Agreement with Provider of Network Services Template

Business-in-a-Box's Agreement with Provider of Network Services Template

Document content

This agreement with provider of network services template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our consultant & contractors documents.

Sample of our agreement with provider of network services template:

AGREEMENT WITH PROVIDER OF NETWORK SERVICES This Agreement with Provider of Network Services (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Provider"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [USER NAME] (the "User"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] This agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Provider") and the account holder (the "User") and supersedes any other written or oral agreement. Upon notice published on-line via Provider services, Provider may modify these terms and conditions, amplify them, and/or modify the prices, as well as discontinue or change services offered. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please notify our billing department at [SPECIFY] so we can initiate a closure of your account. USE OF YOUR ACCOUNT shall constitute your approval. Subject to the provisions hereof, the account will be opened upon reception of payment, together with this contract, and repeated in each successive billable period thereafter at the then applicable prevailing rates and charges, unless written notice of cancellation is received from User at least [NUMBER] days prior to the beginning of the next billable period. Charges for "billable period rate" services are payable prior to the beginning of each period. Failure to pay in no way relieves the user's obligations to make full payment. User hereby agrees to pay any and all attorney fees, court costs, and related expenses incurred by Provider in the collection of any amount due it. Provider may, with [NUMBER] days' written notice, amend the rates and or charges for any future server usage and/or services. User agrees to use all Provider services and facilities User's own risk. Provider specifically disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Provider be liable for any loss, or data, or other damages the client or the client's Users may suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence, subscriber's errors or omissions, or due to the fault of third parties. User agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless and expeditiously indemnify Provider and its agents and service providers against any and all liability, claim, damage, loss of expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade marks, trade names or patents, violations of rights and privacy and infringement of copyrights and property resulting from User's use of Provider services. User is solely responsible for securing User's username and password. User is solely responsible for changing User's password as required to assure secure access to User's account. Provider accounts cannot be transferred or used by anyone other than the subscriber. Users may not sell, lease, rent or assign the connection or parts of the connection to any party not named in this policy. User may allow FTP access to its server and host web sites for its Users without violating this policy. Network bandwidth charges in excess of allocated amount will be assessed from access log reports generated by the HTTPD server. Provider reserves the right to cancel any account, at any time, without notice, for any reason Provider considers appropriate. In case of cancellation, unused fees may be returned to the subscriber on a pro rata basis. Subscriber must notify Provider in writing to cancel service. Fees for set-up and the first quarter's service are not refundable.

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Document content

This agreement with provider of network services template has 3 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our consultant & contractors documents.

Sample of our agreement with provider of network services template:

AGREEMENT WITH PROVIDER OF NETWORK SERVICES This Agreement with Provider of Network Services (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BETWEEN: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Provider"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [USER NAME] (the "User"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] This agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Provider") and the account holder (the "User") and supersedes any other written or oral agreement. Upon notice published on-line via Provider services, Provider may modify these terms and conditions, amplify them, and/or modify the prices, as well as discontinue or change services offered. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please notify our billing department at [SPECIFY] so we can initiate a closure of your account. USE OF YOUR ACCOUNT shall constitute your approval. Subject to the provisions hereof, the account will be opened upon reception of payment, together with this contract, and repeated in each successive billable period thereafter at the then applicable prevailing rates and charges, unless written notice of cancellation is received from User at least [NUMBER] days prior to the beginning of the next billable period. Charges for "billable period rate" services are payable prior to the beginning of each period. Failure to pay in no way relieves the user's obligations to make full payment. User hereby agrees to pay any and all attorney fees, court costs, and related expenses incurred by Provider in the collection of any amount due it. Provider may, with [NUMBER] days' written notice, amend the rates and or charges for any future server usage and/or services. User agrees to use all Provider services and facilities User's own risk. Provider specifically disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Provider be liable for any loss, or data, or other damages the client or the client's Users may suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence, subscriber's errors or omissions, or due to the fault of third parties. User agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless and expeditiously indemnify Provider and its agents and service providers against any and all liability, claim, damage, loss of expense arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade marks, trade names or patents, violations of rights and privacy and infringement of copyrights and property resulting from User's use of Provider services. User is solely responsible for securing User's username and password. User is solely responsible for changing User's password as required to assure secure access to User's account. Provider accounts cannot be transferred or used by anyone other than the subscriber. Users may not sell, lease, rent or assign the connection or parts of the connection to any party not named in this policy. User may allow FTP access to its server and host web sites for its Users without violating this policy. Network bandwidth charges in excess of allocated amount will be assessed from access log reports generated by the HTTPD server. Provider reserves the right to cancel any account, at any time, without notice, for any reason Provider considers appropriate. In case of cancellation, unused fees may be returned to the subscriber on a pro rata basis. Subscriber must notify Provider in writing to cancel service. Fees for set-up and the first quarter's service are not refundable.

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