Elementary School Teacher Job Description Template

Business-in-a-Box's Elementary School Teacher Job Description Template

Document content

This elementary school teacher job description template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our elementary school teacher job description template:

JOB DESCRIPTION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER Brief description The position of elementary school teacher consists of teaching pupils in public or private schools at the elementary level basic academic, social, and other formative skills. Tasks Adapt teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs and interests; Establish and enforce rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among the students for whom they are responsible; Establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects and communicate those objectives to students; Instruct students individually and in groups, using various teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; Meet with parents and guardians to discuss their children's progress and to determine priorities for their children and their resource needs; Observe and evaluate students' performance, behavior, social development, and physical health; Prepare materials and classrooms for class activities; Prepare students for later grades by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks; Provide a variety of materials and resources for children to explore, manipulate, and use, both in learning activities and in imaginative play; Read books to entire classes or small groups.

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Document content

This elementary school teacher job description template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our elementary school teacher job description template:

JOB DESCRIPTION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER Brief description The position of elementary school teacher consists of teaching pupils in public or private schools at the elementary level basic academic, social, and other formative skills. Tasks Adapt teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs and interests; Establish and enforce rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among the students for whom they are responsible; Establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, and projects and communicate those objectives to students; Instruct students individually and in groups, using various teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, and demonstrations; Meet with parents and guardians to discuss their children's progress and to determine priorities for their children and their resource needs; Observe and evaluate students' performance, behavior, social development, and physical health; Prepare materials and classrooms for class activities; Prepare students for later grades by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks; Provide a variety of materials and resources for children to explore, manipulate, and use, both in learning activities and in imaginative play; Read books to entire classes or small groups.

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