Business Plan Guidelines

Business-in-a-Box's Business Plan Guidelines Template

Document content

This business plan guidelines template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our business plan guidelines template:

BUSINESS PLAN GUIDELINES Every business can benefit from the preparation of a carefully written business plan. The purpose of the business plan is to: Help you think through the venture and ensure you have considered all your options and anticipated any potential difficulties. Convince lenders and investors that you are in control of the project and that their money will be safe with you. Serve as an operating guide as you turn your idea into a viable business. Furnish a standard against which to judge future business decisions and results. Give your plan a businesslike appearance by typing on high quality paper and putting it in a vinyl or cardstock binder or a three-ring binder. REFINING YOUR BUSINESS PLAN The generic business plan outline should be modified to suit your specific type of business and the audience for which the plan is written. For Raising Capital For Bankers Bankers want assurance of orderly repayment. If you intend using this plan to present to lenders, include: Amount of loan How the funds will be used What will this accomplish (how will it make the business stronger?) Requested repayment terms (number of years to repay). You will probably not have much negotiating room on interest rate, but may be able to negotiate a longer repayment term, which will help cash flow. Collateral offered, and list of all existing liens against collateral For Investors Investors have a different perspective. They are looking for dramatic growth, and they expect to share in the rewards. Funds needed short term Funds needed in 2 to 5 years How company will use funds, and what this will accomplish for growth. Estimated return on investment Exit strategy for investors (buyback, sale, or IPO) Percent of ownership you will give up to investors Milestones or conditions you will accept Financial reporting to be provided Involvement of investors on the Board or in management Refine for Type of Business

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Document content

This business plan guidelines template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our business plan guidelines template:

BUSINESS PLAN GUIDELINES Every business can benefit from the preparation of a carefully written business plan. The purpose of the business plan is to: Help you think through the venture and ensure you have considered all your options and anticipated any potential difficulties. Convince lenders and investors that you are in control of the project and that their money will be safe with you. Serve as an operating guide as you turn your idea into a viable business. Furnish a standard against which to judge future business decisions and results. Give your plan a businesslike appearance by typing on high quality paper and putting it in a vinyl or cardstock binder or a three-ring binder. REFINING YOUR BUSINESS PLAN The generic business plan outline should be modified to suit your specific type of business and the audience for which the plan is written. For Raising Capital For Bankers Bankers want assurance of orderly repayment. If you intend using this plan to present to lenders, include: Amount of loan How the funds will be used What will this accomplish (how will it make the business stronger?) Requested repayment terms (number of years to repay). You will probably not have much negotiating room on interest rate, but may be able to negotiate a longer repayment term, which will help cash flow. Collateral offered, and list of all existing liens against collateral For Investors Investors have a different perspective. They are looking for dramatic growth, and they expect to share in the rewards. Funds needed short term Funds needed in 2 to 5 years How company will use funds, and what this will accomplish for growth. Estimated return on investment Exit strategy for investors (buyback, sale, or IPO) Percent of ownership you will give up to investors Milestones or conditions you will accept Financial reporting to be provided Involvement of investors on the Board or in management Refine for Type of Business

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