Cooperation Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Cooperation Agreement Template

Document content

This cooperation agreement template has 7 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our cooperation agreement template:

CO-OPERATION AGREEMENT This Co-Operation Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME], ("First Party") a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at/Individual having address at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [SECOND PARTY NAME], ("Second Party") a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at/Individual having address at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] Whereas, the present Agreement is between two Parties who wish to enter into a working relationship together and the present Agreement shall outline the intentions and goals as well as the conditions of the future working relation/partnership between the Parties. Now, therefore the Parties hereto agree as follows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Parties shall cooperate on the working and strategizing of the Project [PROJECT TITLE]. The Project is [DESCRIBE WHAT THE PROJECT ENTAILS]. FUNDING AND BUDGET [NAME OF PARTY REPONSIBLE FOR FUNDING] shall raise/provide all funds necessary to carry out the Project. A budget for the Project is provided in Attachment A in this Agreement and is incorporated herein by reference. In succeeding years of this Agreement, the Parties shall work together to develop a mutually agreeable annual budget modelled on Attachment A. PROJECT SCHEDULE The Project schedule is set forth in Attachment B to this Agreement and is incorporated herein by reference. In succeeding years of this Agreement, the Parties shall work together to develop a mutually agreeable Project schedule modelled on Attachment B. The Project shall commence from [DATE]. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Attachment C to this Agreement contains technical specifications for the Project. Attachment C is incorporated herein by reference. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Parties shall work together to determine the key creative elements of the activities under this Agreement. No Party may unreasonably withhold its approval of any key creative element. The Parties' respective rights and responsibilities are as follows: [ENTER RESPONSIBILITIES]. CREDIT The Parties, and third-party contributors, are to receive credit in connection with the Project as follows: [ENTER CREDIT DETAILS]. PUBLICITY AND USE OF PROPRIETARY MARKS Each Party shall obtain prior written approval from the other Party prior to using the other Party's trademarks or trade names, images or holdings (collectively, "Proprietary Marks") in connection with the activities under this Agreement. This applies to all uses, regardless of whether on the web, in print, or in any other media. Once approved, similar uses in the same context and format will not require additional approval. In the event that this Agreement expires or terminates for any reason, each Party shall immediately discontinue using the other Party's Proprietary Marks, except as follows: [ENTER EXCEPTION]. COPYRIGHT, CLEARANCES, AND OWNERSHIP [NAME OF PARTY] will own the physical and intellectual property resulting from the Project. [NAME OF GRANTING PARTY] hereby grants [NAME OF THE PARTY TO WHOM GRANTED] a fully paid-up/royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, nonexclusive, non-transferable license to use, reproduce, transmit, display, perform, prepare derivative works from, distribute, and authorize the redistribution of [DESCRIPTION OF WORK]. [NAME OF PARTY] is solely and exclusively responsible for obtaining any necessary clearances, permissions, and/or releases necessary to carry out the activities contemplated in this Agreement. Such clearances, permissions, and/or releases may pertain to but are not limited to copyright, right of publicity, trademarks, trade names, contracts, patents, literary, artistic, dramatic, personal, private, civil or property right or right of privacy or "moral rights of authors," defamation, or any other right whatsoever.

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Document content

This cooperation agreement template has 7 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our cooperation agreement template:

CO-OPERATION AGREEMENT This Co-Operation Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME], ("First Party") a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at/Individual having address at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [SECOND PARTY NAME], ("Second Party") a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE] with its head office located at/Individual having address at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] Whereas, the present Agreement is between two Parties who wish to enter into a working relationship together and the present Agreement shall outline the intentions and goals as well as the conditions of the future working relation/partnership between the Parties. Now, therefore the Parties hereto agree as follows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Parties shall cooperate on the working and strategizing of the Project [PROJECT TITLE]. The Project is [DESCRIBE WHAT THE PROJECT ENTAILS]. FUNDING AND BUDGET [NAME OF PARTY REPONSIBLE FOR FUNDING] shall raise/provide all funds necessary to carry out the Project. A budget for the Project is provided in Attachment A in this Agreement and is incorporated herein by reference. In succeeding years of this Agreement, the Parties shall work together to develop a mutually agreeable annual budget modelled on Attachment A. PROJECT SCHEDULE The Project schedule is set forth in Attachment B to this Agreement and is incorporated herein by reference. In succeeding years of this Agreement, the Parties shall work together to develop a mutually agreeable Project schedule modelled on Attachment B. The Project shall commence from [DATE]. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Attachment C to this Agreement contains technical specifications for the Project. Attachment C is incorporated herein by reference. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Parties shall work together to determine the key creative elements of the activities under this Agreement. No Party may unreasonably withhold its approval of any key creative element. The Parties' respective rights and responsibilities are as follows: [ENTER RESPONSIBILITIES]. CREDIT The Parties, and third-party contributors, are to receive credit in connection with the Project as follows: [ENTER CREDIT DETAILS]. PUBLICITY AND USE OF PROPRIETARY MARKS Each Party shall obtain prior written approval from the other Party prior to using the other Party's trademarks or trade names, images or holdings (collectively, "Proprietary Marks") in connection with the activities under this Agreement. This applies to all uses, regardless of whether on the web, in print, or in any other media. Once approved, similar uses in the same context and format will not require additional approval. In the event that this Agreement expires or terminates for any reason, each Party shall immediately discontinue using the other Party's Proprietary Marks, except as follows: [ENTER EXCEPTION]. COPYRIGHT, CLEARANCES, AND OWNERSHIP [NAME OF PARTY] will own the physical and intellectual property resulting from the Project. [NAME OF GRANTING PARTY] hereby grants [NAME OF THE PARTY TO WHOM GRANTED] a fully paid-up/royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, nonexclusive, non-transferable license to use, reproduce, transmit, display, perform, prepare derivative works from, distribute, and authorize the redistribution of [DESCRIPTION OF WORK]. [NAME OF PARTY] is solely and exclusively responsible for obtaining any necessary clearances, permissions, and/or releases necessary to carry out the activities contemplated in this Agreement. Such clearances, permissions, and/or releases may pertain to but are not limited to copyright, right of publicity, trademarks, trade names, contracts, patents, literary, artistic, dramatic, personal, private, civil or property right or right of privacy or "moral rights of authors," defamation, or any other right whatsoever.

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