Employee Email Policies Long Template

Business-in-a-Box's Employee Email Policies Long Template

Document content

This employee email policies long template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our employee email policies long template:

EMPLOYEE EMAIL POLICIES Adoption of Policy This policy statement was adopted by the Board of Directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and must be complied with by all employees and contractors that are provided with access to certain Internet and Intranet services of the company, including but not limited to Internet access, Email, FTP, local area network, stand alone computer terminals, and laptop computers. The Company offers certain Computer and Internet Services as a tool for employees to utilize in connection with their job-related functions. It is the philosophy of the Company that these services can be used to enhance the productivity of our employees and further the efficient accomplishment of tasks that benefit the business and prospects of the Company. Employee Email Company Email Addresses All employees with a bona fide need will be issued an Email address for use only in connection with bona fide business on behalf of the Company. No Privacy In Company Email The Company respects the privacy rights of its employees. At the same time, Company Email usage is given only for Company use and in furtherance of Company activities and not for the private or personal use of the employee. Employee's privacy is not extended to employee's ob related functions, which are the only functions for which Email may be used. As such, employees should have no expectation of privacy with respect to use of the Company provided Email address. Employee Email Passwords Each employee who is issued an Email account shall be issued a password with which to gain access to such account. The password shall also be logged and retained by the CIS Director. Employees are put on notice that the password does not secure privacy of such Email account or mean that the contents of Email files are private or personal to employee. All passwords shall be the property of the Company. Employees are not authorized to make any changes to such passwords without obtaining approval and issuance of a new password from the CIS Director. Company Management Right To Review Email Information Employees are provided with Email addresses only for Company-related matters. The Email accounts and all information transmitted through these accounts are the property of the Company and not of the employee and shall be considered to be Company records. The contents of the Company Email account will be available at all times to access by Company management. Employees should have no expectation that any information contained in Email that they send and receive. All Email contents shall be accessible by company management. The Company routinely backs up this information, so the employee's Email will normally be accessible to the Company from backup files, even after it is deleted by the employee. You should also be aware that the contents of Email transmission to or from you may be disclosed within the Company for any purpose, including but not limited to decisions relative to employment matters. The contents of your Email and other information on the Company systems are subject to periodic unannounced inspections. YOU SHOULD NOT ASSUME THAT ANY EMAIL MESSAGES THAT YOU SEND OR RECEIVE ARE CONFIDENTIAL. THEY ARE NOT. Passwords and Encryption Keys Only passwords that are assigned to you by the CIS Director may be used. If you wish to change your password, you must first notify the CIS Director. You are not authorized to make changes in your password. Any requested changes are to be accomplished by the CIS Director. You are not authorized to use any encryption devices or encryption keys unless you first notify the CIS Director. You shall also provide the CIS Director with the means of access to such encrypted transmissions. The Company recognizes that in certain instances encryption of Email transmissions are in the best interests of the Company and the protection of the Company's information. As such, employees are encouraged to be sensitive to the necessity of encryption in some instances and are encouraged to utilize encryption subject to the necessity of receiving prior approval and providing necessary information to the CIS Director. Employees are prohibiting from using the passwords and encryption devices of other employees or of the Company. In the event that a password or encryption device of another employee or of the Company comes into the knowledge of the employee, the employee shall immediately notify the CIS Director. Employees are prohibited from using the Email addresses of other employees. Personal Email The Email account that you are assigned is to be used only for Company business and to assist you in the performance of your employment related activities. You are prohibited from using the Email accounts for personal reasons. You should only give out your Email address for business purposes. You should not give out your Email address to individuals who have no business purpose. The Company has the unrestricted right to access and disclose as all messages transmitted to and from its Email system regardless of whether the content is business-related or personal in nature. This means that your personal messages will be accessible by Company management at all times and without any notice to you. You should not transmit any messages over the Company Email that you would not want to have disclosed to a third party. Company Email should not contain personal information about yourself or other parties, whether they are employees of this Company or not. Occasional Unsolicited Personal Email Occasional unsolicited personal Emails may be unavoidable and will not be a violation of this policy. However, these occasional unsolicited Emails will be treated in the same way as business related Emails by the Company and you will not have any expectation of privacy in them. We recommend that you respond to unsolicited personal Emails received at your Company Email address stating that you are not permitted to receive personal Emails on your Company Email address, that there is no expectation of privacy when this Email address is used, and referring the sender to your own private personal Email address, if you have one, for future transmissions. Professional Tone Employees should use the same level of care and draftsmanship in Email transmissions as they do with respect to business letters. Emails should be professionally written with a professional tone, correct business form and style should be used. Prohibited Email Content You are not permitted to transmit any Email over the Company systems that contain and illegal, defamatory, insulting, vulgar, rude, disruptive, offensive, derogatory, harmful or immoral content

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Document content

This employee email policies long template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our employee email policies long template:

EMPLOYEE EMAIL POLICIES Adoption of Policy This policy statement was adopted by the Board of Directors of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] and must be complied with by all employees and contractors that are provided with access to certain Internet and Intranet services of the company, including but not limited to Internet access, Email, FTP, local area network, stand alone computer terminals, and laptop computers. The Company offers certain Computer and Internet Services as a tool for employees to utilize in connection with their job-related functions. It is the philosophy of the Company that these services can be used to enhance the productivity of our employees and further the efficient accomplishment of tasks that benefit the business and prospects of the Company. Employee Email Company Email Addresses All employees with a bona fide need will be issued an Email address for use only in connection with bona fide business on behalf of the Company. No Privacy In Company Email The Company respects the privacy rights of its employees. At the same time, Company Email usage is given only for Company use and in furtherance of Company activities and not for the private or personal use of the employee. Employee's privacy is not extended to employee's ob related functions, which are the only functions for which Email may be used. As such, employees should have no expectation of privacy with respect to use of the Company provided Email address. Employee Email Passwords Each employee who is issued an Email account shall be issued a password with which to gain access to such account. The password shall also be logged and retained by the CIS Director. Employees are put on notice that the password does not secure privacy of such Email account or mean that the contents of Email files are private or personal to employee. All passwords shall be the property of the Company. Employees are not authorized to make any changes to such passwords without obtaining approval and issuance of a new password from the CIS Director. Company Management Right To Review Email Information Employees are provided with Email addresses only for Company-related matters. The Email accounts and all information transmitted through these accounts are the property of the Company and not of the employee and shall be considered to be Company records. The contents of the Company Email account will be available at all times to access by Company management. Employees should have no expectation that any information contained in Email that they send and receive. All Email contents shall be accessible by company management. The Company routinely backs up this information, so the employee's Email will normally be accessible to the Company from backup files, even after it is deleted by the employee. You should also be aware that the contents of Email transmission to or from you may be disclosed within the Company for any purpose, including but not limited to decisions relative to employment matters. The contents of your Email and other information on the Company systems are subject to periodic unannounced inspections. YOU SHOULD NOT ASSUME THAT ANY EMAIL MESSAGES THAT YOU SEND OR RECEIVE ARE CONFIDENTIAL. THEY ARE NOT. Passwords and Encryption Keys Only passwords that are assigned to you by the CIS Director may be used. If you wish to change your password, you must first notify the CIS Director. You are not authorized to make changes in your password. Any requested changes are to be accomplished by the CIS Director. You are not authorized to use any encryption devices or encryption keys unless you first notify the CIS Director. You shall also provide the CIS Director with the means of access to such encrypted transmissions. The Company recognizes that in certain instances encryption of Email transmissions are in the best interests of the Company and the protection of the Company's information. As such, employees are encouraged to be sensitive to the necessity of encryption in some instances and are encouraged to utilize encryption subject to the necessity of receiving prior approval and providing necessary information to the CIS Director. Employees are prohibiting from using the passwords and encryption devices of other employees or of the Company. In the event that a password or encryption device of another employee or of the Company comes into the knowledge of the employee, the employee shall immediately notify the CIS Director. Employees are prohibited from using the Email addresses of other employees. Personal Email The Email account that you are assigned is to be used only for Company business and to assist you in the performance of your employment related activities. You are prohibited from using the Email accounts for personal reasons. You should only give out your Email address for business purposes. You should not give out your Email address to individuals who have no business purpose. The Company has the unrestricted right to access and disclose as all messages transmitted to and from its Email system regardless of whether the content is business-related or personal in nature. This means that your personal messages will be accessible by Company management at all times and without any notice to you. You should not transmit any messages over the Company Email that you would not want to have disclosed to a third party. Company Email should not contain personal information about yourself or other parties, whether they are employees of this Company or not. Occasional Unsolicited Personal Email Occasional unsolicited personal Emails may be unavoidable and will not be a violation of this policy. However, these occasional unsolicited Emails will be treated in the same way as business related Emails by the Company and you will not have any expectation of privacy in them. We recommend that you respond to unsolicited personal Emails received at your Company Email address stating that you are not permitted to receive personal Emails on your Company Email address, that there is no expectation of privacy when this Email address is used, and referring the sender to your own private personal Email address, if you have one, for future transmissions. Professional Tone Employees should use the same level of care and draftsmanship in Email transmissions as they do with respect to business letters. Emails should be professionally written with a professional tone, correct business form and style should be used. Prohibited Email Content You are not permitted to transmit any Email over the Company systems that contain and illegal, defamatory, insulting, vulgar, rude, disruptive, offensive, derogatory, harmful or immoral content

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