This creating a marketing brochure template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
CHECKLIST CREATING A MARKETING BROCHURE What is your purpose in sending out this brochure? Introduce your business/service/product to potential clients Provide information to existing clients about changes in business, new services, or updated products Who should be receiving this brochure? Existing clients New clients What type of action do you want the reader to take when he/she gets your brochure?
This creating a marketing brochure template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
CHECKLIST CREATING A MARKETING BROCHURE What is your purpose in sending out this brochure? Introduce your business/service/product to potential clients Provide information to existing clients about changes in business, new services, or updated products Who should be receiving this brochure? Existing clients New clients What type of action do you want the reader to take when he/she gets your brochure?
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