Anti Bullying Policy Template

Business-in-a-Box's Anti Bullying Policy Template

Document content

This anti bullying policy template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our anti bullying policy template:

ANTI BULLYING POLICY OVERVIEW [COMPANY NAME] is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace environment which fosters mutual respect, integrity and professional conduct. In keeping with this commitment, the Company has established this policy and a set of reporting/investigation procedures for all employees relating to the issue of workplace bullying. [COMPANY NAME] will not tolerate bullying or harassment in the workplace and will make every reasonable effort to prevent and eliminate conduct which falls within the scope of this policy. SCOPE All employees, directors and officers of the Company are covered by this policy. This policy applies to all activities which take place on the Corporation's premises (including interpersonal and electronic communications) or which are directly related to the workplace and during any job-related task or activity, including conferences, training sessions, travel and social functions. BULLYING DEFINITION Bullying is characterized by aggressive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour or abusive behaviour or abuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or hurt the person to whom it is directed. Bullying does not always result from supervisor/subordinate relationships or vice versa; unacceptable peer pressure can also constitute bullying. Examples of conduct or comments which might constitute bullying include: Demonstrations of rage against a colleague in public and/or private Personal insults and name calling Shouting, yelling Targeting an individual through persistent, unwarranted criticism Verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation Unfair criticism and persistent public humiliation Setting targets with deadlines that cannot be met Removing areas of responsibility and impose subordinate tasks instead Ignoring or excluding a person, or speak only to a third party to isolate another person Vandalizing personal belongings Spreading malicious rumours, gossip or negative innuendo Insulting someone or derogatory remarks, gestures or actions Copying critical memos about someone to others who do not need to know Ridiculing or belittling someone Exclusion Victimization Unfair treatment Overbearing surveillance Unwelcome sexual advances Touching or standing too close Postings of offensive material Making threats or comments about job security without foundation Deliberately undermine a competent worker by constantly neglecting and criticizing him/her Preventing people from progressing by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities. Bullying can take other forms. For example, what may emerge as a concern initially categorised as 'harassment', 'intimidation' or 'aggressive management' may, upon investigation, be considered to be a case of bullying. Bullying or harassment would not include: Normal exercise of supervisory responsibilities, including performance reviews, direction, counseling and disciplinary action where necessary, provided they are conducted in a respectful, professional manner, in accordance with the Company's policies and procedures; Social interactions, jokes and bantering, which are mutually acceptable, provided the interactions are respectful and there is no negative impact for others in the work environment; and Disagreements, misunderstandings, miscommunication and/or conflict situations, provided the behavior of the individuals involved remains professional and respectful. CONSEQUENCES OF BULLYING A person who is bullied may suffer from physical and/or emotional symptoms, such as sleep disorders, nausea, sweating, tremors, depression, and loss of confidence and motivation. In addition, they may suffer other consequences, such as the loss of training and development opportunities, and missed promotion opportunities. EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each and every employee of [COMPANY NAME] is expected to support the implementation of this policy by: Behaving in a manner that reflects professional conduct, mutual respect for others and respect for diversity in the workplace; Not intimidating or harassing others; Participating fully and in good faith in any resolution process or formal complaint and investigation process when it has been determined that they are able to provide relevant information; Reporting any bullying or harassment they experience or observe in the workplace that may contravene this policy; and Respecting the rights to personal dignity, privacy and confidentiality relating to this policy. MANAGEMENT ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES While each employee has a responsibility to maintain and contribute to the preservation of an environment that is free from intimidation, those in positions of authority over employees have more responsibilities than other employees in the Corporation's organization.

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Document content

This anti bullying policy template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our anti bullying policy template:

ANTI BULLYING POLICY OVERVIEW [COMPANY NAME] is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace environment which fosters mutual respect, integrity and professional conduct. In keeping with this commitment, the Company has established this policy and a set of reporting/investigation procedures for all employees relating to the issue of workplace bullying. [COMPANY NAME] will not tolerate bullying or harassment in the workplace and will make every reasonable effort to prevent and eliminate conduct which falls within the scope of this policy. SCOPE All employees, directors and officers of the Company are covered by this policy. This policy applies to all activities which take place on the Corporation's premises (including interpersonal and electronic communications) or which are directly related to the workplace and during any job-related task or activity, including conferences, training sessions, travel and social functions. BULLYING DEFINITION Bullying is characterized by aggressive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour or abusive behaviour or abuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or hurt the person to whom it is directed. Bullying does not always result from supervisor/subordinate relationships or vice versa; unacceptable peer pressure can also constitute bullying. Examples of conduct or comments which might constitute bullying include: Demonstrations of rage against a colleague in public and/or private Personal insults and name calling Shouting, yelling Targeting an individual through persistent, unwarranted criticism Verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation Unfair criticism and persistent public humiliation Setting targets with deadlines that cannot be met Removing areas of responsibility and impose subordinate tasks instead Ignoring or excluding a person, or speak only to a third party to isolate another person Vandalizing personal belongings Spreading malicious rumours, gossip or negative innuendo Insulting someone or derogatory remarks, gestures or actions Copying critical memos about someone to others who do not need to know Ridiculing or belittling someone Exclusion Victimization Unfair treatment Overbearing surveillance Unwelcome sexual advances Touching or standing too close Postings of offensive material Making threats or comments about job security without foundation Deliberately undermine a competent worker by constantly neglecting and criticizing him/her Preventing people from progressing by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities. Bullying can take other forms. For example, what may emerge as a concern initially categorised as 'harassment', 'intimidation' or 'aggressive management' may, upon investigation, be considered to be a case of bullying. Bullying or harassment would not include: Normal exercise of supervisory responsibilities, including performance reviews, direction, counseling and disciplinary action where necessary, provided they are conducted in a respectful, professional manner, in accordance with the Company's policies and procedures; Social interactions, jokes and bantering, which are mutually acceptable, provided the interactions are respectful and there is no negative impact for others in the work environment; and Disagreements, misunderstandings, miscommunication and/or conflict situations, provided the behavior of the individuals involved remains professional and respectful. CONSEQUENCES OF BULLYING A person who is bullied may suffer from physical and/or emotional symptoms, such as sleep disorders, nausea, sweating, tremors, depression, and loss of confidence and motivation. In addition, they may suffer other consequences, such as the loss of training and development opportunities, and missed promotion opportunities. EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each and every employee of [COMPANY NAME] is expected to support the implementation of this policy by: Behaving in a manner that reflects professional conduct, mutual respect for others and respect for diversity in the workplace; Not intimidating or harassing others; Participating fully and in good faith in any resolution process or formal complaint and investigation process when it has been determined that they are able to provide relevant information; Reporting any bullying or harassment they experience or observe in the workplace that may contravene this policy; and Respecting the rights to personal dignity, privacy and confidentiality relating to this policy. MANAGEMENT ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES While each employee has a responsibility to maintain and contribute to the preservation of an environment that is free from intimidation, those in positions of authority over employees have more responsibilities than other employees in the Corporation's organization.

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