Board Resolution Approving Job Description & Code of Conduct Template

Business-in-a-Box's Board Resolution Approving Job Description & Code of Conduct Template

Document content

This board resolution approving job description & code of conduct template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our board resolution approving job description & code of conduct template:

BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] PROVIDING A BOARD MEMBER JOB DESCRIPTION AND CODE OF CONDUCT DULY PASSED ON [DATE] PROVIDING A BOARD MEMBER JOB DESCRIPTION AND CODE OF CONDUCT WHEREAS, the effectiveness of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] depends on the knowledge and engagement of Board Members; WHEREAS, the credibility of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is directly affected by the manner in which board members conduct themselves and Board business; and WHEREAS, the effectiveness and credibility of the board directly impact the goals of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]; RESOLVED, that the bylaws of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] are amended in the following manner: Article [NUMBER], [BYLAW] - a new section shall be added to read: In order to accomplish the overall mission of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], and to achieve its specific objectives, each member of the Board is expected to fulfill several individual responsibilities. Members should: Prepare well for each Board meeting or committee teleconference, through full and careful study of the agenda and its supporting materials, other relevant materials, and through discussion of agenda items, when appropriate, with other Board members, staff members, and others as desired in formulation of preliminary personal views on each topic in advance of the board meeting. These judgments are to serve as a base point for further discussion in the meeting; Attend the entire board meeting by arranging work and travel schedules in advance to permit on-time arrival and staying through the full meeting; Evaluate and follow-up on the actions taken at Board meetings by keeping track (through published [YOUR COMPANY NAME] documents) of how the actions of the Board are being implemented in the short and long run, and expressing comments or concerns with the Chair or Executive Director, as appropriate; Establish two-way communication links with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] partners to explain and discuss the actions taken by the Board; Fulfill responsibilities of any collateral assignment as an [YOUR COMPANY NAME] committee member or appointed representative to other agency committees or task forces in accordance with the purpose of the committee or the nature of the representation on behalf of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], and consistent with the precepts of preparation, attendance, participation and evaluation set forth above; Participate actively in the legislative activities of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], in the most effective manner, to be jointly decided with the Chair, the Executive Committee, and the Executive Director; Accept occasional public speaking assignments such as chairing meetings and introducing speakers, as well as giving reports as appropriate before the Board; and Acknowledge and abide by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Board Member Job Description and Code of Conduct. Additionally, the Board Member serves as ambassador of the Board and the Administration

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Document content

This board resolution approving job description & code of conduct template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.

Sample of our board resolution approving job description & code of conduct template:

BOARD RESOLUTION OF [YOUR COMPANY NAME] PROVIDING A BOARD MEMBER JOB DESCRIPTION AND CODE OF CONDUCT DULY PASSED ON [DATE] PROVIDING A BOARD MEMBER JOB DESCRIPTION AND CODE OF CONDUCT WHEREAS, the effectiveness of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] depends on the knowledge and engagement of Board Members; WHEREAS, the credibility of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is directly affected by the manner in which board members conduct themselves and Board business; and WHEREAS, the effectiveness and credibility of the board directly impact the goals of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]; RESOLVED, that the bylaws of [YOUR COMPANY NAME] are amended in the following manner: Article [NUMBER], [BYLAW] - a new section shall be added to read: In order to accomplish the overall mission of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], and to achieve its specific objectives, each member of the Board is expected to fulfill several individual responsibilities. Members should: Prepare well for each Board meeting or committee teleconference, through full and careful study of the agenda and its supporting materials, other relevant materials, and through discussion of agenda items, when appropriate, with other Board members, staff members, and others as desired in formulation of preliminary personal views on each topic in advance of the board meeting. These judgments are to serve as a base point for further discussion in the meeting; Attend the entire board meeting by arranging work and travel schedules in advance to permit on-time arrival and staying through the full meeting; Evaluate and follow-up on the actions taken at Board meetings by keeping track (through published [YOUR COMPANY NAME] documents) of how the actions of the Board are being implemented in the short and long run, and expressing comments or concerns with the Chair or Executive Director, as appropriate; Establish two-way communication links with [YOUR COMPANY NAME] partners to explain and discuss the actions taken by the Board; Fulfill responsibilities of any collateral assignment as an [YOUR COMPANY NAME] committee member or appointed representative to other agency committees or task forces in accordance with the purpose of the committee or the nature of the representation on behalf of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], and consistent with the precepts of preparation, attendance, participation and evaluation set forth above; Participate actively in the legislative activities of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], in the most effective manner, to be jointly decided with the Chair, the Executive Committee, and the Executive Director; Accept occasional public speaking assignments such as chairing meetings and introducing speakers, as well as giving reports as appropriate before the Board; and Acknowledge and abide by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Board Member Job Description and Code of Conduct. Additionally, the Board Member serves as ambassador of the Board and the Administration

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