This christmas season thank you to valued customers template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Christmas Best Wishes Dear [Contact name], As the Christmas season approaches, there is always so much activity and personal business to attend to that it is easy to forget to thank our valued customers, like you, for their orders. The holiday season offers us a special opportunity to extend our personal thanks to our friends, and our very best wishes for the future.
This christmas season thank you to valued customers template has 1 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our sales & marketing documents.
[DATE] [CONTACT NAME] [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS 2] [CITY, STATE/PROVINCE] [ZIP/POSTAL CODE] SUBJECT: Christmas Best Wishes Dear [Contact name], As the Christmas season approaches, there is always so much activity and personal business to attend to that it is easy to forget to thank our valued customers, like you, for their orders. The holiday season offers us a special opportunity to extend our personal thanks to our friends, and our very best wishes for the future.
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