a period of [NUMBER] days from the due date, Representative undertakes to repay the commission relating to such sale to the Company, in the event that it has already been paid by the Company to a representative. Such an amount is owing as of the [NUMBER] day following the date of the notice to this effect sent by the Company to Representative. No liability shall be incurred by the Company for any loss of commission resulting from cancellation of an order (either by the Company or the customer) or resulting from an order not shipped complete for any reason whatsoever. 8.6 In the event of termination of this Agreement for whatever reason, the Company will honor all commissions owed to Representative for orders submitted by Representative to the Company or received directly by the Company from the customer prior to the termination of this Agreement, as per the following: Commissions will be paid for all nylon and technical orders "in-stock and/or booking" shipped and invoiced during a period of three months following the effective date of termination. 8.6.2 Commissions will be paid for all other seasonal products after the goods will have been shipped and invoiced. 9. PRODUCT SAMPLES 9.1 Representative shall purchase from the Company samples of the products at a discount of [%] of the price corresponding to such products shown on the current price list. All payment owing by Representative to the Company for the purchase of such samples shall be paid to the Company within [NUMBER] days of the date of the invoice issued by the Company. 9.2 Product samples are the property of the Representative and are not to be returned to the Company. It is understood that Representative may sell such samples for his own profit as he determines and he must assume all risks involved with the sale. 10. PROPRIETARY INTEREST Representative agrees that it will, at any time upon request of the Company, and, in any event, promptly upon termination of this Agreement, return to the Company all price lists, quotation guides, outstanding quotations, books, records, manuals and sales literature and paraphernalia, customer record cards, correspondence, contracts, orders and other papers and documents in its possession which pertain or relate to the Company's business whether furnished to Representative by the Company or compiled by Representative in the course of its services hereunder, it being understood that all such property, books, papers and the like are and remain the property of the Company, and that the Company shall not be required to pay to Representative any sums of money then due to Representative until this provision has been complied with. Representative further agrees not to retain any copies or reproductions of the documents or such property of the Company. 11. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND NON-COMPETITION

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