Company Driver Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Company Driver Policy Template

Document content

This company driver policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our company driver policy template:

COMPANY DRIVER POLICY PURPOSE At [COMPANY NAME], we are committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, clients, and the public while conducting business-related driving activities. This Company Driver Policy outlines the responsibilities, guidelines, and expectations for all individuals operating vehicles on behalf of our company. DRIVER ELIGIBILITY Driver's License: All drivers must possess a valid driver's license for the type of vehicle they will be operating. It is the responsibility of the driver to maintain a current and valid license. Training: Drivers may be required to undergo training programs relevant to their driving responsibilities, including defensive driving or safe driving courses. Medical Fitness: Drivers are required to ensure they are medically fit to operate vehicles safely. Any medical conditions or medications that may impair driving must be reported to the company. VEHICLE USE Authorized Use: Company vehicles are designated for official business purposes only. Personal use is typically not allowed unless the company has granted explicit permission. Vehicle Maintenance: Drivers play a crucial role in the upkeep of company vehicles. This includes: Conducting regular inspections to identify any issues. Scheduling routine maintenance tasks, such as oil changes. Promptly reporting any defects or maintenance requirements to the company. Fuel and Expenses: Drivers are responsible for ensuring that company vehicles are adequately fueled for business trips. Additionally, they must adhere to company policies regarding expense reporting, ensuring that all expenses related to vehicle use are accurately documented and submitted in accordance with company guidelines. SAFE DRIVING PRACTICES Speed Limits: Drivers must adhere to posted speed limits and adjust their speed based on road and weather conditions. Seatbelts: All vehicle occupants are required to wear seatbelts at all times. No Distracted Driving: The use of mobile phones, electronic devices, or any activity that diverts attention from driving is strictly prohibited. No Impaired Driving: The consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medications that impair driving ability is strictly forbidden. Drivers must not operate vehicles under the influence. Rest and Fatigue: Drivers should take regular breaks to combat fatigue and ensure they are alert while driving. Adverse Weather Conditions: Drivers must exercise caution and adjust their driving in response to adverse weather conditions. ACCIDENT REPORTING Reporting In case of an accident, drivers must: Ensure safety by checking for injuries and moving vehicles if possible. Contact emergency services immediately in the event of injuries or severe accidents. Notify the company promptly and provide initial details. Document the Accident Collect necessary information:

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Document content

This company driver policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our company driver policy template:

COMPANY DRIVER POLICY PURPOSE At [COMPANY NAME], we are committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, clients, and the public while conducting business-related driving activities. This Company Driver Policy outlines the responsibilities, guidelines, and expectations for all individuals operating vehicles on behalf of our company. DRIVER ELIGIBILITY Driver's License: All drivers must possess a valid driver's license for the type of vehicle they will be operating. It is the responsibility of the driver to maintain a current and valid license. Training: Drivers may be required to undergo training programs relevant to their driving responsibilities, including defensive driving or safe driving courses. Medical Fitness: Drivers are required to ensure they are medically fit to operate vehicles safely. Any medical conditions or medications that may impair driving must be reported to the company. VEHICLE USE Authorized Use: Company vehicles are designated for official business purposes only. Personal use is typically not allowed unless the company has granted explicit permission. Vehicle Maintenance: Drivers play a crucial role in the upkeep of company vehicles. This includes: Conducting regular inspections to identify any issues. Scheduling routine maintenance tasks, such as oil changes. Promptly reporting any defects or maintenance requirements to the company. Fuel and Expenses: Drivers are responsible for ensuring that company vehicles are adequately fueled for business trips. Additionally, they must adhere to company policies regarding expense reporting, ensuring that all expenses related to vehicle use are accurately documented and submitted in accordance with company guidelines. SAFE DRIVING PRACTICES Speed Limits: Drivers must adhere to posted speed limits and adjust their speed based on road and weather conditions. Seatbelts: All vehicle occupants are required to wear seatbelts at all times. No Distracted Driving: The use of mobile phones, electronic devices, or any activity that diverts attention from driving is strictly prohibited. No Impaired Driving: The consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medications that impair driving ability is strictly forbidden. Drivers must not operate vehicles under the influence. Rest and Fatigue: Drivers should take regular breaks to combat fatigue and ensure they are alert while driving. Adverse Weather Conditions: Drivers must exercise caution and adjust their driving in response to adverse weather conditions. ACCIDENT REPORTING Reporting In case of an accident, drivers must: Ensure safety by checking for injuries and moving vehicles if possible. Contact emergency services immediately in the event of injuries or severe accidents. Notify the company promptly and provide initial details. Document the Accident Collect necessary information:

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