This business licenses checklist template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
HOW TO APPLY FOR BUSINESS LICENSES (U.S.) For the legal functioning of a business in the United States, business licenses are imperative. Local, state, and federal agencies issue licenses for different activities. Individuals operating brick-and-mortar ventures and selling goods need licenses. With a business license, firms are accountable for their behavior and activities to maintain health and safety. Common businesses that need licenses include medical care providers, accountants, lawyers, and electricians. Every state has its unique requirements for a business license. Hence, it's important to stay up to date with the information needed for a license. Keep reading to learn how to apply for a business license. Checklist: Completed and Signed Business License Application When applying for a business license, it's vital to complete the application form appropriately. Business owners or individuals filling in the forms typically need to provide the following details: Business Name Mailing Address State, City of Operation, and Zip Code Federal Tax ID As a business owner, the required information includes: Name Address State, City, and Zip Code Home Phone, Business Phone, Cellular Phone/Pager SSN DOB Other important notes when filing the business license form include: Business Description: When writing the business description, the business owner needs to be specific about the type of business it is. For example, for a mail-order firm, a list of the types of products sold should be provided. Business Start Date: Take note of the date when the business will start within the borders of the city. Ownership Type: Two major types of ownership are sole proprietorship and partnership. In a sole proprietorship, a single person owns the business. The partnership involves two or more individuals as owners. Federal Employer ID # (FEIN): The business owner needs to input the appropriate nine-digit corporate ID number that works like the SSN. Get the FEIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Fully Completed Declaration and Verification of Citizenship Form Business owners need to complete the Declaration and Verification of Citizenship form, which is also a statutory declaration. Note that a statutory declaration is a statement declared true by the individual filing the form in the presence of an authorized entity. Signing the form signifies the individual understands the details and the facts provided. For most states, requested information for business owners includes: Driver's license or photo ID issued by the Department of Homeland Security Official birth certificate issued by a U.S. state or another jurisdiction Federal issued birth certificate Valid U.S. passport Official record of birth abroad of a U.S. citizen A valid certificate of citizenship U.S. citizen ID card SSN Articles of Organization/Incorporation Articles of organization are only necessary if the business doesn't operate under sole proprietorship. Note that these formal documents get filed with a government body for the legal documentation needed for creating a corporation. Typical articles of incorporation contain relevant information such as: Firm's name Address Agent for service of process Amount and type of stocks being issued In the United States, the Office of the Secretary of State is responsible for the articles of incorporation. Businesses decide the state where they incorporate. Some U.S
This business licenses checklist template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
HOW TO APPLY FOR BUSINESS LICENSES (U.S.) For the legal functioning of a business in the United States, business licenses are imperative. Local, state, and federal agencies issue licenses for different activities. Individuals operating brick-and-mortar ventures and selling goods need licenses. With a business license, firms are accountable for their behavior and activities to maintain health and safety. Common businesses that need licenses include medical care providers, accountants, lawyers, and electricians. Every state has its unique requirements for a business license. Hence, it's important to stay up to date with the information needed for a license. Keep reading to learn how to apply for a business license. Checklist: Completed and Signed Business License Application When applying for a business license, it's vital to complete the application form appropriately. Business owners or individuals filling in the forms typically need to provide the following details: Business Name Mailing Address State, City of Operation, and Zip Code Federal Tax ID As a business owner, the required information includes: Name Address State, City, and Zip Code Home Phone, Business Phone, Cellular Phone/Pager SSN DOB Other important notes when filing the business license form include: Business Description: When writing the business description, the business owner needs to be specific about the type of business it is. For example, for a mail-order firm, a list of the types of products sold should be provided. Business Start Date: Take note of the date when the business will start within the borders of the city. Ownership Type: Two major types of ownership are sole proprietorship and partnership. In a sole proprietorship, a single person owns the business. The partnership involves two or more individuals as owners. Federal Employer ID # (FEIN): The business owner needs to input the appropriate nine-digit corporate ID number that works like the SSN. Get the FEIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Fully Completed Declaration and Verification of Citizenship Form Business owners need to complete the Declaration and Verification of Citizenship form, which is also a statutory declaration. Note that a statutory declaration is a statement declared true by the individual filing the form in the presence of an authorized entity. Signing the form signifies the individual understands the details and the facts provided. For most states, requested information for business owners includes: Driver's license or photo ID issued by the Department of Homeland Security Official birth certificate issued by a U.S. state or another jurisdiction Federal issued birth certificate Valid U.S. passport Official record of birth abroad of a U.S. citizen A valid certificate of citizenship U.S. citizen ID card SSN Articles of Organization/Incorporation Articles of organization are only necessary if the business doesn't operate under sole proprietorship. Note that these formal documents get filed with a government body for the legal documentation needed for creating a corporation. Typical articles of incorporation contain relevant information such as: Firm's name Address Agent for service of process Amount and type of stocks being issued In the United States, the Office of the Secretary of State is responsible for the articles of incorporation. Businesses decide the state where they incorporate. Some U.S
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