Anti Harassment Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Anti Harassment Policy Template

Document content

This anti harassment policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our anti harassment policy template:

ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY OVERVIEW The company is committed to providing a working environment free of discrimination and/or harassment. We prohibit discrimination/harassment in the workplace, whether committed by or against managers, colleagues, customers, suppliers or visitors. We want our employees to work and grow in a healthy, respectful and productive environment. Discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or any other basis prohibited by law, will not be tolerated. The company prohibits inappropriate conduct based on any of the above characteristics at work, in the company's business or at events sponsored by the company. SCOPE This policy applies to all current employees of [COMPANY NAME], including full-time and part-time, contractual, permanent and temporary employees and also applies to job applicants. This policy applies to all behaviour related in any way to work, including off-site meetings, training and business trips. HARASSEMENT / DISCRIMINATION DEFINITION Harassment / Discrimination Harassment / discrimination is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive behaviour towards the person being harassed, which creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating work environment for the person concerned. There are different types of harassment that can occur at work, it can be based on: Race, ethnic origin, nationality or skin colour Gender identity and/or sexual orientation Religious or political convictions Membership or no-membership of a trade union Disabilities, illness, sensory impairments or learning difficulties Age Pregnancy/maternity/paternity This list is not exhaustive Harassment is: Offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally; Threatening or intimidating someone; Making unwelcome jokes or comments about someone's race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction. Harassment can occur between people of the same sex or opposite sex. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment has been defined as unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that: Is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; Issued as a basis for employment decisions affecting such an individual; Has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance and of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. The company prohibits inappropriate conduct that is sexual in nature of work, on company business, or at company-sponsored events including the following: Offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person's sex; Behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile or offensive work environment; Behaviour of a sexual nature that could reasonably be thought to put sexual conditions on a person's job or employment opportunities. Comments, jokes, or degrading language; Sexually suggestive objects, books, magazines, photography, cartoons, pictures, calendars, posters, electronic communications, or other materials; Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or any sexual touching; Offering favourable terms or conditions of employment or benefits in exchange for sexual favours or threatening or imposing less-favourable terms or conditions of employment if sexual favours are refused. Sexual harassment is prohibited whether it's between member of the opposite sex or members of the same sex. MANAGEMENT AND STAFF RESPONSIBIITY All managers have a responsibility to maintain a workplace free of discrimination and personal harassment. Managers are directly responsible for the conduct of their staff and the smooth running of their department. Also, [COMPANY NAME] expects all employees to comply with this policy and all employees to conduct themselves appropriately. Management are responsible for:

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Document content

This anti harassment policy template has 4 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our anti harassment policy template:

ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY OVERVIEW The company is committed to providing a working environment free of discrimination and/or harassment. We prohibit discrimination/harassment in the workplace, whether committed by or against managers, colleagues, customers, suppliers or visitors. We want our employees to work and grow in a healthy, respectful and productive environment. Discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or any other basis prohibited by law, will not be tolerated. The company prohibits inappropriate conduct based on any of the above characteristics at work, in the company's business or at events sponsored by the company. SCOPE This policy applies to all current employees of [COMPANY NAME], including full-time and part-time, contractual, permanent and temporary employees and also applies to job applicants. This policy applies to all behaviour related in any way to work, including off-site meetings, training and business trips. HARASSEMENT / DISCRIMINATION DEFINITION Harassment / Discrimination Harassment / discrimination is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive behaviour towards the person being harassed, which creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating work environment for the person concerned. There are different types of harassment that can occur at work, it can be based on: Race, ethnic origin, nationality or skin colour Gender identity and/or sexual orientation Religious or political convictions Membership or no-membership of a trade union Disabilities, illness, sensory impairments or learning difficulties Age Pregnancy/maternity/paternity This list is not exhaustive Harassment is: Offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally; Threatening or intimidating someone; Making unwelcome jokes or comments about someone's race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction. Harassment can occur between people of the same sex or opposite sex. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment has been defined as unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that: Is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; Issued as a basis for employment decisions affecting such an individual; Has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance and of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. The company prohibits inappropriate conduct that is sexual in nature of work, on company business, or at company-sponsored events including the following: Offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person's sex; Behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile or offensive work environment; Behaviour of a sexual nature that could reasonably be thought to put sexual conditions on a person's job or employment opportunities. Comments, jokes, or degrading language; Sexually suggestive objects, books, magazines, photography, cartoons, pictures, calendars, posters, electronic communications, or other materials; Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or any sexual touching; Offering favourable terms or conditions of employment or benefits in exchange for sexual favours or threatening or imposing less-favourable terms or conditions of employment if sexual favours are refused. Sexual harassment is prohibited whether it's between member of the opposite sex or members of the same sex. MANAGEMENT AND STAFF RESPONSIBIITY All managers have a responsibility to maintain a workplace free of discrimination and personal harassment. Managers are directly responsible for the conduct of their staff and the smooth running of their department. Also, [COMPANY NAME] expects all employees to comply with this policy and all employees to conduct themselves appropriately. Management are responsible for:

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