Due Diligence Request List Template

Business-in-a-Box's Due Diligence Request List Template

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This due diligence request list template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our due diligence request list template:

DUE DILIGENCE REQUEST LIST During due diligence, investors typically analyze a company they intend to acquire through sale, merger, or other investment methods. Hence, they may ask your company for a list of its assets, contracts, liabilities, advantages, and potential challenges. This list will help the investor comprehend the investment decisions to make in the future. Based on different categories, here's a list to follow: Financial Information For a detailed breakdown of a company's financial health, investors request their financial statements, historical cash flows, and tax documentation. The company may also need to describe accounting methods and treatments. Other relevant financial information includes: Details of G&A expenses for the last three years. Disclosure of accounting problems. A detailed description of financial arrangements and indebtedness. Banking / Cash / Corporate credit cards. Company Information and Legal Details Your company information should show visible signs of value and growth. Investors should also understand the legal risks of the company. Here are some crucial company information and legal details to provide: Permits, licenses, and other imperative governmental authorizations to conduct business in the United States or any applicable location. Ownership information and member register. Formation documents and operating agreements. Valid copies of correspondence with government authorities. Details regarding investigations, litigation, claims, proceedings, arbitrations, and related legal procedures. Copies of material agreements with suppliers and vendors. Insurance and Liability Most businesses face different claims during operation. Hence, it's normal for the investor to want some valid insurance and liability information. Most will request a list of all material insurance agreements, including the insurer, nature of coverage, insured amounts, and deductibles. Your company may also need to describe its workers' compensation policy, high-level claims information, and historical experience ratings

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Document content

This due diligence request list template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our due diligence request list template:

DUE DILIGENCE REQUEST LIST During due diligence, investors typically analyze a company they intend to acquire through sale, merger, or other investment methods. Hence, they may ask your company for a list of its assets, contracts, liabilities, advantages, and potential challenges. This list will help the investor comprehend the investment decisions to make in the future. Based on different categories, here's a list to follow: Financial Information For a detailed breakdown of a company's financial health, investors request their financial statements, historical cash flows, and tax documentation. The company may also need to describe accounting methods and treatments. Other relevant financial information includes: Details of G&A expenses for the last three years. Disclosure of accounting problems. A detailed description of financial arrangements and indebtedness. Banking / Cash / Corporate credit cards. Company Information and Legal Details Your company information should show visible signs of value and growth. Investors should also understand the legal risks of the company. Here are some crucial company information and legal details to provide: Permits, licenses, and other imperative governmental authorizations to conduct business in the United States or any applicable location. Ownership information and member register. Formation documents and operating agreements. Valid copies of correspondence with government authorities. Details regarding investigations, litigation, claims, proceedings, arbitrations, and related legal procedures. Copies of material agreements with suppliers and vendors. Insurance and Liability Most businesses face different claims during operation. Hence, it's normal for the investor to want some valid insurance and liability information. Most will request a list of all material insurance agreements, including the insurer, nature of coverage, insured amounts, and deductibles. Your company may also need to describe its workers' compensation policy, high-level claims information, and historical experience ratings

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