Background Check Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Background Check Policy Template

Document content

This background check policy template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our background check policy template:

BACKGROUND CHECK POLICY OBJECTIVE [COMPANY] is committed to providing a safe and secure working environment for all employees and to protecting the confidentiality, privacy and sensitive information of our clients and customers. As part of our efforts to achieve these goals, [COMPANY] has established the following Policy regarding background checks. PURPOSE [COMPANY] believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the overall strategic success of the company. Background checks serve as an important part of the selection process at [COMPANY]. This type of information is collected as a means of promoting a safe work environment for current and future [COMPANY] employees. Background checks also help us obtain additional applicant related information that helps determine the applicant's overall employability, ensuring the protection of the current people, property, and information of the organization. SCOPE This Policy applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers who work for or on behalf of [COMPANY], regardless of their role or location. CONDITIONS FOR CONDUCTING BACKGROUND CHECK Background checks will only be conducted for lawful purposes and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. All background checks must be conducted in accordance with the applicable state and federal laws of [STATE/PROVINCE]. POLICY ELEMENTS Identity Verification: Validating the person's name, date of birth, addresses, citizenship, etc. Criminal History: Review of criminal probation and convictions. The following factors can be considered: Nature of crime and how it impacts the position Number of criminal convictions Date and year of conviction Does the candidate pose a serious risk to our business, employees, vendors, and customers? Prior Employment Verification: To authenticate the candidate's employment with listed companies, including the dates, positions held, performance rating, reasons for leaving, and eligibility for rehire. This will be run for the past two employers. Educational Verification: The Background Check Policy will include confirming the candidate's educational qualifications, including the years attending the claimed institution(s), and the degrees/diplomas received. Driving Records: Candidate's history of driving, car ownership in a particular state. Drug Testing: Testing for substance abuse, and any other habits that can interfere with a candidate's job-performing capabilities. Credit History: For candidates who will be responsible for managing company funds or credit cards. Personal and Professional References: Reaching out to individuals listed by the candidate to validate the references. Individuals might be ex-colleagues, superiors, neighbors, landlords, or lawyers, but not family members. All candidates aren't required to pass every type of background check we offer before our company hires them. Each position has its own requirements. For example, driving records may be relevant to field reliable salespeople and taxi drivers, but not to hire office managers. The basic background screening includes verification reports and reference checks. Local laws may prohibit or restrict certain types of background checks. We will comply with legal guidelines at all times. Criminal record checks are essential if candidates are interviewing for positions where they will: Represent our company and deal with our clients or stakeholders. Have access to sensitive and confidential information. Handle money and finances. Have any contact with children or the elderly. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES Our Human Resources Department shall: Inform candidates in the position's job advertisement that a background check is required. Ask candidates to provide written permission before conducting a background check and let them know how long the process will take. Hire a reputable and reliable background check provider. Criteria to consider when choosing a provider are: cost, legality, commitment to confidentiality and turnaround time. If our current provider does not meet our requirements for these criteria, HR should search for a new provider. Inform candidates of the results of their background checks and what we plan to do (reject or move candidates to the next hiring phase). Background check providers should give candidates copies of their results.

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Document content

This background check policy template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our background check policy template:

BACKGROUND CHECK POLICY OBJECTIVE [COMPANY] is committed to providing a safe and secure working environment for all employees and to protecting the confidentiality, privacy and sensitive information of our clients and customers. As part of our efforts to achieve these goals, [COMPANY] has established the following Policy regarding background checks. PURPOSE [COMPANY] believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the overall strategic success of the company. Background checks serve as an important part of the selection process at [COMPANY]. This type of information is collected as a means of promoting a safe work environment for current and future [COMPANY] employees. Background checks also help us obtain additional applicant related information that helps determine the applicant's overall employability, ensuring the protection of the current people, property, and information of the organization. SCOPE This Policy applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers who work for or on behalf of [COMPANY], regardless of their role or location. CONDITIONS FOR CONDUCTING BACKGROUND CHECK Background checks will only be conducted for lawful purposes and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. All background checks must be conducted in accordance with the applicable state and federal laws of [STATE/PROVINCE]. POLICY ELEMENTS Identity Verification: Validating the person's name, date of birth, addresses, citizenship, etc. Criminal History: Review of criminal probation and convictions. The following factors can be considered: Nature of crime and how it impacts the position Number of criminal convictions Date and year of conviction Does the candidate pose a serious risk to our business, employees, vendors, and customers? Prior Employment Verification: To authenticate the candidate's employment with listed companies, including the dates, positions held, performance rating, reasons for leaving, and eligibility for rehire. This will be run for the past two employers. Educational Verification: The Background Check Policy will include confirming the candidate's educational qualifications, including the years attending the claimed institution(s), and the degrees/diplomas received. Driving Records: Candidate's history of driving, car ownership in a particular state. Drug Testing: Testing for substance abuse, and any other habits that can interfere with a candidate's job-performing capabilities. Credit History: For candidates who will be responsible for managing company funds or credit cards. Personal and Professional References: Reaching out to individuals listed by the candidate to validate the references. Individuals might be ex-colleagues, superiors, neighbors, landlords, or lawyers, but not family members. All candidates aren't required to pass every type of background check we offer before our company hires them. Each position has its own requirements. For example, driving records may be relevant to field reliable salespeople and taxi drivers, but not to hire office managers. The basic background screening includes verification reports and reference checks. Local laws may prohibit or restrict certain types of background checks. We will comply with legal guidelines at all times. Criminal record checks are essential if candidates are interviewing for positions where they will: Represent our company and deal with our clients or stakeholders. Have access to sensitive and confidential information. Handle money and finances. Have any contact with children or the elderly. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES Our Human Resources Department shall: Inform candidates in the position's job advertisement that a background check is required. Ask candidates to provide written permission before conducting a background check and let them know how long the process will take. Hire a reputable and reliable background check provider. Criteria to consider when choosing a provider are: cost, legality, commitment to confidentiality and turnaround time. If our current provider does not meet our requirements for these criteria, HR should search for a new provider. Inform candidates of the results of their background checks and what we plan to do (reject or move candidates to the next hiring phase). Background check providers should give candidates copies of their results.

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