This conversion of account to cod template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our credit & collection documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Conversion of Account to C.O.D. Dear [Contact name], This is to acknowledge our telephone conversation regarding the past due balance on your account. Perhaps your remittance to clear this amount has been mailed, and if so, please accept our thanks. However, if it has not yet been sent, we hope a check can be put in the mail in another day or two to bring your account up to date. All merchandise orders are currently being referred to us. Your check to clear this past due balance must be received before future shipments can be made. We are sorry to see that your account carries a past due balance
This conversion of account to cod template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our credit & collection documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Conversion of Account to C.O.D. Dear [Contact name], This is to acknowledge our telephone conversation regarding the past due balance on your account. Perhaps your remittance to clear this amount has been mailed, and if so, please accept our thanks. However, if it has not yet been sent, we hope a check can be put in the mail in another day or two to bring your account up to date. All merchandise orders are currently being referred to us. Your check to clear this past due balance must be received before future shipments can be made. We are sorry to see that your account carries a past due balance
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