Consortium Agreement Template

Business-in-a-Box's Consortium Agreement Template

Document content

This consortium agreement template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our consortium agreement template:

CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT This Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME] (the "Founder"), with its address located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [SECOND PARTY NAME] (the "Consortium Member"), with its address located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WHEREAS, the Consortium Members propose to form a consortium (the "Consortium") to undertake a project with respect to ______________________________ (the "Project"); WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Consortium Members will cooperate and work towards the development of the Project; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual agreements contained in this Agreement, the Parties hereto agree as follows: OBJECT The object of this Agreement is for the Parties herein to arrive at a strategic understanding with each other to pool their resources, cooperate with each other and jointly prepare Project Reports and carry out the Project as described in "Annexure A." EXCLUSIVITY The Parties herein agree that no Party shall, consequent to the signing of the present Agreement, withdraw from this Agreement during the execution of the Project in connection with the purpose of the Project as outlined for any reason whatsoever. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Identification The Parties agree that the Project lead site is: _________________________________________________________________. The Parties agree that the Project will be managed by _____________________ ("Project Manager"). The Project Manager will report to ______________________________. Responsibilities of the Project Manager The Project Manager will have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Project, with the Consortium being concerned with overall policy and direction. The Parties agree that the Project Manager will have the following responsibilities: [LIST RESPONSIBILITIES] DATA MANAGEMENT Data collection in the course of the Project: Each Party is involved in the collection of data in the form of _____________________. The data are to be sent to the Project Manager and stored in an archive at _______________________ ('the Project Archive'). Each Party agrees to ensure that all data submitted to the Project Manager are accompanied by documentation detailing the origin of the data, together with any necessary ethical consent. (Each data collection must be accompanied by a signed copy of the copyright form, as shown in Annexure 3 [not attached]). The Project Manager undertakes to ensure that all data stored in the Project Archive are referenced to the associated copyright documentation stored as part of the Project Archive. Data maintenance: The Founder hereby undertakes to maintain the Project Archive for the duration of the Project and for a period of at least (___) years after the end of the Project. This period is subject to extension if the Founder so decides. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CONFIDENTIALITY Announcements No announcements regarding the Project, this Agreement or the status or any content or subject matter thereof may be issued by any Consortium Member without the prior written consent of the Founder, except to the extent that any such announcements are required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction, the SEC, another regulatory body or international stock exchange having jurisdiction over such Consortium Member or pursuant to whose rules and regulations such disclosure is required to be made, but only as far as practicable and lawful after the form and terms of such announcements have been notified to the Founder, and the Founder has had a reasonable opportunity to comment on the form and terms of such announcements. Confidentiality Except as permitted under Section 5.3, each Consortium Member shall not, and shall procure that its Affiliates and its Affiliates' Representatives do not, without the prior written consent of the other Consortium Members, disclose (i) the existence, content or effect of this Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection with this Agreement; (ii) the fact or content of negotiations leading up to or relating to this Agreement; (iii) any information received or obtained by it or its Representatives regarding any other Consortium Member or its Representatives; (iv) any Confidential Information received by it ("Recipient") from any other Consortium Member ("Discloser"). Each Recipient shall procure that neither it nor its Representatives shall use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of this Agreement or the Project.

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Document content

This consortium agreement template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our legal agreements documents.

Sample of our consortium agreement template:

CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT This Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME] (the "Founder"), with its address located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [SECOND PARTY NAME] (the "Consortium Member"), with its address located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] WHEREAS, the Consortium Members propose to form a consortium (the "Consortium") to undertake a project with respect to ______________________________ (the "Project"); WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Consortium Members will cooperate and work towards the development of the Project; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual agreements contained in this Agreement, the Parties hereto agree as follows: OBJECT The object of this Agreement is for the Parties herein to arrive at a strategic understanding with each other to pool their resources, cooperate with each other and jointly prepare Project Reports and carry out the Project as described in "Annexure A." EXCLUSIVITY The Parties herein agree that no Party shall, consequent to the signing of the present Agreement, withdraw from this Agreement during the execution of the Project in connection with the purpose of the Project as outlined for any reason whatsoever. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Identification The Parties agree that the Project lead site is: _________________________________________________________________. The Parties agree that the Project will be managed by _____________________ ("Project Manager"). The Project Manager will report to ______________________________. Responsibilities of the Project Manager The Project Manager will have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Project, with the Consortium being concerned with overall policy and direction. The Parties agree that the Project Manager will have the following responsibilities: [LIST RESPONSIBILITIES] DATA MANAGEMENT Data collection in the course of the Project: Each Party is involved in the collection of data in the form of _____________________. The data are to be sent to the Project Manager and stored in an archive at _______________________ ('the Project Archive'). Each Party agrees to ensure that all data submitted to the Project Manager are accompanied by documentation detailing the origin of the data, together with any necessary ethical consent. (Each data collection must be accompanied by a signed copy of the copyright form, as shown in Annexure 3 [not attached]). The Project Manager undertakes to ensure that all data stored in the Project Archive are referenced to the associated copyright documentation stored as part of the Project Archive. Data maintenance: The Founder hereby undertakes to maintain the Project Archive for the duration of the Project and for a period of at least (___) years after the end of the Project. This period is subject to extension if the Founder so decides. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CONFIDENTIALITY Announcements No announcements regarding the Project, this Agreement or the status or any content or subject matter thereof may be issued by any Consortium Member without the prior written consent of the Founder, except to the extent that any such announcements are required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction, the SEC, another regulatory body or international stock exchange having jurisdiction over such Consortium Member or pursuant to whose rules and regulations such disclosure is required to be made, but only as far as practicable and lawful after the form and terms of such announcements have been notified to the Founder, and the Founder has had a reasonable opportunity to comment on the form and terms of such announcements. Confidentiality Except as permitted under Section 5.3, each Consortium Member shall not, and shall procure that its Affiliates and its Affiliates' Representatives do not, without the prior written consent of the other Consortium Members, disclose (i) the existence, content or effect of this Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection with this Agreement; (ii) the fact or content of negotiations leading up to or relating to this Agreement; (iii) any information received or obtained by it or its Representatives regarding any other Consortium Member or its Representatives; (iv) any Confidential Information received by it ("Recipient") from any other Consortium Member ("Discloser"). Each Recipient shall procure that neither it nor its Representatives shall use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of this Agreement or the Project.

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