This 30 days to break any habit template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
30 DAYS TO BREAK ANY HABIT Bad habits can be hard to break. Regardless of the habit, destructive behaviors keep you away from the life you desire. Unhealthy habits can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health and leave you feeling as if you don't have enough control over your impulses. While change is frequently challenging, having a plan can make it easier. This step-by-step plan can help you eliminate any bad habit: Monitor the habit for a week. Make note of the times you're likely to engage in the habit. Maybe you only smoke around certain friends. Perhaps you bite your nails when you're stressed or bored. At any rate, identify under which circumstances your habit is most likely to rear its ugly head. Find out why. Your habit is satisfying some need. You're gaining a benefit, or you wouldn't be exhibiting the behavior at all. Figuring out the positive aspects of your habit will help you understand it. Once you understand it, you can begin to change it. Develop a substitute behavior. Find a more acceptable alternative that satisfies the same need that was being met by the old habit. So, if your habit helps you to deal with stress, what are some healthy alternatives? Yoga? Other exercise? Deep breathing? Meditating? Singing? Watching a comedy? Calling a friend? What could you do instead that isn't harmful? Better yet, what could you do instead that would be healthy for you? Start substituting the new habit for the old
This 30 days to break any habit template has 2 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our business plan kit documents.
30 DAYS TO BREAK ANY HABIT Bad habits can be hard to break. Regardless of the habit, destructive behaviors keep you away from the life you desire. Unhealthy habits can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health and leave you feeling as if you don't have enough control over your impulses. While change is frequently challenging, having a plan can make it easier. This step-by-step plan can help you eliminate any bad habit: Monitor the habit for a week. Make note of the times you're likely to engage in the habit. Maybe you only smoke around certain friends. Perhaps you bite your nails when you're stressed or bored. At any rate, identify under which circumstances your habit is most likely to rear its ugly head. Find out why. Your habit is satisfying some need. You're gaining a benefit, or you wouldn't be exhibiting the behavior at all. Figuring out the positive aspects of your habit will help you understand it. Once you understand it, you can begin to change it. Develop a substitute behavior. Find a more acceptable alternative that satisfies the same need that was being met by the old habit. So, if your habit helps you to deal with stress, what are some healthy alternatives? Yoga? Other exercise? Deep breathing? Meditating? Singing? Watching a comedy? Calling a friend? What could you do instead that isn't harmful? Better yet, what could you do instead that would be healthy for you? Start substituting the new habit for the old
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