Bring Your Own Device Policy Byod Template

Business-in-a-Box's Bring Your Own Device Policy Byod Template

Document content

This bring your own device policy byod template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our bring your own device policy byod template:

BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (bYOD) Policy This document provides guidelines for the use of personally owned smart phones and/or tablets by [COMPANY NAME] employees (users) to access [COMPANY NAME] network resources. The access and use of the network services is granted on condition that each user reads, signs, respects, and follows the [COMPANY NAME]'s policies concerning the use of these devices and services. PURPOSE OF THIS BOYD [COMPANY NAME] grants its employees the privilege of using their own smartphones and tablets, of their choice, at work for their convenience. This BYOD Policy is intended to protect the privacy, security and integrity of [COMPANY NAME] 's data and technology infrastructure against the risks that can arise when employees use their personally owned devices for business purposes. [COMPANY NAME] employees must agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy in order to be able to connect their devices to the company network. [COMPANY NAME] reserves the right to revoke this privilege if users do not abide by the policies and procedures outlined below. BOYD DEVICES The following devices are approved for employee BYOD use and connecting to the [COMPANY NAME] network: Android Smart Phones and Tablets Blackberry Smart Phones and Playbook iOS iPhones & iPads [LIST ALL OTHER DEVICES ALLOWED] Before any access to company's network, devices must be presented to IT department for proper job provisioning and configuration of standard apps, such as browsers, office productivity software and security tools. PRIVACY [COMPANY NAME] will respect the privacy of your personal device and will only request access to the device by technicians to implement security controls, as outlined below, or to respond to legitimate discovery requests arising out of administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings (applicable only if user downloads government email/attachments/documents to their personal device). ACCEPTABLE USE The company defines acceptable business use as activities that directly or indirectly support the business of [COMPANY NAME]. The company defines acceptable personal use on company time as reasonable and limited personal communication or recreation, such as [SPECIFY]. Employees may use their BYOD devices for the acceptable business and personal uses of [COMPANY NAME] computers as set out in the [COMPANY NAME] Computer Use Policy Employees may use their mobile device to access the following company-owned resources: [EMAIL/CALENDAR/CONTACTS/DOCUMENTS/SPECIFY]. The following apps are permitted for downloading, installation and use on BYOD devices [SPECIFY]. RESTRICTIONS Employees are blocked from accessing certain websites during work hours/while connected to the corporate network at the discretion of the company. Such websites include but are not limited to: [SPECIFY]. Employees may not use their BYOD devices during work hours for personal purposes that are not permitted for use of [COMPANY NAME] computers as set out in the [COMPANY NAME] Computer Use Policy, e.g., BYOD devices may not be used for accessing pornographic or offensive materials, storing or transmitting [COMPANY NAME] proprietary information, committing harassment, engaging in business activities that are in conflict of interest with their duties to [COMPANY NAME], etc. The following apps are not allowed for downloading, installation and use on BYOD devices. [SPECIFY] [COMPANY NAME] has a zero-tolerance policy for texting or emailing while driving and only hands-free talking while driving is permitted SENSITIVE DATA User will not download or transfer sensitive business data to their personal devices

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Document content

This bring your own device policy byod template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our bring your own device policy byod template:

BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (bYOD) Policy This document provides guidelines for the use of personally owned smart phones and/or tablets by [COMPANY NAME] employees (users) to access [COMPANY NAME] network resources. The access and use of the network services is granted on condition that each user reads, signs, respects, and follows the [COMPANY NAME]'s policies concerning the use of these devices and services. PURPOSE OF THIS BOYD [COMPANY NAME] grants its employees the privilege of using their own smartphones and tablets, of their choice, at work for their convenience. This BYOD Policy is intended to protect the privacy, security and integrity of [COMPANY NAME] 's data and technology infrastructure against the risks that can arise when employees use their personally owned devices for business purposes. [COMPANY NAME] employees must agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy in order to be able to connect their devices to the company network. [COMPANY NAME] reserves the right to revoke this privilege if users do not abide by the policies and procedures outlined below. BOYD DEVICES The following devices are approved for employee BYOD use and connecting to the [COMPANY NAME] network: Android Smart Phones and Tablets Blackberry Smart Phones and Playbook iOS iPhones & iPads [LIST ALL OTHER DEVICES ALLOWED] Before any access to company's network, devices must be presented to IT department for proper job provisioning and configuration of standard apps, such as browsers, office productivity software and security tools. PRIVACY [COMPANY NAME] will respect the privacy of your personal device and will only request access to the device by technicians to implement security controls, as outlined below, or to respond to legitimate discovery requests arising out of administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings (applicable only if user downloads government email/attachments/documents to their personal device). ACCEPTABLE USE The company defines acceptable business use as activities that directly or indirectly support the business of [COMPANY NAME]. The company defines acceptable personal use on company time as reasonable and limited personal communication or recreation, such as [SPECIFY]. Employees may use their BYOD devices for the acceptable business and personal uses of [COMPANY NAME] computers as set out in the [COMPANY NAME] Computer Use Policy Employees may use their mobile device to access the following company-owned resources: [EMAIL/CALENDAR/CONTACTS/DOCUMENTS/SPECIFY]. The following apps are permitted for downloading, installation and use on BYOD devices [SPECIFY]. RESTRICTIONS Employees are blocked from accessing certain websites during work hours/while connected to the corporate network at the discretion of the company. Such websites include but are not limited to: [SPECIFY]. Employees may not use their BYOD devices during work hours for personal purposes that are not permitted for use of [COMPANY NAME] computers as set out in the [COMPANY NAME] Computer Use Policy, e.g., BYOD devices may not be used for accessing pornographic or offensive materials, storing or transmitting [COMPANY NAME] proprietary information, committing harassment, engaging in business activities that are in conflict of interest with their duties to [COMPANY NAME], etc. The following apps are not allowed for downloading, installation and use on BYOD devices. [SPECIFY] [COMPANY NAME] has a zero-tolerance policy for texting or emailing while driving and only hands-free talking while driving is permitted SENSITIVE DATA User will not download or transfer sensitive business data to their personal devices

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