Authorship Certificate Template

Business-in-a-Box's Authorship Certificate Template

Document content

This authorship certificate template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our authorship certificate template:

AUTHORSHIP CERTIFICATE This Authorship Certificate (the "Agreement") is made and effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [EMPLOYEE NAME] (the "Employee"), an individual with his main address located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] The undersigned Employee hereby gives these representations and warranties for the purpose of assuring to the Company, and any other parties who may rely hereupon, that the Company has all right, title and interest in certain Proprietary Creations over which ownership is claimed by the Company. The Employee specifically intends that the representations and warranties contained herein may be relied upon by any party that is contemplating an acquisition, license, right to distribute, or any other interest in and to any Proprietary Creations covered hereby. NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned Employee hereby represents, warrants, acknowledges, certifies and agrees as follows: That the Employee has carefully considered and investigated each of the representations, warranties and acknowledgments and the factual circumstances involved with each such representations, warranty and acknowledgments set forth herein. That the Employee gives these representations, warranties and acknowledgments with full knowledge and intent that they may and will be relied upon by third parties who are entering or contemplating a potential legal relationship with the Company involving the Proprietary Creations. That the Employee is the author of the Proprietary Creations described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ("Employee Creations"); no other party had any input or hand in the conception, development, creations, planning or reduction to practice of the Employee Creations; and the Employee Creations were developed solely by the Employee, on Employee's own time and using the Employee's own materials, during the time spans identified adjacent to the applicable Employee Creation as designated on Exhibit "A." That the Employee was a contributing author of the Proprietary Creations described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto ("Collective Creations"); only the parties listed in Exhibit "B" adjacent to the relevant work had any input or hand in the conception, development, creations, planning or reduction to practice of the Employee Creations; and the Employee's contributions to the Collective Creations were developed solely by Employee, on Employee's own time and using the Employee's own materials, during the time spans identified adjacent to the applicable Employee Creation as designated on Exhibit "B." For purposes hereof, the Employee Creations and the Employee's contributions to the Collective Creations shall be referred to herein as the "Proprietary Creations

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Document content

This authorship certificate template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our authorship certificate template:

AUTHORSHIP CERTIFICATE This Authorship Certificate (the "Agreement") is made and effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [EMPLOYEE NAME] (the "Employee"), an individual with his main address located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] The undersigned Employee hereby gives these representations and warranties for the purpose of assuring to the Company, and any other parties who may rely hereupon, that the Company has all right, title and interest in certain Proprietary Creations over which ownership is claimed by the Company. The Employee specifically intends that the representations and warranties contained herein may be relied upon by any party that is contemplating an acquisition, license, right to distribute, or any other interest in and to any Proprietary Creations covered hereby. NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned Employee hereby represents, warrants, acknowledges, certifies and agrees as follows: That the Employee has carefully considered and investigated each of the representations, warranties and acknowledgments and the factual circumstances involved with each such representations, warranty and acknowledgments set forth herein. That the Employee gives these representations, warranties and acknowledgments with full knowledge and intent that they may and will be relied upon by third parties who are entering or contemplating a potential legal relationship with the Company involving the Proprietary Creations. That the Employee is the author of the Proprietary Creations described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ("Employee Creations"); no other party had any input or hand in the conception, development, creations, planning or reduction to practice of the Employee Creations; and the Employee Creations were developed solely by the Employee, on Employee's own time and using the Employee's own materials, during the time spans identified adjacent to the applicable Employee Creation as designated on Exhibit "A." That the Employee was a contributing author of the Proprietary Creations described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto ("Collective Creations"); only the parties listed in Exhibit "B" adjacent to the relevant work had any input or hand in the conception, development, creations, planning or reduction to practice of the Employee Creations; and the Employee's contributions to the Collective Creations were developed solely by Employee, on Employee's own time and using the Employee's own materials, during the time spans identified adjacent to the applicable Employee Creation as designated on Exhibit "B." For purposes hereof, the Employee Creations and the Employee's contributions to the Collective Creations shall be referred to herein as the "Proprietary Creations

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