Employment Agreement Key Employee Template

Business-in-a-Box's Employment Agreement Key Employee Template

Document content

This employment agreement key employee template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our employment agreement key employee template:

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR KEY EMPLOYEE This Employment Agreement for Key Employee (the "Agreement") is made and effective this [Date], BETWEEN: [EMPLOYEE NAME] (the "Employee"), an individual with his main address at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] RECITALS Company is engaged in the business of [DESCRIBE], and maintains a branch office at [address], [city], [state/PROVINCE]. Employee has been engaged and has had a great deal of experience in the above-designated business. Employee is willing to be employed by Company, and Company is willing to employ employee, on the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth in this Agreement. In consideration of the matters described above, and of the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: Employment Company will employ Employee and Employee accepts employment upon the terms set forth below, and at a compensation which may be agreed upon from time to time by Company and Employee. This Agreement starts as of the date set forth above and remains in effect for an indefinite time until terminated by Company or by Employee by giving the other party notice of termination at least [NUMBER] days in advance. Instead of such notice, Company may at its sole option, pay Employee the salary equivalent for [NUMBER] days. While employed by Company, Employee agrees to devote Employee's full working time to the affairs of Company. Employee shall not work as an employee, independent consultant or agent for another entity, whether or not during the business hours of Company, without the permission of Company. Confidentiality Employee recognizes and acknowledges that the software systems, including specifications, programs and documentation, the methods and data which Company owns, plans or develops, whether for its own use or for use by its clients, developments, designs, inventions and improvements, trade secrets and works of authorship are confidential and are the property of Company. Employee also recognizes that Company's customer lists, supplier lists, proposals and procedures are confidential and are the property of Company. Employee further recognizes and acknowledges that in order to enable Company to perform services for its clients, those clients may furnish to Company confidential information concerning their business affairs, property, methods of operation or other data; that the goodwill afforded to Company depends upon, among other things, Company and its employees keeping such services and information confidential. All of these materials and information including that relating to Company's systems and Company's clients, will be referred to below as "Proprietary Information." Non-Disclosure Employee agrees that, except as directed by Company, and in the ordinary course of Company's business, Employee will not at any time, whether during or after Employee's employment with Company, disclose to any person or use, directly or indirectly, for Employee's own benefit or the benefit of others, any Proprietary Information, or permit any person to examine or make copies of any documents which may contain or is derived from Proprietary Information, whether prepared by Employee or otherwise coming into Employee's possession or control. Employee agrees that the provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement and Employee's employment by Company. Possession Employee agrees that upon request by Company, and in any event upon termination of Employee's employment, Employee shall then over to Company all documents, papers or other material in Employee's possession or under Employee's control which may contain or be derived from Proprietary Information, together with all documents, notes or Employee's work products which are connected with or derived from Employee's services to Company and all copies of software obtained from Company shall be either returned to Company or, as appropriate, permanently deleted. Upon termination of Employee's employment with Company, Employee agrees to pay in full any amount owed Company, including but not limited to monies used to purchase computer hardware

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Document content

This employment agreement key employee template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our employment agreement key employee template:

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR KEY EMPLOYEE This Employment Agreement for Key Employee (the "Agreement") is made and effective this [Date], BETWEEN: [EMPLOYEE NAME] (the "Employee"), an individual with his main address at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] RECITALS Company is engaged in the business of [DESCRIBE], and maintains a branch office at [address], [city], [state/PROVINCE]. Employee has been engaged and has had a great deal of experience in the above-designated business. Employee is willing to be employed by Company, and Company is willing to employ employee, on the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth in this Agreement. In consideration of the matters described above, and of the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: Employment Company will employ Employee and Employee accepts employment upon the terms set forth below, and at a compensation which may be agreed upon from time to time by Company and Employee. This Agreement starts as of the date set forth above and remains in effect for an indefinite time until terminated by Company or by Employee by giving the other party notice of termination at least [NUMBER] days in advance. Instead of such notice, Company may at its sole option, pay Employee the salary equivalent for [NUMBER] days. While employed by Company, Employee agrees to devote Employee's full working time to the affairs of Company. Employee shall not work as an employee, independent consultant or agent for another entity, whether or not during the business hours of Company, without the permission of Company. Confidentiality Employee recognizes and acknowledges that the software systems, including specifications, programs and documentation, the methods and data which Company owns, plans or develops, whether for its own use or for use by its clients, developments, designs, inventions and improvements, trade secrets and works of authorship are confidential and are the property of Company. Employee also recognizes that Company's customer lists, supplier lists, proposals and procedures are confidential and are the property of Company. Employee further recognizes and acknowledges that in order to enable Company to perform services for its clients, those clients may furnish to Company confidential information concerning their business affairs, property, methods of operation or other data; that the goodwill afforded to Company depends upon, among other things, Company and its employees keeping such services and information confidential. All of these materials and information including that relating to Company's systems and Company's clients, will be referred to below as "Proprietary Information." Non-Disclosure Employee agrees that, except as directed by Company, and in the ordinary course of Company's business, Employee will not at any time, whether during or after Employee's employment with Company, disclose to any person or use, directly or indirectly, for Employee's own benefit or the benefit of others, any Proprietary Information, or permit any person to examine or make copies of any documents which may contain or is derived from Proprietary Information, whether prepared by Employee or otherwise coming into Employee's possession or control. Employee agrees that the provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement and Employee's employment by Company. Possession Employee agrees that upon request by Company, and in any event upon termination of Employee's employment, Employee shall then over to Company all documents, papers or other material in Employee's possession or under Employee's control which may contain or be derived from Proprietary Information, together with all documents, notes or Employee's work products which are connected with or derived from Employee's services to Company and all copies of software obtained from Company shall be either returned to Company or, as appropriate, permanently deleted. Upon termination of Employee's employment with Company, Employee agrees to pay in full any amount owed Company, including but not limited to monies used to purchase computer hardware

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