Agreement for Internet Advertising Services Template

Business-in-a-Box's Agreement for Internet Advertising Services Template

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This agreement for internet advertising services template has 7 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our agreement for internet advertising services template:

AGREEMENT FOR INTERNET ADVERTISING SERVICES This Agreement for Internet Advertising Services (the "Agreement") is made and effective the [Date] BETWEEN: [ADVERTISING SERVICE PROVIDER NAME] (the "Advertising Service Provider"), an individual with his main address located at OR a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Customer"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: recitals The Advertising Service Provider owns and operates an Internet Site located at [address] (the "Advertising Site") which Advertising Site contains graphical and text-based descriptions of advertised sites along with a hypertext link to the advertised site. When the hypertext link is selected by the party accessing the site ("User"), the User is transported to the URL for the advertised site. The Customer owns and operates an Internet Site located at [address] (the "Advertised Site") and the current subject matter of the content of the Advertised Site is described as follows: [Describe] ADVERTISING MATERIALS The Customer agrees to submit to the Advertising Service Provider, on or before the [NUMBER]th day after acceptance of this Agreement, advertising materials to be used by the Advertising Service Provider which shall meet its Uniform Advertising Specifications set forth and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The Advertising Service Provider has the right and option to approve, in its absolute discretion, the content of any advertising material that the Customer submits if the Advertising Service Provider finds that it does not meet its Uniform Advertising Specification, if it is objectionable to the Advertising Service Provider in any way, if it contains false or misleading information, if it contains any illegal information, if it contains any vulgar or pornographic items, or for any other reason, in the Advertising Service Provider sole discretion. If the Advertising Service Provider rejects any adverting material that the Customer submitted, the Advertising Service Provider will notify the Customer. Even after the Advertising Service Provider accepts the advertising, the Advertising Service Provider has the right to remove it if it does not function correctly or for any of the reasons described above. The Advertising Service Provider placing the advertising on its page does not signify its approval or waiver of the right to object to it in the future. The Advertising Service Provider has the right to terminate this Agreement if the Advertising Service Provider remove or fail to approve any materials that the Customer submits in which case any prepaid advertising fee shall be returned to Customer. The Customer will not have any damages or other remedies, in law or in equity against the Advertising Service Provider for failing to place or removing any advertising except for the return of any unused prepaid advertising fees. The Customer may periodically make changes to its advertising material which the Advertising Service Provider must also approve. The Advertising Service Provider will charge a fee at its standard fee schedule rate for making changes to the Customer advertising materials on the Advertising Service Provider's site. The Customer will provide the Advertising Service Provider with all changed materials that Customer desires to integrate. The Advertising Service Provider will use its reasonable efforts to make the changes that Customer submits within [NUMBER] days after the Advertising Service Provider approve the same. The Advertising Service Provider agrees to provide the advertising formats as described in Exhibit "B" hereto at the pricing rates described in that same Exhibit "B" SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The Advertising Service Provider does not guarantee any given amount of Impressions to Customer's page as a result of its advertising services unless a separate Impression Guarantee Addendum has been executed by both parties hereto. The Advertising Service Provider will use its reasonable efforts to make its Advertising Site available for display through the World Wide Web. The Advertising Service Provider is not responsible for periodic downtime for maintenance, backup, acts of God, and other circumstances beyond its control or which are a normal part of the Internet business. The Advertising Service Provider will not place links to the Customer's website or website content in newsgroups, message boards, unsolicited email and other types of spam, chat rooms, guest books, IRC channels or through similar Internet resources. The Advertising Service Provider will be held accountable for any monetary damages suffered by the Customer, sustained through contravention of this Agreement. This will include, but not limit to punitive damages related to lost clients and brand deterioration. The Advertising Service Provider shall be responsible for tracking Impressions to the Customer site through the advertisements that are included on its site. The Advertising Service Provider will report this information via Email on a monthly basis. The Customer will agree to treat this information as confidential. The Customer may use it for its internal business and marketing planning, but may not disclose it to third parties without an advanced written consent. PLACEMENT OF THE ADVERTISING The Advertising Service Provider reserves onto its own discretion all decisions and matters concerning placement of Customer's advertisement on pages of the Advertising Service Provider Site, software solutions, hardware configurations and selection, system components, categories of advertising, search engine results and search parameters and other operational and administrative matters pertaining to the construction and operation of the Advertising Service Provider Site. COMPENSATION In consideration of its advertising services, the Customer agrees to pay the advertising fees set forth on the fee schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "C

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Document content

This agreement for internet advertising services template has 7 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our software & technology documents.

Sample of our agreement for internet advertising services template:

AGREEMENT FOR INTERNET ADVERTISING SERVICES This Agreement for Internet Advertising Services (the "Agreement") is made and effective the [Date] BETWEEN: [ADVERTISING SERVICE PROVIDER NAME] (the "Advertising Service Provider"), an individual with his main address located at OR a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [COMPLETE ADDRESS] AND: [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (the "Customer"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of [STATE/PROVINCE], with its head office located at: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS] In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: recitals The Advertising Service Provider owns and operates an Internet Site located at [address] (the "Advertising Site") which Advertising Site contains graphical and text-based descriptions of advertised sites along with a hypertext link to the advertised site. When the hypertext link is selected by the party accessing the site ("User"), the User is transported to the URL for the advertised site. The Customer owns and operates an Internet Site located at [address] (the "Advertised Site") and the current subject matter of the content of the Advertised Site is described as follows: [Describe] ADVERTISING MATERIALS The Customer agrees to submit to the Advertising Service Provider, on or before the [NUMBER]th day after acceptance of this Agreement, advertising materials to be used by the Advertising Service Provider which shall meet its Uniform Advertising Specifications set forth and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The Advertising Service Provider has the right and option to approve, in its absolute discretion, the content of any advertising material that the Customer submits if the Advertising Service Provider finds that it does not meet its Uniform Advertising Specification, if it is objectionable to the Advertising Service Provider in any way, if it contains false or misleading information, if it contains any illegal information, if it contains any vulgar or pornographic items, or for any other reason, in the Advertising Service Provider sole discretion. If the Advertising Service Provider rejects any adverting material that the Customer submitted, the Advertising Service Provider will notify the Customer. Even after the Advertising Service Provider accepts the advertising, the Advertising Service Provider has the right to remove it if it does not function correctly or for any of the reasons described above. The Advertising Service Provider placing the advertising on its page does not signify its approval or waiver of the right to object to it in the future. The Advertising Service Provider has the right to terminate this Agreement if the Advertising Service Provider remove or fail to approve any materials that the Customer submits in which case any prepaid advertising fee shall be returned to Customer. The Customer will not have any damages or other remedies, in law or in equity against the Advertising Service Provider for failing to place or removing any advertising except for the return of any unused prepaid advertising fees. The Customer may periodically make changes to its advertising material which the Advertising Service Provider must also approve. The Advertising Service Provider will charge a fee at its standard fee schedule rate for making changes to the Customer advertising materials on the Advertising Service Provider's site. The Customer will provide the Advertising Service Provider with all changed materials that Customer desires to integrate. The Advertising Service Provider will use its reasonable efforts to make the changes that Customer submits within [NUMBER] days after the Advertising Service Provider approve the same. The Advertising Service Provider agrees to provide the advertising formats as described in Exhibit "B" hereto at the pricing rates described in that same Exhibit "B" SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The Advertising Service Provider does not guarantee any given amount of Impressions to Customer's page as a result of its advertising services unless a separate Impression Guarantee Addendum has been executed by both parties hereto. The Advertising Service Provider will use its reasonable efforts to make its Advertising Site available for display through the World Wide Web. The Advertising Service Provider is not responsible for periodic downtime for maintenance, backup, acts of God, and other circumstances beyond its control or which are a normal part of the Internet business. The Advertising Service Provider will not place links to the Customer's website or website content in newsgroups, message boards, unsolicited email and other types of spam, chat rooms, guest books, IRC channels or through similar Internet resources. The Advertising Service Provider will be held accountable for any monetary damages suffered by the Customer, sustained through contravention of this Agreement. This will include, but not limit to punitive damages related to lost clients and brand deterioration. The Advertising Service Provider shall be responsible for tracking Impressions to the Customer site through the advertisements that are included on its site. The Advertising Service Provider will report this information via Email on a monthly basis. The Customer will agree to treat this information as confidential. The Customer may use it for its internal business and marketing planning, but may not disclose it to third parties without an advanced written consent. PLACEMENT OF THE ADVERTISING The Advertising Service Provider reserves onto its own discretion all decisions and matters concerning placement of Customer's advertisement on pages of the Advertising Service Provider Site, software solutions, hardware configurations and selection, system components, categories of advertising, search engine results and search parameters and other operational and administrative matters pertaining to the construction and operation of the Advertising Service Provider Site. COMPENSATION In consideration of its advertising services, the Customer agrees to pay the advertising fees set forth on the fee schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "C

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