10 Highly Effective Team Building Exercises Template

Business-in-a-Box's 10 Highly Effective Team Building Exercises Template

Document content

This 10 highly effective team building exercises template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our 10 highly effective team building exercises template:

BUILDING A POWERFUL TEAM: 10 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES Team building exercises can be very useful in helping a team bond. They encourage the team to work together, promote creative thinking, and foster team spirit. Use the following exercises to help your team come together. 1. Truth or Lie? Goal: To help team members get to know one another Give each person on your team a sheet of paper. Have each person write down two things that are true and one lie about themselves. The lie should be believable. The goal is to make it hard to distinguish between the truths and the lie. Go around the room and have each person read their statements. Their teammates must try to guess which statement is a lie. You may be surprised by what you learn about your fellow teammates. 2. What's Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? Goal: To promote creativity Ask each person to bring an item from their desk. The item from their desk is the "product" that they must promote. They must come up with a plan to sell this item. Logos and slogans are required. Once everyone has come up with a promotional plan for their product, have them present their plan to the group. Then have the group discuss which presentations they felt were the most effective. 3. What's the Picture? Goal: To strengthen communication between the team members Divide everyone into teams of two, facing in opposite directions so that they can't see each other. Give one person on the team a picture. They describe the picture without saying what the picture is. The other person tries to guess what it is. 4. How Are You Alike? Goal: To help teammates get to know each other better Divide your team into smaller groups. Each group must discover something that all the group members have in common. Once a common thread has been found between all the members, they need to come up with a list of other characteristics that people with their common trait share. For example, if everyone in a group loves dogs, they would come up with a list of traits that are common to dog lovers. 5. Watch Where You Step Goal: To encourage teamwork and communication Using tape on the floor, make a large rectangle approximately 12 feet long by 7 feet wide. When making it, keep in mind that people will be trying to get from one end of the rectangle to the other end while blindfolded. Place some pieces of paper in the rectangle. These papers represent bombs that must be avoided. Divide your team into groups of two

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Document content

This 10 highly effective team building exercises template has 5 pages and is a MS Word file type listed under our human resources documents.

Sample of our 10 highly effective team building exercises template:

BUILDING A POWERFUL TEAM: 10 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES Team building exercises can be very useful in helping a team bond. They encourage the team to work together, promote creative thinking, and foster team spirit. Use the following exercises to help your team come together. 1. Truth or Lie? Goal: To help team members get to know one another Give each person on your team a sheet of paper. Have each person write down two things that are true and one lie about themselves. The lie should be believable. The goal is to make it hard to distinguish between the truths and the lie. Go around the room and have each person read their statements. Their teammates must try to guess which statement is a lie. You may be surprised by what you learn about your fellow teammates. 2. What's Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? Goal: To promote creativity Ask each person to bring an item from their desk. The item from their desk is the "product" that they must promote. They must come up with a plan to sell this item. Logos and slogans are required. Once everyone has come up with a promotional plan for their product, have them present their plan to the group. Then have the group discuss which presentations they felt were the most effective. 3. What's the Picture? Goal: To strengthen communication between the team members Divide everyone into teams of two, facing in opposite directions so that they can't see each other. Give one person on the team a picture. They describe the picture without saying what the picture is. The other person tries to guess what it is. 4. How Are You Alike? Goal: To help teammates get to know each other better Divide your team into smaller groups. Each group must discover something that all the group members have in common. Once a common thread has been found between all the members, they need to come up with a list of other characteristics that people with their common trait share. For example, if everyone in a group loves dogs, they would come up with a list of traits that are common to dog lovers. 5. Watch Where You Step Goal: To encourage teamwork and communication Using tape on the floor, make a large rectangle approximately 12 feet long by 7 feet wide. When making it, keep in mind that people will be trying to get from one end of the rectangle to the other end while blindfolded. Place some pieces of paper in the rectangle. These papers represent bombs that must be avoided. Divide your team into groups of two

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