Disability Plan Short-Term Template

Business-in-a-Box's Disability Plan Short-Term Template

Document content

This disability plan short-term template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our disability plan short-term template:

Short-Term Disability Plan POLICY [YOUR COMPANY NAME] provides a Short-Term Disability Program available to eligible full-time regular employees as approved by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] designed to assist those regular employees unable to work due to extended illness or disability lasting up to [NUMBER] months. All regular employees with more than one year of continuous service based on date of employment as a regular employee are eligible for consideration of Short-Term Disability benefits. This plan is to be integrated with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Employees' Long-Term Disability Plan, which provides benefit payments to regular employees with at least one year of service, after [NUMBER] months of total disability. Any illness or impairment of health verified by a certified doctor's written statement, that requires an employee to be absent from work for [NUMEBER] or more continuous working days, qualifies the employee for consideration of benefits under the Short-Term Disability Program. Benefits are available only to an employee who is under a certified physician's care. A doctor must certify the starting, continuing, and ending dates of the employee's disability on Disability Certification Form. Payment of the employee's Short-Term Disability benefits will be delayed or denied if we are unable to certify the initiation or continuing status of the disability period. Short-Term Disability benefits must be approved before benefits are paid. The fact that an employee presents a doctor's certificate indicating an illness/disability does not in and of itself establish eligibility for Short-Term Disability benefits. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] retains and reserves the right to request additional information from the employee or the employee's physician and/or to request the employee to obtain certification of the illness/disability from a physician of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s choice at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s expense, prior to granting approval of Short-Term Disability benefits under this program. Benefits under this program must be requested by the employee through [Name of person who receives requests] and approved by [Name of person who approves requests]. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] may place employees on a medical leave of absence without pay if doubt exists as to the bona fide nature of the illness/disability or if additional medical information is required to substantiate the claim. When additional medical information is requested, employees remain on medical leave of absence without pay until the illness/disability is certified and an effective date obtained based on the additional information from the employee's physician or a physician of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s choice. Reconfirmation of disability or long-term illness by the patient's physician will be required by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] every two weeks unless a physician is able to project at the outset a total period of disability. These re-certifications may be subject to review by a physician called in at the company option and expense. Short-Term disability benefits start on the date of the doctor's certificate or the first day of the disability period as indicated by the effective date of the doctor's certificate, whichever is earlier. Maximum benefits under the Short-Term Disability Program are [NUMBER] working days at full pay or a combination of full and half pay totaling [NUMBER] working days, after which time a determination may be made regarding an employee's eligibility for company-paid Long-Term Disability benefits. Short-Term Disability benefits are paid in accordance with the following schedule: Length of Employmentas a Regular Employee Amount of Benefit 1-2 years 20 days at full pay followed by20 days at half pay 3 years 30 days at full pay followed by30 days at half pay 4 years 40 days at full pay followedby 40 days at half pay 5 years 50 days at full pay followed by50 days at half pay 6 years 60 days at full pay followed by60 days at half pay 7 years 70 days at full pay followed by60 days at half pay 8 years 80 days at full pay followed by50 days at half pay 9 years 90 days at full pay followed by40 days at half pay 10 years 100 days at full pay followed by30 days at half pay 11 years 110 days at full pay followed by20 days at half pay 12 years 120 days at full pay followed by10 days at half pay 13 years or more (Maximum benefit) [NUMBER] days at full pay The basis for calculation of an account representative's or other incentive compensation employee's benefits is either: 80% of the total income of the prior 24 months divided by 52 bi-weekly periods (or, if newly eligible, the prior 12 months divided by 26) to determine the average bi-weekly paycheck; or 100% of the true total annual earnings divided by 26 to determine the bi-weekly paycheck, whichever is greater. These employees will be paid Short-Term Disability benefits based on the schedule in l) above. Commission payments cease while the incentive compensation employee is paid Short-Term Disability benefits. Regular employees are eligible for the different amounts as stated above according to length of service on their anniversary date. If an anniversary date occurs while an employee is receiving Short-Term Disability benefits, he/she will be eligible for the greater amount of coverage, as outlined in the chart in l) above. At the end of six months of continuous disability, an assessment will be made to see if the employee qualifies for disability benefits under the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Long-Term Disability Plan. If at that time, the employee cannot be certified disabled by the Long-Term Disability Plan Administrator, his or her employment may be terminated with the option for rehire when the employee's health allows. If it becomes clear that the employee's return to work is imminent, after paid Short-Term Disability benefits lapse, a leave of absence without pay may be authorized by [Name of person or persons who authorizes leaves of absence]. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] bases disability payments on an incident of disability, rather than on a calendar-year basis

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Document content

This disability plan short-term template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our disability plan short-term template:

Short-Term Disability Plan POLICY [YOUR COMPANY NAME] provides a Short-Term Disability Program available to eligible full-time regular employees as approved by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] designed to assist those regular employees unable to work due to extended illness or disability lasting up to [NUMBER] months. All regular employees with more than one year of continuous service based on date of employment as a regular employee are eligible for consideration of Short-Term Disability benefits. This plan is to be integrated with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Employees' Long-Term Disability Plan, which provides benefit payments to regular employees with at least one year of service, after [NUMBER] months of total disability. Any illness or impairment of health verified by a certified doctor's written statement, that requires an employee to be absent from work for [NUMEBER] or more continuous working days, qualifies the employee for consideration of benefits under the Short-Term Disability Program. Benefits are available only to an employee who is under a certified physician's care. A doctor must certify the starting, continuing, and ending dates of the employee's disability on Disability Certification Form. Payment of the employee's Short-Term Disability benefits will be delayed or denied if we are unable to certify the initiation or continuing status of the disability period. Short-Term Disability benefits must be approved before benefits are paid. The fact that an employee presents a doctor's certificate indicating an illness/disability does not in and of itself establish eligibility for Short-Term Disability benefits. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] retains and reserves the right to request additional information from the employee or the employee's physician and/or to request the employee to obtain certification of the illness/disability from a physician of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s choice at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s expense, prior to granting approval of Short-Term Disability benefits under this program. Benefits under this program must be requested by the employee through [Name of person who receives requests] and approved by [Name of person who approves requests]. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] may place employees on a medical leave of absence without pay if doubt exists as to the bona fide nature of the illness/disability or if additional medical information is required to substantiate the claim. When additional medical information is requested, employees remain on medical leave of absence without pay until the illness/disability is certified and an effective date obtained based on the additional information from the employee's physician or a physician of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s choice. Reconfirmation of disability or long-term illness by the patient's physician will be required by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] every two weeks unless a physician is able to project at the outset a total period of disability. These re-certifications may be subject to review by a physician called in at the company option and expense. Short-Term disability benefits start on the date of the doctor's certificate or the first day of the disability period as indicated by the effective date of the doctor's certificate, whichever is earlier. Maximum benefits under the Short-Term Disability Program are [NUMBER] working days at full pay or a combination of full and half pay totaling [NUMBER] working days, after which time a determination may be made regarding an employee's eligibility for company-paid Long-Term Disability benefits. Short-Term Disability benefits are paid in accordance with the following schedule: Length of Employmentas a Regular Employee Amount of Benefit 1-2 years 20 days at full pay followed by20 days at half pay 3 years 30 days at full pay followed by30 days at half pay 4 years 40 days at full pay followedby 40 days at half pay 5 years 50 days at full pay followed by50 days at half pay 6 years 60 days at full pay followed by60 days at half pay 7 years 70 days at full pay followed by60 days at half pay 8 years 80 days at full pay followed by50 days at half pay 9 years 90 days at full pay followed by40 days at half pay 10 years 100 days at full pay followed by30 days at half pay 11 years 110 days at full pay followed by20 days at half pay 12 years 120 days at full pay followed by10 days at half pay 13 years or more (Maximum benefit) [NUMBER] days at full pay The basis for calculation of an account representative's or other incentive compensation employee's benefits is either: 80% of the total income of the prior 24 months divided by 52 bi-weekly periods (or, if newly eligible, the prior 12 months divided by 26) to determine the average bi-weekly paycheck; or 100% of the true total annual earnings divided by 26 to determine the bi-weekly paycheck, whichever is greater. These employees will be paid Short-Term Disability benefits based on the schedule in l) above. Commission payments cease while the incentive compensation employee is paid Short-Term Disability benefits. Regular employees are eligible for the different amounts as stated above according to length of service on their anniversary date. If an anniversary date occurs while an employee is receiving Short-Term Disability benefits, he/she will be eligible for the greater amount of coverage, as outlined in the chart in l) above. At the end of six months of continuous disability, an assessment will be made to see if the employee qualifies for disability benefits under the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Long-Term Disability Plan. If at that time, the employee cannot be certified disabled by the Long-Term Disability Plan Administrator, his or her employment may be terminated with the option for rehire when the employee's health allows. If it becomes clear that the employee's return to work is imminent, after paid Short-Term Disability benefits lapse, a leave of absence without pay may be authorized by [Name of person or persons who authorizes leaves of absence]. [YOUR COMPANY NAME] bases disability payments on an incident of disability, rather than on a calendar-year basis

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