This conflict of interest policy for board members template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY FOR BOARD MEMBERS PURPOSE The purpose of this Conflict of Interest Policy at [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] is to provide clear guidelines to ensure that all decisions made by board members are in the best interest of the organization. The Policy aims to prevent situations where personal, financial, or other interests could potentially conflict with the duty of board members to serve the organization's objectives. SCOPE This Policy applies to all board members of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] and governs any situations where personal interests could impact their decision-making. It includes all direct and indirect interests, including financial, business, or other material benefits that may be gained from board decisions. POLICY PRINCIPLES Duty of Loyalty: Board members must prioritize the interests of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] above their personal or financial interests when making decisions on behalf of the organization. Disclosure: Any board member who has a personal, financial, or other conflict of interest in a matter under consideration must disclose it to the board. Recusal: Board members must recuse themselves from discussions and decisions where a conflict of interest is identified to prevent biased decision-making. Transparency: All conflicts of interest must be documented in the minutes of the meeting and made transparent to relevant stakeholders. IDENTIFYING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Interests: Board members must disclose any financial interests they or their family members have in organizations or entities that do business with [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]. Personal Relationships: Conflicts may arise from personal relationships with staff, vendors, or other board members that could influence a board member's judgment. Competing Organizations: Board members should disclose any involvement in competing organizations or other entities that could create a conflict with their duties to [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Annual Disclosure: Board members are required to submit an annual disclosure form identifying any potential conflicts of interest they may have. Ongoing Disclosure: In addition to annual disclosures, board members must promptly disclose any new potential conflicts as they arise during the course of their term. MANAGING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Conflict Review: Upon disclosure of a potential conflict, the board will review the situation and determine if a conflict of interest exists.
This conflict of interest policy for board members template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY FOR BOARD MEMBERS PURPOSE The purpose of this Conflict of Interest Policy at [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] is to provide clear guidelines to ensure that all decisions made by board members are in the best interest of the organization. The Policy aims to prevent situations where personal, financial, or other interests could potentially conflict with the duty of board members to serve the organization's objectives. SCOPE This Policy applies to all board members of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] and governs any situations where personal interests could impact their decision-making. It includes all direct and indirect interests, including financial, business, or other material benefits that may be gained from board decisions. POLICY PRINCIPLES Duty of Loyalty: Board members must prioritize the interests of [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] above their personal or financial interests when making decisions on behalf of the organization. Disclosure: Any board member who has a personal, financial, or other conflict of interest in a matter under consideration must disclose it to the board. Recusal: Board members must recuse themselves from discussions and decisions where a conflict of interest is identified to prevent biased decision-making. Transparency: All conflicts of interest must be documented in the minutes of the meeting and made transparent to relevant stakeholders. IDENTIFYING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Financial Interests: Board members must disclose any financial interests they or their family members have in organizations or entities that do business with [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]. Personal Relationships: Conflicts may arise from personal relationships with staff, vendors, or other board members that could influence a board member's judgment. Competing Organizations: Board members should disclose any involvement in competing organizations or other entities that could create a conflict with their duties to [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME]. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Annual Disclosure: Board members are required to submit an annual disclosure form identifying any potential conflicts of interest they may have. Ongoing Disclosure: In addition to annual disclosures, board members must promptly disclose any new potential conflicts as they arise during the course of their term. MANAGING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Conflict Review: Upon disclosure of a potential conflict, the board will review the situation and determine if a conflict of interest exists.
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